Chapter 13 Her shower

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Two months pass. Oliver and I had planned a baby shower for her. Her very own party just for her. It was small, just for my parents, Rye and Bree, if she wanted to come, and of course my father in law, Gale. No one knew the gender yet and we were so excited to tell them. I told them to bring a gift for both genders. I'm sure dad would make something special. I put together some pastries this morning at the bakery. Oliver had cleared out the basement and I had painted it. There was no furniture in that room yet, but we would add a crib and shelves for her. I unlocked the door so the guests could walk in without knocking.
Gale is the first. We chat for a little while, then mom and dad, lastly Rye and Bree.
We all have conversations with each other. When the conversation starts to die down I decide to make the gender statement. I nudge Oliver, he looks down to me and nods. I clear my throat, "We are having a" everyones faces freezes and waits for the exciting news, "A girl!" I squeal. Everyone cheers and hurrays.
"I'm gonna have a granddaughter" dad says. I nod, "Isn't that great!" I squeal. He hugs me,"Its everything I ever dreamed of, congratulations my little mockingjay!"
Theres that sweet name, 'My little mockingjay' it brings tears to my eyes. I don't know why. I suck them back, till its unnoticeable. Mom hugs me too, "Congrats you two!" she smiles. Rye moves closer to me, "I can't wait to see her." he smiles. My smile becomes interrupted by the thought of Rye not being there, "But Rye you'll be in practice, its only a month away till shes due."
He winks, "I'll make it"
I put my hand on his shoulder, "But Rye you come here all the time, don't you get in trouble for that?"
Rye laughs, "Trouble? Please Will"
I look into his eyes expecting an answer. "I make it up" he replies. I look at Bree who's standing beside him, "What about you Bree?"
"Don't worry they have lots of nurses to fill in for my shifts." she replies. "As long as it's not a big deal for you to come" I say.
"Well I'm going to eat some of those pastries if you don't mind" Rye says. Bree rolls her eyes and laughs, "He needs to learn manners."
Rye eats practically half of them. Gale and my parents eat a few. I don't eat any, for some reason I can't even look at food. I tell the guests to make themselves at home while I clean up the kitchen a little. Rye approaches me while everyone else is talking. He pokes my back. I turn around startled a bit, "What Rye?"
He hushes me, "I need to ask a question" he whispers, "Gold or silver?"
I laugh, "What?"
Rye rolls his eyes, "What cut? Round or square?"
Still perplexed by Ryes questions, "What is this about?"
Rye snatches my hand and observes my ring, "Silver and square" he mumbles. "R-Rye your going to purpose?!" I ask almost shouting. Rye covers my mouth, "If you yell it won't be a secret!"
"Sorry" I whisper. I start snickering, "You could've just straight out asked me what ring to buy Bree, not make it a guessing game."
Rye tries to stop the laugh that wants come out, "I just want to make the right impression" he whispers, "What romances a girl like Bree?"
"A dinner." I reply. Rye nods. "Rye?", Bree suddenly walks up to Rye. Rye snaps around, "Yes beautiful?" he rushes to ask. "Nothing, its just we are opening the babies presents"
Rye gives her a blank stare. "I thought you'd wanna see" Bree laughs. I touch Ryes shoulder, "We'll be right there" I say to Bree. She walks back to the living room.
"Lucky you she didn't hear that conversation" I mumble into Ryes ears.
We all sit in the tiny living room. If there was anyone else in this tiny room, they wouldn't fit at all. I grab the first box, its from mom. I can tell by the rustic wrapping. I unwrap it and open the box. I gasp remembering all the memories of this--the prim doll.
The doll that mom gave at christmas, I think when I was seven years old, "M-mom is this?"
She nods, "Remember that?"
I nod without speaking a word. The knot in my throat tightens up. Mom begins, "Its not much, but-"
"No its great!" I tear up, "Roselyn will love this"
"Roselyn?" mom questions. I nod, "Yes, Roselyn Joy Hawthorne"
Everyone 'awes', "What great name!"
Oliver kisses my head, "Willow and I spent hours upon hours making lists" He laughs. I nod, "But it was worth it"
I run my hands through the dolls blonde yarn hair, "Thank you mom, this brought back so many memories!"
I reach for the other box, its dads. I unwrap it--its a hard cover book. The title reads "memories" I remember seeing one like this at our house, except it had memories of mom and dads friends that they lost in the games. I stare at it and open the pages. Its blank.
"For you so you can make your own" dad smiles. "Dad its so thoughtful!" I smile, "I will sketch memories of our family in this."
"Theres another thing" dad adds. He pulls something from behind the couch, "Since I made a crib for you and Rye, I thought that why not make it for your daughter.
Here." he smiles. Oliver and I gasp, "Woah!" Oliver and I get up to look at it, "Peeta i-its fantastic!" Oliver exclaims. The frame is made of wood, theres no bedding though.
"I would've made the bedding, but I didn't know what gender the baby was" dad says.
I hug him, "Thank you dad!"
He rubs my back, "No problem my mockingjay" he smiles. I didn't expect that. Not a huge, homemade, crib! We both sit down and Gale hands us the next one. I hand it to Oliver so he can open one too. I watch his expression, "Wow thats nice dad!" Oliver holds up the bib and pacifier. Its a light cream yellow, with little designs on it. Its simply adorable! We thank Gale for his kind gift.
Next is Ryes. His is a nice warm blanket. Its a soft fleece blanket. I save the capital wrapping just incase. "Rye this is great!" I say, "She'll love it!"
Rye smiles, "Glad you like it."
Bree hands hers to me. Its a first-aid kit. Figures since shes a nurse. The thought is so sweet, "I'm sure it'll come in handy" I laugh. She doesn't say much but just smiles.
After that the party ends.
I thank everyone once more and wave goodbye. Oliver kisses my stomach, "She's almost here"

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