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~December 2040~

I didn't know what to do. We came with dad's car and I couldn't take it. I was in jeans and I couldn't run. She pissed me off and I had to find some girl to fuck and leave. To take all my anger off of me on some innocent girl who will probably caught feelings again, but she won't be the first and surely not the last one.

But I couldn't. Three weeks ago I ended up in hotel room with some girl that reminded me of Grace. Just a second before I made a mistake again I stepped back, I left unknown girl in hotel room all alone, not knowing if she had to pay for it, if she had the way to get back home but that's me, I don't care about anyone, but then there is she.

The girl because of who I didn't have sex for three weeks and do I miss it? Yes. Do I need it? Just to take my anger off of me. Can I do it? No.

The most not now when she admitted that she is hurt by me sleeping with that girl from her class. I didn't know it, she said she's 18 and I didn't have time to question it. I needed to do what I was looking for.

Those three week I was on the road, training-home and I didn't missed anything, instead her.

I was looking for an apartment, to buy some for myself to be away from everyone, to have my peace and noone who will ask me hundred of questions about one situation.

I didn't know where to go and I did again. I went to some random hotel. I laid down on the bed staring at ceiling.

I hated to admit but I liked her, but I know I can't let myself fall for her, let her fall for me. I'm not the person to catch feelings and I can't give a girl what she wants instead sex after which I will leave.

Grace need different, she need love, she need feelings, she need someone who will care about her, someone who will treat her like a princess and I can't give her that. I do care about her but not the way she need it. I can't give her love.

I have to tell her the truth.

I sent her my location without anything else.


It was 9pm when I got some location from Leo. I was confused but I opened it. It was some hotel 20 minutes from my house by walk.

I didn't know what to do, but then shivers ran down my spine, I got scared about him.

I asked dad if I can go to Phoebe because she wasn't feeling well but she was alone at home. He said that he can go to pick her up so she will be here with us while her parents went to weekend away.

Somehow, fortunately, he gave up letting me go. I sent Phoebe message that if someone ask that she doesn't feel well and that I am with her.

I was always scared of walking through night alone but in this moment I was more scared about him than myself.

As soon as I got in front of hotel I got nervous, he didn't tell me what room he is and I didn't know what to expect.

I went to the reception.

"Maddison" I said

"we don't have the last name in" woman said I cursed in myself

"LC?" I asked

"yes, that's right, room 21, floor 3" she said and I smiled thankfully

I nervously went up with elevator to the floor 3.

I nervously knocked taking deep breath. Soon enough he opened doors.

Not saying anything I entered his room he locked doors. I sat on the chair as he sat on the edge of the bed and I could see him perfectly.

He was freshly showered, hair still half soaked, grey sweatpants and classic white t-shirt.

"you won't ask why I called you?" he asked few moments later

"I thought you would tell me" I said

"can you get closer?" he asked and I took deep breath

I walked towards him, sitting beside him.

"I want us to lay down and talk" he said and I looked at him confused but I laid down right after him

Our arms were lightly touching as he was staring at the ceiling and I was looking at his profile.

"two years ago, I was at friend's 18 birthday, he was a year older than me. Everything was okay, until everyone got drunk, I didn't. There was that friend's sister, she was two years older than him. She was drunk as fuck. I couldn't with all those drunk people around me and I went to one of the rooms to sleep and then my night turned into nightmare"

I was staring at him shocked not knowing what he is gonna say next.

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