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~FEBRUARY, 2042~

The sound of running water. Opening and closing doors. Scent of men shower gel. Light footsteps. Bed sank on one side. Soft lips against my forehead. Light touch against my cheek. The hand stroke my cheek.

"good morning" I smiled opening my eyes

"morning, my love" he said leaning in as his soft lips pressed against mine

"you smell so fresh, and good, is that a new shower gel?" I asked as he smiled

"got him from dad for Christmas" he said

"it smells really nice, I like it" I said leaning closer to his neck leaving a kiss on spot that I well know he loves me to kiss

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him. He laid on his back pulling on his lap as I rest my hands on his chest.

"if I'm being honest now, I'm really glad I'm home, as much as I wanted to go there and as much as I liked everything I saw, I wish I didn't even leave" I said

"I missed this" I said running my hands across his chest "I missed falling asleep and waking up beside you" I said

"I missed that too" he said putting his hands on my hips

"I didn't get you anything for Christmas" I said remembering that I didn't buy anything to anyone, expect a little souvenirs from Bernabeu Stadium for Kyle and Leo, but after what Leo got me this is absolutely nothing

"it's okay, I don't even need anything, we're both going to Paris so that's a present for both of us and the matching hoodies" he said

"yes, but I didn't give a money for either of those" I said

"It's not matter" he said and I leaned closer to his face resting my hands on his shoulders

"I got you something from Bernabeu" I said and he smiled

"you did?" he asked and I nodded climbing down from his lap and going to my suitcase

I took a box from my suitcase and put it in front of him on the bed.

"here" I said smiling at him

"it's Bernabeu Stadium 3d model" he said looking at me as I just bite my lip looking at him happily opening the box

"this is amazing" he said looking through pieces that I am one hundred percent sure he will put together this evening already

"this is the best gift" he said and looked at me with shining eyes

I know how much it means to him to buy even just a small thing from some stadium he visits and I couldn't play out the chance to buy him something.

"thank you so much" he said pulling me in for kiss

"I'm glad you like it" I said smiling at him

"I more than like it" he said "I'm gonna put it together this evening" he added

"I just knew you will" I laughed

"um.... I should go home today, to talk with mum and dad" I said looking at my hands

He took my hands in his pulling me closer to him as we were sitting on bed.

"if you need anything you know I am here" he said and I nodded

"I know, thank you tho" I said as he kissed my forehead pulling me in hug

Later that day 

I took a deep breath knocking on the doors.

"Grace" mum said pulling me in hug immediately

"hey mum" I said quietly hugging her back

"come in" she said pulling my suitcase in the hallway and leaving it there as we went to the living room


"at first I didn't pay attention and I thought it will stop but then it happened and I didn't know what to do expect what I did" I said once again after I told mum everything what happened in Madrid with Savannah's boyfriend

"what is this? Who's leaving the house and why? What is happening?" I heard dad shouting from the hallway and soon enough he stepped in the living room

"Grace" he said and I went in for a hug "hey princess" he said quietly kissing the top of my head as I hugged him

"what happened?" he asked looking down at me as he cupped my face

"what almost happened, she hit him in the, you know" mum said and dad at first frowned but then laughed

"I'm sorry, but I'm glad you did what you did, better for him it was you and not, me, Leo and Kyle" he said as we sat on the couch

"Kyle was so worry" mum said and I felt bad, I don't want him to worry about me, it's me to worry about him as every other older sister does for her little brother

"where is he?" I asked

"he went out with Millie" mum said and dad looked at her confused just as I did

"what?" I asked and looked at dad who looked at me just then

"I don't know, he just said he's going out with her" mum said putting her hands in the air in defence

"is something happening between them?" I asked and just then the front doors went opened and closed

"I'm back" Kyle shouted throwing his keys on the chest in hallway

"Grace" he said happily running towards me to hug me

"hey lil bro" I said hugging him "where have you been?" I asked

"um...I went with Millie for a coffee" he said looking at his feet and rubbing the back of his neck

"with Millie?" I asked

"Leo's sister" he said just like he thought I didn't know it was Leo's sister

"okay, okay" I said messing his hair smiling

"I almost forgot, I bought you something at Bernabeu" I said rushing towards my suitcase

"here" I said and gave him a little box

"what's that?" he asked opening the box

"stickers.....and keychain" he said happily

"I know you like to be given a footballers stickers for your collection so I couldn't not buy it for you and the keychain because I didn't know what else to buy so I thought a keychain would be a nice one since you lost your keychain before I left" I said

"and guess what?" he asked

"you still didn't buy a new one?" I asked

"nope, so this is an amazing gift" he said as we both just smiled at each other

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