Chapter 1 Leaving

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Two years had passed. It was June. Rye had gotten packed for the military ahead of time. Right after he graduated he would leave for the train. The military base was all the way in the capital, so he would have to live there. He was ready to loin, and we both felt that it would be best.
Peeta and I sat on the front row watching Rye graduate. Peeta and I stood up as the new graduating class threw up their hats and cheered. After that we walked home together. Once we got to our house Rye had a quick dinner and then got out his suitcase.
I looked into Peeta's eyes. He's been a little unsure about this whole thing. I tell him it'll be alright, but it just seems that this time is harder for him to let go. Rye steps into the hallway with his suitcase, "I'm ready."
I look away from Peeta's blue orbs, "Okay Rye" I look back at Peeta, "Lets get going"
Peeta grabs the keys and locks up the house once we step out. "Sure this is what you want?" Peeta asks. Rye laughs, "Yea dad, don't worry."
Peeta nods, "I know Rye, I won't worry"
"You mean you won't worry as much" Rye laughs. Peeta laughs along with him. I rest my arm around Ryes arm as we walk to the train station. We all stand there looking for something to say. I reach my arms out to Rye and hug him tightly, "You grew up so fast my little Rye!" I feel my eyes fill with water. I pull away from Rye, "Don't change" I reach to kiss his cheek. Rye stares into my eyes, "I won't mom, don't cry, I'll be better than good."
I nod wiping some tears from my eyes, "Just remember my words about hunting" I sniffle. Rye smiles, "Breathe, aim, shoot"
I let out a laugh, "Yea, exactly that"
Rye hugs me one last time, "Bye mom" he smiles. "Goodbye" I smile. The knot in my throat keeps me from saying anything else. Rye walks to Peeta. "Stay safe Rye" Peeta hugs Rye. Rye laughs, "Dad your starting to sound like mom"
Peeta laughs, "I'm so proud of you Rye"
Rye smiles and pats Peeta's back, "Bye pops"
"Bye Rye" Peeta kisses Ryes hair. The train comes into the station, "Theres my train"
Peeta and I nod letting him get his suitcase and stroll away. He turns back around, "Love you guys!" Rye waves. Peeta and I wave back, "Love you!"
Rye walks into the train and within a couple minutes its off. He's gone. They're both gone now. No more kids running through the hallways, screaming, no more kids laughing with each other, its just Peeta and I. Just like eons ago. It finally sinks into me. All those exhausting, stressful, fun, joyful years of raising them is now over. Now they can raise themselves.
Peeta and I walk back talking all about Rye and Willow. Peeta unlocks the door. Its feels lonely in here now
that they are all gone. I walk up to his room and find a picture frame he left behind of him when he was little. "Peeta" I say. Peeta walks over to me, "Yea?"
"Remember when he was just a baby?"
"Of course" Peeta sighs, "I miss those days"
My eyes fill with water. Peeta holds me closer to him, "He'll do just fine"
I nod, "You're right"

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