Monster! | Mark x Monster!Reader (fluff) | 1

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Requested: Unkn0wn_we1rd_c0re

"Monster reader x mark fluff just wondering no rush (when you get the chance)"

I tried using they/them pronouns as best as I could this time.


Mark never knew there were more than just alternates in this world. He thought that it couldn't get any worse, he already lost his buddy Cesar, could it get even worse? Yes, it could. A new creature has been born. Some people say it's a cross-over of an alternate and a human, but those two wouldn't be able to mate without one dying eventually. It had to be something else, and Mark wanted to find out.

Mark walked around the dark woods, gun in hand, his breathe uneven. Over the radio, Mark heard that there was a popular spot where these random monsters appeared. Mark wanted answers, no, he needed them- so he was going to get them. A few over-grown bushes hit Mark in the face as he walked through the thick forest. There was no light- except for the moonlight. Mark was trying to quiet the sound of the leaves beneath him, it didn't work though, since he can't control his weight. He sighed and looked around or, attempted to.. Mark gasped and then hid behind a tree, which made the leaves crunch loudly.

There it was, the monster, as expected

It was fighting with another creature. It was 10x its size, but it seemed like it was winning somehow. Mark observed the creatures, makingto stay out of sight. He wipped out a notepad and began writing notes the best he could in the moonlit night.

Monster #1 (you)

(anything about you goes here)

Monster #2

Antlers on it's head with a animal-skull covering its face.

Has lots of matted fur.

Long sharp claws.

Deer feet/legs.

Horrible screeching sound. 


A screeching sound echoed from the 2nd beast as it fell to the leaf covered floor. It lay there, dead. It seems that the first monster has won the battle, even though it was covered with deep gashes and claw marks. Mark watched the creature as it....morphed into a human?! Mark gasped, and you heard it. Your head whipped around and looked at the young man. Mark saw your (e/c) eyes staring into his soul. You turned your body around fully, revealing all off your scars to the man.

---your pov---

The Wendigo fell to the floor as the blood leaked from its neck. I smiled in victory and then I felt dizzy. That Wendigo did do a number on me, and I don't think I'm going to make it. I needed to change quickly, because if I collapse and a hunter finds me as a (monster type) they won't help me. However, if they see me as a human, they'll be quick to lend a hand. Maybe. As I finished shifting, I heard a gasp from afar. I only turned my head to see the source of the sound, it was obviously a human. I growled lowly and looked at the boy. Then a thought popped into my head, maybe he can help me. He was kinds cute anyways.

---Mark's POV---

I watched the creature as it morphed into a pretty (tall/short), (light/dark/medium) skinned, (e/c) eyed human. They wore clothes that hugged every curve on their body. I gasped and stared at the beast. How could such a pretty thing be so dangerous? I heard a low growl erupted from its chest. Fear washed over me, was it going to kill me? Its (e/c) eyes stared into my soul. Sweat rolled down my face as I slowly backed up.

---Your POV---

The boy started to back up, I didn't like that. I stepped forward, keeping my eyes locked into his, trying to read what he was going to do, what emotion was feeling. My mind said, "Run, that's what he is going to do. He's in fear. He has a gun..." I started to run towards him, I need him to heal me! The boy started to turn to run, but his foot got stuck into the root when he took the first step. He hit the floor with a thud and an 'oof' following along. I was eventually looming over him. He turned his head slightly to look at me. He gasped and hid his face.

"Hey.. I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me..." You whispered as you knelt down to his level. The boy shifted back in fear. I quickly grabbed him by his collar. "Did you not hear me, boy?" I scoffed. "You humans, always so.....sensitive!" I hissed and let him go. "I need you to take me home. To your home," I muttered. The boy lifted a brow. "I need medical supplies." The boy scoffed and pulled out a gun. I glared at him. Fear returned to his eyes as the confidence faded. I stood up. "You wouldn't dare." I snarled. He cocked the gun. I scoffed and slapped it out of his hand, faster than he could react. I then kicked him down and put my (boot/sneaker/heel/claw/) on his chest.

I knelt down once again. "Take me to your home, so I can get supplies." I said, venom dripping in my voice. The boy shuddered. "What is your name?" I asked, applying more pressure to his chest. "M-Mark." I nodded taking my foot off him and then picked him up by his hood. Mark scrambled to get the gun, but I grabbed it quickly. Mark growled. "I won't let you have this until I trust you, understand?" Mark nodded slowly. "What day and year is it?" I haven't counted the days I've been out here. "September 12th, 1992." Mark mumbled. "Alright, thanks," I said. "Lead the way."

---Part 2 soon---

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