100. THE END

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~AUGUST, 2044~

Days were passing by. Months were passing by. And now we were here, three and half years later, three and half year after Leo asked Grace to be his girlfriend.

Leo and Grace were better than ever before, in love more than ever before. Two months ago Leo won his first Champions League with Leicester. Two weeks ago he came back from his first EURO and that as a winner.

Past two months were the happiest months of their lives. Nothing was standing between them and being in relationship for 3 and half years felt like much more for Grace.

Grace was holding now Leo's hand not able to take smile of her face as they were driving to Leicester.

They finally made it and decided to buy their first house together. Leo was excited just as much as Grace was if not more.

They couldn't wait to start living together, to buy their first house, to move in their house and to start living like a perfect couple.

It was late afternoon, the weather was more than good and light sun was still shining through the clouds.

Grace leaned her head onto the window looking at the nature.

Her heart was happier than ever, pounding hard and she had a feeling nothing can ruin their day.


I couldn't be happier and I just wanted this day to last forever but it didn't go as we both planned.

At one moment I just saw car going into us. Loud crash and screams were the only things I could hear.

I felt like I was flying and in the next second I was hanging over, scared of falling down on my head as some liquid was falling down my face.

I wanted to get out of the car, to open my eyes, to see him, to know he is okay but I couldn't move. All I heard was heart beating, mine or his, I don't have an idea.

Moments were passing by and I felt even more sleepy and I could fall asleep any moment from now.

I heard familiar sounds, the ones I always got shivers from, being scared of them and now they are getting closer, louder. Firefighters, police, ambulance, I'm hearing them all and I just wanted to scream, but my eyes were closing more and more.

My breaths became quieter, my heart beats slower and that liquid was still falling down my face.

I heard footsteps, voices and soon enough I felt car moving like someone came to help us, but I couldn't move.

I didn't know where Leo is and it scares me even more, I'm not hearing him, I'm not feeling him.

I felt someone wrapping their arms around me and pulling me out of the car laying me down on the ground and all I saw was darkness, I didn't hear anything else.


Firefighters pulled them both from the car and paramedics immediately got to help them.

Leo wasn't at his sense and paramedics were worrying trying to get him back to life before they put young couple in ambulance and driving them to the hospital.

"we're losing him" the one said to the other grabbing resuscitation device

"no.....stay with us..... please" paramedic tried to stay calm as he was scared of his own thoughts, he can't let the young person die

"she's not good" the other two paramedics mumbled to each other as he heard them through the speaker from the other ambulance

"yes" he put device away looking at the monitor to guy's heart beats, they weren't normal and he could just wait what will happen next

"is she okay?" he asked and the beeps got from both sides, from the other ambulance and the one he was in

They were trying their best to help the young couple but all they could was stop all devices and sit there in disbelief.

"we lost her" one said

"he's stable but not the best" the other said as they got to the hospital

On the other side their parents were just about to find out what happened to their loved ones.

"Breaking news, we witnessed the car crash about half an hour ago on this right place, in which, unfortunately and sadly, one of them lost life, while the other driver saved his. We still don't know the names but we can say that the couple was on the road from London to Leicester, while they were stopped few miles before their destination" the reporters voice echoes through the both houses, the Maddison's and the Chilwells

"Unfortunately we have to announce the news we just got....young footballer, Leo Maddison, 23, and his girlfriend Grace Chilwell, 20, are victims of the car crash. This is going to echo through the whole country, the whole Europe. Leo was the young star of the Leicester FC, the big hope of the whole club, the whole career was in front of him and he just got started at the Euro a month ago. We still don't have information of who of the couple lost life but all we can say at the moment is that we will update the nation with everything we find out. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the two. Young live just got shut down."

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