Chapter 69 Christmas Eve

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Two months later Bree had gotten her stitches taken out after her c-section with Brynn. The holidays had swept through the year.. It was December--December 24th..
Mom and dad had called Will and I to invite our family to their house for Christmas.. So we took that as a definite yes. I had a week off for Christmas, so we left on the 21st, then got to 12 on Christmas Eve.
No one had even seen Brynn yet, and she was beautiful! Her hair is a light ash, and her eyes are dark gray with a little tint of blue around the rim. She carried after my genes mostly, but Bree says that she'll take after her personality..

We arrive at 12 around 8:30 pm. Dad planned on having dinner ready right around the time we would arrive..
Walking along in the snow, tired of carrying Bree's suitcases, she's tired of carrying Brynn's supplies, all freezing, the kids complaining, and the very dim light that district 12 has to offer is tough. They barely just installed some street lights, but only in the town square, Mom and Dads house is all the way into the meadow..

Our breathe creates clouds when we open our mouths to talk or breathe. Brynn's bundled up in blankets and sweaters, along with the twins.
We shake the snow off our shoes and coats as I knock. Eager to get in and warm off by the fireplace.. Puffs of smoke arise from the chimney.
Will opens it along with Oliver who has his arm around her. She exclaims and squeals when she sees me, especially when she sees Brynn: "She looks so much like you!"
Oliver and I hug each other and help us get everything situated while Bree and I say hi to mom and dad. The twins wonder off somewhere with Roselyn and Lily. Will carries Brynn around the house.
Dad of course is stooped over the stove finishing the last of dinner, while mom is setting the table.
"Rye!" She hugs, "I missed you."
"I missed you just as much." I reply and kiss her cheek. Dad wipes his hands off with a napkin and smiles, "Hey you two." As he pats our backs. "So where's your little girl?"
"Oh she's with Willow." I reply. Dad calls Willow over to come hold Brynn. Mom gasps as dad rocks Brynn. "Rye, it's like a mini you!"
"More like dads strong genes." I chuckle.
"Oh she's beautiful" Dad says, "Congratulations you two."
I drape my arm around Bree and pull her in closer, "It's Bree who should take the credit."
Bree blushes and kisses my cheek. She takes Brynn in her arms and calls the twins for dinner, along with Will who calls for her girls.
It smells wonderful and once everyone is crowded around the table with extra chairs cluttered together, and drinks in hands, dad lays the ham on the table along with platters of sides and artichoke dip. Of course his world famous bread as well.
I get a little bit of everything, and serve the twins.
The twins will eat anything, and are the messiest eaters! Theres not much talking as we enjoy the amazing dinner.. Just chewing, and from time to time mom and dad will secretly whisper about something and laugh.

Willows POV
Once we all finish the dinner, all of us without a doubt thank dad like always.. Its so nice having the whole family together! Rye and Bree and their family, and ours. Its one of my favorite memories--every time we're together.
"How's work and the kids?" Dad asks Rye. He nods his head, "Good, Bree is still staying home with the kids, and their doing good too."
"Yeah and daddy takes us to the base sometimes! And we get to go in the Jets!" Hunter adds. Rey nods, "And the guns."
Mom gasps, "Guns?!"
Ryes laughs, "Not loaded ones of course.."
Bree talks a little about the twins and how hard it is taking care of two boys and a little girl, but it's better than working. "The twins absolutely love Brynn."
The twins nod and giggle.
"Bree says that Brynn will have her personality." Rye adds.

Dad asks us the same question. "Oh we're great" Oliver replies, "The girls are doing good in school, especially Roselyn.. And our jobs are both great--Oh! And did you hear how Willows bakeries have been sponsored?"
I blush and suck my teeth, "Oh no stop it" I gesture my hand. "How much Will?" Ryes eyes are big.
"Oh.. Just a couple thousand.." I'm to humble to brag about it. Everyone gasps, wide eyed, and blankly staring. "And your bakery dad... It was given a thousand!"
Dad is about to feint from the news.. A thousand dollars is way to much for him to handle. "Willow I'm so happy!!" He exclaims.
"Me too!"
"Willow and I are so proud!" Oliver smiles as his bright eyes meet mine.
I don't like the attention and immediately start to feel uneasy even though inside, I'm shouting from happiness. "Anyway, enough of me.. How are you and mom?" I ask dad.
Still sidetracked from the amount of money dad nods his head, "Fantastic"
"Peeta remember our first Christmas?" She laughs. Dad starts cracking up as if they have their own inside joke.
"Those were the good ol' times." Dad sighs. Mom nods, "And when we ran out of firewood and the heater was out."
Dad nods, "I think that was the time we really were forced to huddle together.. After that everything changed."
"I thought we would die from pneumonia" mom laughs, "But I was really thankful for you being there."
They both sigh and smile together. All of us sit there awkwardly.
"Well the first Christmas we spent together it was -20 degrees outside and the heater went out, there was no more firewood, and we had just fought a big fight.. I had left for a whole two months and then that day Katniss called me to come fix the heater, so when I came it had died out completely, so we had no choice and I stayed with her for the whole entire day and night.. From there on we started to date." Dad explains. Mom gets lost in his eyes like the old days.
All the girls 'awe' over their adorable story.
It becomes awkward suddenly after, so with that mom and dad collect everything from the table. Rye helps pitch in and we all walk to the kitchen.
I baked some sugar cookies that would later be decorated once chilled. I open the oven door and peek in. The buttery steam escapes from the oven and leaves everyone wondering what smells so delicious.
The kids gather around me and plead me to take them out.
Rye walks over to the oven, attracted to the smell just like the kids. "Sugar cookies?" he smirks. I nod and slap his hand as it reaches for the handle. "Will, they're clearly done" he rolls his eyes, "I'm not doing anything I'll take them out."
I give up and let him reach for the tray.

Ryes POV
I get on my knees and open the oven door, not even thinking about how hot the metal pan is. I'm obliviousness when it comes to cooking. When I reach to slide out the tray, forgetting its 300 degrees, the cookies fly off the pan and the pan hits the floor with bang, followed by a shriek of pain. The kids scream as the cookies fly towards them and within a second everyone rushes to the kitchen to see the mess.
"Sh--shoot" I mumble. Willow glares at me with her hands on her waist. "Rye those took two hours!"
Of course I always cause trouble. Bree gets down on her knee and brushes the broken cookies onto the pan. My cheeks are red and hot, "You can always make more."
Willow huffs and doesn't bother looking at me. The kids laugh and mom rolls her eyes. Dad shrugs, "I think we have a left over batch" he smiles. The only person who'll never get mad at you--dad.

Well, I clean up the rest and Willow makes another batch. She, from now on, well take out the pan.. The only reason why the kids are mad is cause by the time the cookies are done they'll be in bed, but at least they have hot chocolate..
For not having cookies, I gave them ten times more chocolate.
After I killed the cookies we all huddle by the fireplace that crackles and pops.. Theres something about the cold weather--its brings people together.
Mom rests her head against dads chest, Roselyn and Lily sit on Will and Oliver's laps, the twins are playing with blocks, I'm propped up against the back of the couch while Bree's propped up against me as she rocks Brynn, who's fast asleep.
Its a peaceful silence along with the orange glow from the crackling fire . Bree's eyes start to close and she soon falls asleep. I move around to wake her up, "Hey baby we should get to bed."
She nods sleepily, so I notify everyone that we'll be in my room.
The twins come with us and get ready too.
Willow and Oliver follow after she takes the cookies out of the oven. Mom and dad as usual stay up a little longer.
Bree creates a makeshift bed for the twins out of soft fur blankets and wool comforters.
We both kiss them goodnight and Bree gets Brynn a crib. The room isn't any more cluttered than how it was for dinner, but thats what makes it cozier.
"Hey daddy, will santa be here tonight?" Rey asks.
"Only if you stay asleep." I reply.
Bree and I get in the bed together thats extremely small for the both of us.
I turn down the nightlight only to have a little glimmer..

(to be continued)

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