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It past 8pm when front doors opened, Kennedy and mum sitting beside me, dad sitting on the other side of couch with Kyle as James was walking back and forth in frustration.

"have someone dead so you all are here looking like that?" he asked as he walked towards living room

Training bag on his shoulder, messy hair and training tracksuit.

"you better leave that bag there and get here" James said pointing to the hallway

His eyes met mine for a second and I had a feeling he thought I said something that happened between us that night.

"what?" he asked coldly sitting on the armchair

"where have you been the whole week?" James asked madly

"I'm not having this conversation, I'm nineteen!! I can do whatever I want without you knowing ever detail!" he raised his voice on James

James got closer to him clearly not liking this.

"You're my son and as long as you live under my roof and get money for whatever your heart wish, you will tell me where you're spending every day!" James said trying not to raise his voice

"as I said I'm nineteen, which give a chance to move out of parents house, if that's gonna bring you peace then I will, you get your cards and car, I don't need it" Leo madly stood up taking his car keys from his pocket and going to his bag taking his cards of and throwing it on coffee table

He put his bag back on his shoulder and rush out of the house as Kennedy just watched in disbelief.

"are you seriously gonna let him leave just like that?" Kennedy snapped at James

I stood up and ran after Leo, if everyone could but I couldn't let him like this. James has spoke wrong words because he was mad but with right mad because he was worrying about Leo the whole week but it still didn't have to end this way.

"LEO, WAIT" I shout after him

It was dark, just street lights were on and it was about to start raining in any second now.

"LEO" I shout

"fuck off Grace" he shout angry but I just ran towards him

He was taller than me, he has longer legs and even I was running I was still behind him.

"god damnit Leo" I said breathing heavily as I pulled him by hand

"don't you understand when someone say fuck off?!" he yelled at me pulling his hand of mine aggressively that literally caused me to fall

"I can't believe it" he said frustrated getting closer to me and giving me hand

"fuck off you now" I said frowning and standing up just as rain started

"I can't believe what you turned into" I said

"you could at least tell someone that you won't be home for a week, we were worried. I thought something happened to you because of me!" I shout

"I don't need anyone to worry about me, the least not you" he said turning away from me

"and you gonna leave now, for a week again or even longer? What you gonna do without any money?" I asked shouting at him

"that's not your problem! Actually, noone of yours" he shout

"okay go, leave, I don't give a fuck, you asshole!" I shout and he turn towards me the same second

"you have no right to call me that" he said squeezing my wrist

"and you didn't have right to call me a slut but you did" I said

"fuck you" he mumbled and next I know is his lips on mine, kissing me aggressively

I felt like the world is turning around so damn fast, rain was pouring over us as he just pulled me even closer to him throwing his bag on the floor.

"you're going with me" he said as his lips left mine

He pulled me by hand taking his bag and I didn't know how to react. What is going to happen? Do I need to pull my hand off his and run back to the house? Forget about this or tell his parents their son is an asshole who just took my first kiss on that way?

The next I know is us in some hotel, all soaked, with nothing with us, not a single dry clothes.

He got us room and I started to panic, feel nervous and my heart was pounding.

"how we gonna pay it? You gave all cards to James and I barely have my phone which is soaked" I said trying to dry my shirt by squeezing water of it

"I have some cash, it was meant for membership fee for the club but I will work it out" he said taking his tracksuit top off

"no, you can't do that" I said

"I'm gonna ask Kyle to bring me some of mine" I said and he was in front of me the same second

"no chance, I brought you with me and I'm gonna make it up" he said kissing the top of my head and taking his t-shirt of what caused me to immediately turn away from him

"it's not that smelly as my training t-shirt" he said giving me his shirt after he put on his training t-shirt

"I'm good" I mumbled

"Grace, don't piss me off again, I can't let you get sick because of me" he said

"but you don't care about me" I said and he looked at me taking deep breath

"better be quiet, it's not smart what you're doing" he said

"you're sleeping on the bed and I'm gonna make company to this floor" he said pointing to bed

I went to the bathroom to put on his t-shirt but I didn't know what to do with my jeans. I barely pulled them down of how soaked they were.

"look away please" I said opening doors

I heard him laughing as I quickly jumped on the bed pulling duvet over me.

"good night GR" he said looking up at me

I got to the edge of the bed and looked down at him.

"you sure you'll be okay down there?" I asked and he nodded

"it's the most safe" he said and I smiled lightly

"goodnight LC" I said and he smiled back at me

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