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Today is the day D. Talk with Leo about a long distance relationship for 6 months.

The day in school flew by faster than ever before and I hate that fact.

Teacher asked me over and over again did I made up my plan and I said not yet for the hundredth time.

He is picking me after this class and I think I was ever this scared and nervous as I am now.

I still don't know how I'm gonna start the conversation, what I have to say and how he's gonna react and that's what scares me the most, his reaction.

I nervously and slowly walked out of school to the parking lot where he was waiting me.

"hey stranger" he said smiling as I entered the car

"hey" I said trying to act as normal nad not stressed as I could

He leaned closer to kiss me and then I knew he felt my nervousness. He can feel all my feelings just by kissing me and I hate that.

"what's wrong?" he asked leaning his forehead against mine

"I have to talk with you about something" I said

"do you want to go at mine?" he asked and I nodded

He didn't ask anything else, he just drove away, to his apartment resting his hand on my thigh as I still tried to make up a start of the conversation that we are about to have.


I sat down on the couch and he did the same. Pulling my legs on his lap as I took a deep breath.

"in May there was a talk in school about student exchange and without much thinking I said I would like to go. Last week teacher asked me about it saying it will last more than I thought it lasts and that's why I wanted to talk with you about it" I said as he was looking at me confused

"I have a chance to go to Spain next month and I really want to go but I'm not sure because of the time I won't be home" I said

"how long it lasts?" he asked

"six months" I said as he just looked away from me

He is not happy with it, I see that and I get that, but I really don't want to play out this opportunity, to not take it.

I'm also scared and worried about a long distance for six months but if we do trust each other and if we really love each other it shouldn't be a problem. But if it is a problem for him then we can a break for that six months and get back together when I get home.

I'm scared that because of my love to him I will play this all out and stay here, not taking a chance to experience something new.

"you know I'm in the middle of a fucking good start of season and you're telling me this" he said and I felt my heart breaking apart

"you're telling me you won't be here for the rest of the season, that I won't see you before any match, that I won't get my lucky charm, i.e. your kiss, how do you think I will concentrate on anything but you being away?" he asked

My legs still on his lap, his hands resting on my knees as he was staring at me. He exhaled loudly leaning his head back gribbing on my thighs.

"What I'm gonna do without you for six months?" he asked looking at me and my heart made a happy flip, that's a positive answer from him too

"I could ask the same" I said and smiled hugging him

"I'll miss you" he said cupping my face as I leaned my forehead against his

"I'll miss you more" I said kissing the top of his nose as he smiled pulling me closer to him

"promise me we will talk every day, even through messages but then at least once a week at a facetime" he said and I smiled

"I promise" I said giving him my finger and he wrapped him over mine

"pinky promise" I said smiling

"and promise me you will always have that necklace on" he said pointing to my necklace with his name

"I promise" I said, my forehead against his as I couldn't take a smile of my face

It went much better than I thought.

"you promise me that you will play match like it's your last, the best you can" I said

"I pinky swear" he said still holding my finger with his

I put my hand on the side of his neck kissing him and it was the best kiss we shared so far, never more filled with love.

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