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It was a Tuesday night, and I was feeling restless. Unable to sleep, I decided to take a walk in the park. It was quiet, with only a few streetlights illuminating the way. As I walked along the path, I noticed a small stray dog following me. It was a scruffy-looking mutt with matted fur and wide human like eyes. At first, I thought nothing of it, but as I continued walking, the dog kept following me. I started to feel uneasy around it.

As I walked towards home, the dog continued to follow me. I tried to ignore it and picked up my pace, hoping that it would lose interest and go away. But it didn't. The small dog kept following me, its eyes fixed on me. I started to feel more and more uncomfortable, wondering why it was following me.

Finally, I arrived at my doorstep, and to my surprise, the dog followed me all the way to my house. I turned around to face it, and it just stood there, wagging its tail, its pupils reaching impossible proportions. I hesitated for a moment, wondering what to do, but then I decided to let it be. Maybe it was just lost, but it seemed off. I wasn't going to bring that into my house.

I opened the door and went inside, hoping that the small dog would go away once again, but it didn't. As the night went on, I started to feel more and more uneasy a I thought about the dog. It wasn't aggressive, but there was something strange about it. It seemed to be watching me, following my every move. I couldn't shake the feeling that it was up to something.

Eventually, I decided to go to bed, hoping that the dog would leave on its own. But as I lay in bed, I could hear it moving outside the house. It was like it was searching for something.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crashing noise coming from the living room. I jumped out of bed and ran to see what had happened. To my horror, I saw the dog standing in my living room, broken glass under its paws. Its eyes bore into mine, but the most noticable detail was how it now was four feet taller than it was last time.

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