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We were all already in the church waiting for bride. Mum, as her sister's maid of honour was standing on the left of Liam's side as his best man was standing on his right.

Mum was so nervous and I just couldn't imagine how nervous aunt and Liam were then.

I was standing beside dad as Kyle was on his other side.

Leo didn't make it, he said he's gonna be here but their is no sight of him and I felt bad.

I smiled at mum as they were looking towards the entrance where aunt have to com through any minute now.

I turned to door as I heard footsteps but it wasn't aunt it was Leo. I exhaled smiling lightly as he walked towards us. He put his arm around my waist kissing the side of my head.

"there was a car crash on the half way and I shouldn't come quicker" he whispered to me and fear rush through my body

"I'm glad you're here" I whispered back to him and he smiled lightly at me

Song started playing and we all turned towards the entrance as aunt was walking towards us with grandpa.

Leo took my hand in his interweaving his fingers with mine as I couldn't take my eyes from my aunt and so couldn't anyone else, she looks like an angel.

James, Kennedy and Millie should also be here but Millie had performance at 10am so they said they will come as soon as she finishes but that they definitely won't make it until the ceremony.

I feel bad that I didn't know it until the few minutes ago when dad told me because I asked Leo to be here with me and because of me he didn't go to his sister's performance.

I smiled at aunt as she walked past us towards her groom.

I looked at mum, she has tears in her eyes just like Liam, he shakes his hands before she stepped in front of him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" priest said and they kissed as everyone clapped.


"why you didn't tell me Millie has a performance?" I asked as he was driving us towards the venue

"on the right" I told him where to go

"you should be with your sister instead of me" I said looking at him

"it's actually not a performance, just the last rehearsal before the first performance on Monday" he said

"you gonna go, right?" I asked

"of course, I'm gonna go" he said

"you better" I said leaning back into my seat

We drive after the cars to get to the parking lot in front of the venue.

We pulled in and when I took my purse putting my hand on the doors to open them he stopped me.

I looked at him and he put his hand on my cheek pulling me closer to him.

"can I get a kiss before we join them?" he asked and I smiled leaning in to kiss him

I pulled away but he didn't let go and kissed my neck.

"just to make sure they know you're taken" he said winking at me and I couldn't help but smile

"like you don't see I have your name" I said showing him necklace around my neck

"better two than one" he said kissing me once again before he left car running towards my side and opening doors for me

"here you go, my princess" he said and I just smiled even more

"thank you, my prince" I said kissing him on cheek

"nope" he said pulling me to kiss him on the lips

"we can go now" he said interweaving his fingers with mine and we walked towards the entrance of the venue as most of the guests were already there

"there you are" mum said as we approach them

"hey" I said hugging her and then I turned to aunt and my fresh new uncle

I smiled at them and hugged each of them.

"congratulations" I said to both of them as aunt pulled me a bit away from my parents, Kyle, Liam and Leo

"I met with Kennedy and James few months ago and only Millie was with them, he grown up so much" she said as we looked at Leo who was now saying congratulations to Liam and he immediately laughed about something

"I know" I said

"Grace, can I ask you something?" she asked and I looked at her worrying

"what's wrong?" I asked

"I know it's probably early but, you love him right?" she asked and I couldn't be more confused

"yes, I do, we had our times but I'm happy with him" I said as she cup my face

"I know you're still young but first love and first relationships sometimes ends like the last or one that always follows you everywhere and you just can't forget it. I know I'm not your mum and you probably won't want to listen to me but look at your mum, Ben was her first love, they had ups and downs but they're happy at the end and are having you two amazing kids. Liam and I had complicated start, we had our bad times and we broke up couple of times through past 7 years, but he was my first love and everything was always pulling me back to him and now we are here, we said yes to each other for the rest of our lives" she said as I was listening but I was confused

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