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It was a late Friday night. I was sitting at home, scrolling through my phone, wondering when my boyfriend was going to get home.

He has these 'business' trips that can last up to a week. The worst thing is that he doesn't even get paid that much. So I can practically say that I pay for 95% of the rent. But I can't complain, I love him so much.


A notification rolls down on my screen. I lift a brow and click the message. It's from Adam, my boyfriend.


"Hey babe! I have another work trip for three nights. I already have my stuff packed in the back of the van. See you Sunday, love you.💕❤💖💞💘"

I giggled at the amount of emojis he used. Then got worried.

"Hey honey. Please be safe, the alternates are still around. Dont get hurt! Also, are you going with Jonah this time?"

"Yeah, I am. I felt like it would be better to go with someone else. Especially my bestfriend :]"

"Alright, dont have to much fun without me. I love you😘❤"

"Oh, I won't! Love you too, love😚💖"

I closed the messages app with a sigh. I really missed Adam when he went on these trips. I looked at the clock on my phone. 12:34 PM. It was really late, I didn't even realize. I switched off my phone and sat up from the couch, my blanket sliding off along with me.

I picked it up and headed to the bedroom with a yawn. 'I'd make sure to text Adam first thing in the morning' I told myself as I sat down on my bed. Too tired to brush (or shower) I laid down on my bed and pulled the covers over me.

My eyes started to flutter shut, the image of Adam was the last thing I saw.


I shot up from my sleep and glanced around the room. It was lit by sunlight....but I didn't remember leaving the curtains open. Could Adam have possibly come home early? I looked at the corner of my room and almost screamed.

Standing there, all 7 feet of it, was an alternate. It was staring at me with its over sized eyes. I gasped and scrambled back in my bed. A smile crept onto the monsters face as it took a small step forward. I whimpered. Its arms were so long, it looked impossible for any human to do. It was 100% an alternate.

I didn't want to take my gaze off of it- I knew how fast there were. But I had to blink, I needed to- and it knew I needed to. I let my eyes close quickly, and when I opened them my eye connected with others....right infront of my face.. I screamed and then everything was dark.


I woke up from that horrible dream. Why do I keep having those?


I looked over at the corner that the alternate was in. The dream seemed so real, if felt to real- so close. But it wasn't, thankfully, no alternate was there, creepily staring at me.


I groaned and look to the source of the pinging, my phone. "Oh yeah, I was gonna text my boyfriend first thing in the morning." I said aloud. I snatched my phone from the dresser and lifted the lock screen. 5+ messages from Adam. Panic filled through out my body as I quickly opened the messages.

"Are you there?"
"Well, I am coming home early!"
"Jonah said he had a really bad feeling about the house and urged me to leave and get pizza. I ended up listening to him and getting pizza."
"I'm gonna bring some home for you."
"What do you want on it?"
"You're probably sleeping, sorry."

"I'll just order plain"

I quickly responded with,

"Hi babe. Sorry I was sleeping. Can you get a (topping) pizza please?"

"Oh yeah sure. By the way we are 20 minutes away from home."

"Oki. Thank you hon, love you sm!! 💖❤💞💘💕😘😚"

"Love you too~"

I sighed and smiled. I loved this boy. I looked at the time and it was 10am. I wanted to go back to sleep but I knew I needed to take a quick shower and get my day started.

I hopped out of bed and made it quickly before gathering up the clothes I planned on wearing today. I headed to the bathroom and got into the shower.

(Insert sexy shower scene or whatever🤷‍♀️)
15 minutes later

I got out of the shower, the towel tightly wrapped around my figure. My hair was damp from all of the vapor and condensation in the air. I quickly dried it with a towel and dried the rest of my body. I slipped into my clothes and then started doing my routine (if you have one).

10 minutes later

I heard the front door slam shut. I got worried at first but then heard my boyfriend's voice. "Y/n, I'm home." He didn't call me babe, baby, or love like he usually does. Maybe he just had a bad day or he was tired? I hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom listened around. A feeling of dread laid in the bottom of my stomach.

I didn't respond. What if it wasn't him? "Y/n! Are you home?" I sighed and tried to gain courage. "Y-yes!." I semi-yelled. "Okay, the pizza us here. Where are you?" I sighed and hoped it was actually Adam. "In the b-bedroom." I heard footsteps heading to my room. They sounded like Adam's, my fear lowered. The bedroom door slowly opened to reveal Adam.

"Hey babe." He said, a smile plastered on his face. I walked up and gave him a hug, which he happily returned. "God, I missed you so much.." Adam whispered into my hair. I was then lifted up from the ground as he picked me up. "What are you doing?" I asked, but I was given no response.

Adam sat himself on the bed, with me on his lap. "Ya know, Jonah doesn't cuddle me.." Adam muttered before getting deep in thought. "So you want cuddles?" I asked. I was met with a nod before his two strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Alright.."

I held onto him, bringing my face to his shoulder. Adam started to lay down on his side. I went down with him, still holding onto him. I smiled into his chest. Adam chuckled and pet my head, then left a line of soft, loving kisses on my neck. I giggled and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you... So much." Adam whispered. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too, honey" I said. Adam pulled my closer to his body, the heat was radiating off of him so no blanket was needed. "I'm tired.." He mumbled. I nodded in agreement. My eyes were already closed and I felt sleepy already. Before I knew it I was dreaming again....

About my boyfriend..

꒰👁️꒱ 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆 𝕮𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊Where stories live. Discover now