Secret | Yandere!Cesar x Supportive!Reader

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Long ahh title, anyways let's get into this shee-

Warnings!: Violence, weapons, murder, cussing, NAME CALLING, being yandere, wrote this at 12pm.

"Cesar, don't do anything.." I whispered to my boyfriend as I clutched onto his arm. I could feel the veins popping out of his arm through his un-casual-casual tee. "It isn't that bad, we can just call the cops. Dont do their dirty work, it could get you in trouble!" I warned, only to be met with a grunt and then silence. He's like talking to a wall sometimes.


You're probably wondering what's going on, so let me explain.

Y/n and Cesar were walking back home after ANOTHER romantic date night- just at a theater this time. While on the walk home Y/N gets some 'nice' comments about what she's wearing. Comments like, "Slut" , "whore" , "hoe". Y/n wasn't having any of that shit so she cussed one guy out and hit him with her heavy ass bag. In return her arm was slashed with a pocket knife, which left a deep gash in her arm.

Cesar, being the protective yandere he i-


"What are you gonna do pretty boy?" The man taunted Cesar. I felt him tighter, but his other hand reached into his  pocket a grabbed something. When he pull his hand out, nothing was visible- but for some reason Cesar chucked something at the guy.

The man, obviously confused, just laugh awkwardly before leaving another comment, "Knew you didn't have guts," before leaving. Cesar was obviously pissed off by this but rushed home quickly to heal me.

~~Timeskip Home~~

Cesar held my arm and cared for it as gently as he could. He would flash his charming, reassuring  smiles at me- try to convince me he's not gonna pop like a balloon. I knew better. His face changed ever time he looked down or away from me. He was pissed.

Later that night Cesar got a 'call' from 'work' saying that he, "must get there right now because of an emergency." Bullshit. But I let him go anyways. I knew that attacker was going to have one heck of night..

~~2 AM~~

I woke up to the front door fucking slamming shut. It pissed me off because I was actually sleeping well tonight. I rolled my eyes and dragged myself out of bed.
I opened the door to our shared bedroom but saw nothing but darkness. "C-cesar?." I hesitantly called out. "Yes, mi amor?" He answered, his voice shaking slightly. "Oh okay, it's just you.." I softly replied. A hum came from Cesar as I retreated back to bed.


I woke up extra early today because today was gonna be special!! I wanted to catch the 6'oclock news to see who might've recently died today. Instead of the house smelling normal, there was a hint of bleach in the air. 2/4 of the air smelled like bleach. I knew I'd see that guy I the news. I ran down the stairs like a kid on Christmas day.

Cesar was up already, not surprised. He didn't looked tired either, he looked at ease with his coffee in hand. "Good morrrnninggg love~" I exaggerated the morning. His eyes shot up at me. "Oh, good morning, darling!" Cesar greeted. I smiled at his happy attitude

I then ran into the living room and turned the TV on. I was greeted with peeeerfect news!!

"1 found dead. His name was Rodger Pilzray, a twenty-nine year old who lived a block away from his murder scene. The police say the victim was stabbed 30 times. 5 to the neck, 10 to the stomach, 5 to the pelvis, 6 to the arms and 4 to the back........!"

My eyes beamed with happiness. I hugged Cesar, he almost spilled his coffee. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much C!!" I thanked. Cesar chuckled and patted my head.

"Anything for my little star. Let's keep this. a secretnow, eh?" Cesar whispered very closely to my ear. I nodded and smirked.

꒰👁️꒱ 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖆 𝕮𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊Where stories live. Discover now