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She was having fun, she was comfortable and I was more than happy because of that. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

She was dancing around with Paige, her cousin as I was sitting with our parents looking at her. I didn't want to get between them, I just wanted her to know that I'm here if she needs anything and seeing her happy was enough.

"you're really in love with her" I heard dad saying and I looked towards him

"what?" I asked

"you're so in love with her" he said looking at Grace who couldn't stop smiling as she was dancing with her mum, Paige, Alex (Ben's sister), Daisy, my mum, Millie and some other three girls that were around Millie's age

"I am" I said looking at him

"you have to take good care of her" he said and I nodded

"I know" I said looking back at Grace who just looked at me smiling and I smiled back at her

"I'm so glad you're smiling again even I still don't understand why it happened that your smile faded but if you will want you will tell I'm not pushing, I'm just happy she get it back from you" dad said and I didn't say anything

Some guy got closer to Grace and I started breathing faster, fighting myself to not do anything bad. I sat up trying to relax and I saw dad realised what is going on but I couldn't pay attention on him now.

I have to keep my eyes on her and him and if he try something even just touch her, he won't know what get him.

He leaned closer to her whispering something to her and she just laughed making me grib on my jeans fighting myself.

I need to clam down, she probably know him, he must to be a family member and if he is, he shouldn't try anything but then it hit me, I'm also a family member and I'm still in a relationship with her, but our situation is different, she's taken and he has no right to flirt with her.

He was starting to get too close to her touching her arm and I couldn't hold it. I stood up rushing outside.

I can't do something bad, I can't make scene, I have to calm down and trust her. I can't make her think that I don't believe her.

I walked towards bench shaking my hands trying to let those feelings away from me.

I closed my eyes, breathing heavily trying to get fresh air and relax.

It past few minutes, I thought he left her alone but when I got back inside I couldn't find him nor her and anger rush through my body again.

"where's Grace?" I asked Kyle trying to sound calm

"she went to the toilet" he said and my body was about to explode

I rush towards bathrooms finding her there, alone.

She was cleaning her arm and I looked at her confused locking doors behind me.

"what happened?" I asked and she jumped for a bit

"you scared me" she said "I don't want his touch on my body" she added and I fought myself not to smile

I was worrying literally without a need.

"who's? Who touched you?" I asked stepping closer to her

"some guy was trying to flirt with me, he touch my arm lightly few times" she said rubbing her arm with towel not looking at me paying full attention to her arm

"and you're cleaning your arm because of that?" I asked and she looked at me

"noone should touch me" she said and soon enough my back hit wall and I couldn't help my smirk

"it's all yours" she said putting my hands on her waist

I wrapped them around her waist pulling her closer and she kissed me wrapping her arms around my neck and I couldn't help but smile into kiss closing every millimetre of space between us.

I turned us over so she was against the wall so I could get even closer to her. I put my arm on the wall beside her head leaning against it as I couldn't take my lips away from hers.

Her hands rest on my cheeks and I wanted so bad to do something that I know I shouldn't.

I wanted her, now and here but I can't, not because all of those people because I don't care about them but because of her. If we were more into it already there won't be a problem but I need to think about her not myself, I have to fight myself because of her.

I can't be a freak and narcissus who will think just about himself because this a relationship of two of us not just me.

I leaned my forehead against hers looking at her eyes as we were both breathing heavily.

"Leo" she mumbled and I put my hand on her neck putting the lock of her hair behind her ear

"Grace" I said rubbing my thumb over her jaw

"you made me obsessed" she said and I looked at her confused

"what?" I asked

"I didn't think you can want and need something this much until you came over" she said

"I don't get it" I said

"I know you're fighting yourself now and I don't get why" she said and I swallowed trying to relax and push it all away from me because she shouldn't feel it

"please" she said and I shook my head

"I can't do it here"

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