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~October 2040~

Here I am staring at myself not satisfied with anything for the hundred time. My jeans don't fit me anymore, my shirt don't hide as much as it should be, my face is on that period of month when it's full of pimples, my hair can not be fixed better than it already is.

I took a deep breath opening my wardrobe again as my eyes were watering up.

"fuck it all" I mumbled to myself taking white t-shirt and white-black shirt that I stole from dad

I put on my blue jeans put my t-shirt and shirt on sitting on the edge of my bed staring back at myself in the mirror.

Tears were threatened to fall down my cheeks what at the end happened. I started sobbing looking at myself until someone knock on my bedroom doors.

I wiped my tears away trying to calm my breathing before I went to open the door. 

"are you ready?" mum asked as I opened doors

"yeah" I said looking at the floor

"what happened? why you cried?" she asked lifting my chin up so I looked at her

"burnt my neck with hair straightener" I fake laughed

"yes sure" she said clearly not believing me but she let it go

"let's go" she said and I took my phone from bed and walked downstairs putting my Jordans on in front of the front doors

"dad and Kyle went to Leicester with James and Leo" mum said and I nodded

Mum told me that they are not living in Coventry anymore. When it was sure that they will stay in Los Angeles they sold their house in Coventry. When they decided to come back they first bought a house and now they here, in London, only few miles from us.

"are you sure you're okay today?" mum asked as we were walking down London streets to the Yield Gallery where we have to meet Kennedy and Millie

"I'm sure mum" I said

"you know you can tell me everything" she said and I nodded

"I know mum" I said

I know she see that something's not okay, that I hide something but that's only because I don't want to upset anyone, to stand between my parents and brother and his parents and sister. It's between us and we have to make it up not pulling in anyone else.

Twenty minutes of walking we got in front of Yield Gallery and just couple of minutes later we finally saw Kennedy and Millie approaching us.

"hey you two, it past 10 years...goodness" Kennedy said hugging mum as Millie and I were just standing there smiling shyly while looking at our mums

"I'm Grace if you don't remember since we were both small" I said raising my hand to Millie as she just smiled at me, her cheeks turning pink

"I do remember...a little bit, but I know you're Grace" she said and I smiled at her

"Grace" Kennedy said and I turned to her

She pulled me into hug and I just felt kind of safety.

"hey" I smiled lightly

"you've grown up so much" she said pinching my cheeks and I just smiled even more

"you became real beauty" she said a little quieter

"thank you" I said shyly


We spent about an hour and half walking around Yield Gallery, it was amazing, I was totally impressed with all the arts, pieces of art.

"Chinese or Japanese?" Kennedy asked as we got to the take away

"we are for chinese" mum said and so we do ordered Chinese for us and they ordered Japanese so we can share with one another

Dinner we decided to have in Green Park as a picnic to enjoy the nature, fresh air and the sight.

We chose the right time, perfect timing, it was the time for sunset and the view was amazing. There wasn't many people around and that just made it even better.

Before we decided to head home we went to the London Eye, to get even better view of the city and it so was, the panoramic view.

We really did talked a lot, about nothing specific but just classic things, everyday things, every day routine, sharing with one another things that happened past 10 years and on my surprise noone mentioned Leo, only couple of times but because it was necessary and I didn't judge it, I was okay with it.

"so girls, do you wanna make up the living room for movie night while Kennedy and I bake cookies? I made the mixture before we left and it definitely is perfect now" mum said and her and Kennedy went to kitchen while Millie followed me towards my room

We took pillows and blankets from my room and then from mum and dad's. As we got back to the living room we throw everything on the floor.

We put pillows and blankets for mum and Kennedy on the couch as Millie and I made it for ourselves on the floor.

Until we decided for movie mum and Kennedy already made cookies and it smelled just as amazing as they were.


It's not the best I know, but I already don't have much time to write but since I promised I'm gonna update tonight I'm doing so and I hope you like it (at least a bit). I promise next chapters are gonna be better.

Love you all <33

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