Chapter 38 Testing

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Four months had passed now. Bree would still be in pain here and there, but most of it subsided. She said she'll have migraines once in a while, but nothing like before. We hadn't known the gender yet--Bree still wants to be surprised. Although we went back to the obstetrics to be updated on the babies health about a month ago: we were told that the baby will live, but there is bad news: the baby might be really sick, or possibly deformed. That news made Bree rethink the whole thing, but I had to be the positive one.. I told her at least we'll have a baby, and she started to look to the positive side but was still ignorant about it.
As for myself I was a little distraught by it.. I just wanted a healthy kid, but I'm happy with what we'll have. Bree's stomach has grown exceedingly. She looks way bigger then nine months. Although the doctors haven't said a thing about it.

Today I was called to a test. It was for the marines. They had a shortage in men so they called me, knowing that I am good at archery and shooting. Their commander is a lot younger, his early forties. Everyone looks at me once I walk in that room. I smile trying to get them to smile back. I see Dash there--he's the only one that actually smiles back. The commander rests his hand on my shoulder, "Thanks for coming"
"No problem" I try to avoid him calling him by 'commander' it would just feel weird since he's not my commander..
Just when I get into things Cade crashes into me yelling "Your wife! She's going into labor!"
I stand there frozen for a moment until I snap back into reality--it's happening!

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