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~May 2030, Past~

I happily ran through the front door, through the house to the backyard to hug my dog, my dad's dog that became my best friend since the day I was born but he was nowhere to be found.

"daddy, where is Oscar?" I shout looking around backyard and running back into the house looking around like lost puppy

"dad" I shout as tears started falling down my cheeks

"what's wrong baby?" mum asked cupping my cheeks

"I can't find Oscar" I cried out

Mum picked me up carrying me to the living room and soon enough I felt familiar arms around me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart" dad whispered hugging me as I was crying

"where is Oscar?" I asked looking up at him

"I don't want you to be sad and cry" he said whipping my cheeks

"why would I be sad? Just tell me were Oscar is" I said looking at him as few tears were rolling down my cheeks

"Oscar is not here.....and he won't be back" he said and tears started falling down my cheeks again

"no.... you're lying.....no" I burst into tears pushing him away from me

"Grace, can you open the door?"

"I don't want you here Leo, go home" I yell into the pillow as tears were making the same wet

"it's been two days Grace, I miss you" he said sadly and I took pillow from my face

I whipped my cheeks and slowly walked towards doors opening them to find my best friend standing there looking at me sadly.

"it's okay G" he hugged me stroking my hair as few tears fall down my cheeks onto his t-shirt

"I can't even imagine how I would feel if something like that happened to Denzel or Diego but I'm here Grace, I won't leave your side, okay?" he asked cupping my face and whipping tears away

"I'll be always be by your side" he said leaning his forehead against mine

"you're my favourite person, you know that, right?" I said and he nodded

"I know, and you're my favourite person" he smiled at me and I just hugged him

~October 2040, Present~

I'll be always be by your side, you're my favourite person, bullshit, he left ten years ago, we didn't see each other since then, we didn't talk because we couldn't make it out because of the time difference and school schedules.

And now he is here, standing in front of me, we both acting like we don't know each other.

"wait wait, Leo, are you that Leo?" Phoebe asked as she clearly realised who he is

"which one" Leo laughed as his eyes locked with mine

"Leo Maddison, son of James Maddison, Grace's godfather, Ben is your godfather, our dads were teammates" Phoebe explained as I couldn't help but laugh to myself still looking at Leo

"and your dad is?" Leo asked

"Reece James" she said smiling as he nodded

"then yeah, I'm that Leo" he said looking back at me

"you didn't tell us you know them" Noah punched Leo in the shoulder

"I didn't know I know them" he said as I swallowed hard, he is so cold and I don't like it

Leo that I used to know never behave like this, Leo that I used to know would never act like this and it's just telling me he changed a lot.

"hey boys, come on, we gonna show you around" Freya approached us followed by Molly and I almost roll my eyes at them, they are those girls

"I'm sorry girls but we already met with Grace and Phoebe so they're going to show us around" Alex said smiling charmingly at them and they just walked away, Freya sending me death look

"you don't have to if you don't want to" he immediately said to Phoebe and me

"no no, we will, I mean if Grace is okay with it" Phoebe said looking at me

"okay" I said and we started walking around school showing boys our classrooms and at the end the part that must have interested them the most, school backyard, football, basketball and volleyball pitch

The whole time Phoebe was talking explaining them things as we were walking in front them and they were following us.

Couple of times we turned to boys and I couldn't not notice that he was staring at me what was making me feel uncomfortable.

"and that's it, now we have to wait for tournament to start" Phoebe said lightly clapping with her hands

"we can go to canteen or wait here, however you want" she said smiling at Alex

If I don't know that they are cousins I would totally say that they like each other but since they didn't see each other for couple of months now it's nothing not to be understand since they are clearly so close.

"I would stay here and you do whatever you want" Leo said and walked away as boys just look at him walking away

"he will probably warm up so we can go to canteen" Noah said and boys nodded staring to walk back inside the school as I stayed on the place for a bit longer looking at Leo

He sat on the pitch, hands on the knees, head against hands and back turned to me. I fight myself not to walk towards him and sit beside him.

"are you staying?" I heard someone's voice so I turned around facing Noah

"I'm gonna stay" I said and he looked at Leo nodding

"If you wanna join us we will be in canteen or Phoebe will text you" he said and I smiled lightly

"thanks" I said and he walked inside the school

I took a deep and slowly and nervously walked towards Leo. I sat down beside him keeping distance between us but he realised I was there and he slowly looked up turning to me.

"what do you need?" he said and now it was different Leo again, not the old one, not that cold one from earlier but he was different

"what are you doing here?" I asked and looked at him, our eyes locking

"why would I tell you that?" he asked not taking his eyes from mine

"why would you not?" I asked

"I don't have a reason to tell you" he said and I raised my eyebrow

"you don't? Our fathers being friends the whole life, my father is your godfather, your father is mine, my mom is your sister's godmother, we spent 6 years together and then you left never calling or at least texting again, you own me an explanation, that's at least I deserve after ten years" I said as tears threatened to fall down my cheeks

"I do not owe you anything" he said, looked away from me and stood up walking onto the pitch

"you're not playing fair" I shout after him but he just ignored running around the pitch

I stood up frustrated and entered school but I went to the library and not canteen. I went to my favourite spot, sitting on the floor in between rows of books.

He is already getting on my nerves and I can't wait to tell dad that Maddison's came back and didn't even tell us.

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