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~October 2040~

I got lost in my thoughts, in my world of books when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"hey" I said quietly answering the call

"where are you G? Match starts for 10 minutes we have to bring some things yet" Phoebe said and I closed my eyes for a second

"I'll there in a minute" I said and get up from the floor

"he is so nervous and frustrated, have something happen?" she asked

"I don't want to talk about him now" I said placing book I was reading on its place and leaving library

"okay" she said and I hung up walking towards football pitch

There was a lot of people already, from students to teachers and players from Leicester along with their staff.

I spotted Phoebe, Alex, Noah, Jack, Luke standing with Leo a little away from Leo's teammates.

I took a deep breath and walked towards them, I saw Leo rolling his eyes when he saw me and he walked to his teammates.

"Are you okay?" Phoebe asked and I nodded trying to catch Leo's gaze but he seem to be frustrated by my move earlier

"I'm okay, I was in library" I told her and lightly smiled at her

"what happened between you two?" she asked quietly

I looked towards him, his eyes met mine, locking with mine as his manager was telling him and his squad something.

"nothing" I said to Phoebe

I felt his friends' eyes on me and I looked at them, they quickly looked away. I looked back at pitch but there was no one anymore.

Boys that were subs sat down on bench as others went to the centre of the pitch and soon enough match began.

Leo was sitting on the bench and couple of times I caught him looking at me when I looked towards him.

It was 63rd minute when Leo got on the pitch. Once again his eyes lock with mine for what seem like an hour but it was only couple of seconds.

"he plays so good" Phoebe said and I looked at her

"he is really good" she said looking at me and I just breath out what she took as I agree

He really was so good, but for being footballer's son and kicking ball from being a year old that is nothing to be surprised by.

Just a five minutes after he came on the pitch he scored a goal. His friends cheered for him along with his teammates and coaches, but when his teammates hugged him his eyes met mine for the hundred time today.

Even from distance I could see some kind of emotion on his face but I couldn't tell what it really was.

Match ended 7:2 for Leicester and Leo scored 3 of the goals what made him the best player of the match.


"Grace" dad said calmly sounding a bit guilty what confused me

"I need you to stay calm" he said taking my hands in his

"what happened?" I asked worrying

"promise me you won't get mad" he said

"dad what is happening, you're scaring me" I said

"uncle James and auntie Kennedy are back" he said and o nodded lightly

"and so are Millie and Leo" I said

"I know dad" I added and he looked at me confused still holding my hands

"there was that tournament at school today and school boys played against Leicester, guess who was there playing for Leicester" I said

"Leo?" he asked and I nodded

"bingo" I said

"have you talked?" he asked

"not really" I said ready to tell dad what happened not wanting to hide anything from him and after everything Leo is his godfather, he has to know what he is like

"Phoebe and I talked to his friends and then Phoebe asked him if he is that Leo, his friend asked why he didn't tell them he has know us and he just coldly said because I didn't know I know them" I said

"later I tried to talk to him eye to eye but he was still so cold, I told him he owe me an explanation and that that's at least I deserve after everything and he just said that he said he doesn't owe me anything and that's the last words we spoke" I said and looked at dad to see his face expression

"I was 7 when they left, I met him a lot in that seven years and dad....he changed, a lot, that's not Leo I used to know, I don't know what happened but he is not the same. I know it past ten years but I never thought he would be this cold to someone he promised to always be by their side, to someone he said it's his favourite person" I said as tears were filling my eyes

"can you do me a favour?" I asked looking at him

"he doesn't want to talk to me, he doesn't want to see me so do I because of that....I know you are going to have guys night with uncle James, probably Kyle and Leo, mum is going to have girls night with auntie Kennedy, Millie and I so I wanted to ask, I know you will probably have one day with James alone, probably at some match or something doesn't matter, so I'm wondering if I can hang out with you two, I mean to see James when Leo won't be around?" I asked

"I get want you're talking about and if you want you can go out with James alone" he said and then first tears roll down my cheeks

"I know you miss him and so do him, I'm sure" he said whipping my cheeks

"wanna call him and make up your meeting?" dad asked cupping my face and I nodded as tears were rolling down my cheeks more and more by seconds

He kissed my forehead and took his phone dialing James and putting him on speaker.

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