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Since the day we met, Alex, Phoebe and I are hanging out a lot. Alex decided to stay in London for couple of months because he paused a year until he decide what college he wants beside football what is also on the pause now when he is here and not in Los Angeles where he plays.

He also said that Lauren, his mum already made up with Reece about them coming back to London and stay at Reece's until they buy house.

Phoebe still don't know about it because Alex wants to surprise her so it's hard for me to keep this big secret from my best friend that I know since she was born.

This weekend Alex and Phoebe are celebrating their birthdays together since they are just one day apart even Alex is 3 years older.

Since they're celebrating it together I didn't have a problem to choose where I will go because they both invited me, but of course I will choose Phoebe before Alex.

When Leo found out that I was invited from Alex's side too he got mad. Even Phoebe and Alex are gonna celebrate it together they decided that, venue where they are celebrating, is gonna have a part for Alex and part for Phoebe but of course we all gonna celebrate together. It had to be like this because Phoebe and Alex of course don't have the same group of friends.

When Leo found out that Phoebe and Alex are gonna celebrate together he got mad, he yelled at me telling me I will sure have a day with Phoebe but that I'm not gonna go to that party and that just made me mad at him.

At first I really thought about not going because I wasn't for parties but when I got that his reaction, to his bad, I decided to go and not care about him.

I put on my little pink dress, it had almost fully opened back but I didn't care, not now when I wanted to piss Leo even more. He has no right to tell me what to do and where to go, he is noone to me.

I lightly curled my hair and let it fall down my back. Since I don't wear heels and at 16 still don't have one in my room I put on my sneakers.

Just as mum, I prefer sneakers over heels and for now it will be like that for couple of more years because I know that mum started wearing them when she started dating dad so maybe my mind will also change.


I came earlier so I can help Phoebe with some things she had to get done. Alex was also already there so we helped him with his stuff too.

"I won't have many people here tonight, just few old and few new friends that I met here past two months" Alex said

"don't worry, I won't have many girls either" Phoebe said and smiled

"Mine starts at 8" Alex said and Phoebe nodded

Since Alex is celebrating his 19 birthday he made up with venue owners that he will start two hours after Phoebe which means he will also finish two hours after her.

It's Phoebe's 16th birthday so she starts at 6 and finish at 10 even we will have boys older than 18 in here with us Phoebe didn't want to risk anything and so didn't Alex and they did this schedule for their parties.


It was around 10 when girls started leaving. When all left it past half 11 so Phoebe and I decided to put some things on its place quickly which was actually about half an hour.

"hey you two, didn't you say you will come over?" Alex shout from the doorway

"yeah, we'll be right there" Phoebe shout and Alex just smiled leaving

We turn off light in our part of venue and we went to the boys.

They had loud music on and as soon we entered the room I could smell alcohol and I didn't like it.

As we meet with everyone we didn't know Phoebe and I went to little podium with Kenzie.

Kenzie was girlfriend of Daniel, one of Alex's new friend. She was so nice and we immediately get on.


I really can say that Alex had an amazing party, it was funny, nice and we were all having a nice time.

He was there, I saw him, but he didn't approach me and I didn't think to approach him either. He was in the corner of room with Luke and he was just looking at situation.

One song came on and everyone started messing around, dancing and jumping and I had a feeling it was only me who didn't know the song.

It didn't last long until I got a bit more comfortable and started dancing around with Phoebe and Kenzie.

In one moment I found myself messing around with Noah and then I realized how handsome he really was.

I saw Leo looking towards us not much happy and that's when I got an idea to make him even more frustrated.

If I try and get his jealous reaction I will know he still care about me and that was at the moment the thing I wanted to know the most.

"what the hell are you doing here" he pulled me by wrist to room where Phoebe had party pinning me against wall

"haven't I told you not to come?" he asked clearly mad, but I didn't care

"who are you to me, for me to listen to you?" I asked getting into his face

"you think Ben and Ela would be happy to see you like this? Dressed like a slut letting guys into your pants?"......

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