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~FEBRUARY, 2042~

The moment she called me was my happiest moment in last three days. But when I heard her voice, I knew something went really bad in Madrid.

That's why that one hour of drive to London airport went slower than ever before. No matter how fast I was driving I just couldn't get to the airport and it pisses me off.

But when I finally get to the airport I couldn't help but hurry faster than ever to find her.

The moment her body got pressed against mine and my arms tightly wrapped around her couldn't make me feel better.

She was here, in my arms, she was on safe and that's only matter now.

"let's get you home" I said quietly cupping her face and pressing my lips against her forehead leaving soft kiss there

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder while with other I took her suitcase ready to her away from everything what happened to her.


"do you want me to get you something?" I asked as she sat down on the couch pulling legs closer to her chest

She shook her head and I sat beside her. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if I could touch her hand or not. I didn't know what to say.

I just sat there, looking at her legs scared of looking at her face because I didn't know what was waiting for me when she will speak up.

"um....." I tried to break the silence but I didn't know how

"it's Savannah's boyfriend" she mumbled and I looked at her

"he was constantly flirting with me and I didn't feel good but I didn't do anything because I thought he will stop....he didn't....for new year before I called you he got closer to me....he touched my thigh but I ran away.....I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you or even worse do something bad" she said as I was looking at her, my jaw clenching as I was trying my best not to explode and make it worse for her

"for valentine's day, when Savannah looked away for just a second he put his hand almost on my butt after what I ran away again......but soon enough he ran after me locking the doors of my bedroom......he threw me on the bed and started pulling my tracksuit bottoms down my legs.....he almost touch me but I hit him with my knee running away..... Savannah didn't believe me but I think she sent me a message few minutes before you came to pick me up" she said not looking at me

She didn't cry, she didn't even flinch, it influenced on her a lot and I can't even imagine how it will influence on her if he-No he wouldn't, she will get herself away from him, she will, just like she did.

I tried to shake those thoughts from my head as I put my hand on her knee.

"you should have told me" I said quietly and she shook her head and finally looked at me

"I can't look at you" she said as tears rolled down her cheeks and she looked away

"even I wasn't looking at you I saw your jaw clenching, you will do something bad and I didn't want that" she said squeezing her eyes closed

I put my hand on the side of her neck trying to get her to look at me but she just squeezing her eyes even more.

"look at me" I said leaning my forehead against hers

"look at me, Grace, please" I said trying not to let those stupid tears

"I can't" she said shaking her head

"why?" I asked cupping her face

"because of what happened, I betrayed you" she said crying

"no, don't you even think that nor say it and now look at me" I said

"look at me, Grace" I said raising my voice for a bit and she looked at me

"you didn't betrayed me, you didn't do anything wrong, it's not your fault that he is mother fucker whose face I will gladly hit" I said

"I just need you to forget it all, okay?" I asked wiping her tears away

"and happy birthday" I said and she leaned her head back on couch as I smiled lightly

"I didn't make anything up because I didn't know you will come, I'm sorry" I said and she looked at me

"I just want everyone to be okay and you being beside me" she said and put her hands on my cheeks

I pulled her on my lap as our lips connected for the first after four months.

"I still have those presents hide" I said and she looked at me with a smile on her face

"those presents?" she asked

"even you weren't here I bought you present for Christmas, it was under the tree in your house the whole time but when yours put the tree down I took present here with me and Valentine's day and birthday present are on safe, hide in your wardrobe, I thought of giving it to you when you get back" I said remembering what I bought her

If boys accidentally found any of presents they will make fun of me for the rest of my life but I actually don't care and I wanted to keep it for me until I give it to Grace not wanting anyone to find out about it, it's our thing.

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