Chapter 65 Reunion

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Ryes POV
Bree and the twins healed after those two weeks. They were able to come to the reunion. I had to work with my shifts and beg for a break. I wanted to be with my parents, especially since they're getting older, I should always be with them even though I'm all the way in the Capitol. So we left three days before for the long train excursion.

They told Bree and I to meet them at the hill, where Will and even mom and dad were married--that one special, memory-filled hill.
Since Bree and I brought luggage we leave it at their door and will come back to it (we're spending the night before we leave tomorrow.)
Panting from the extra walk to the hill, but it's worth it when we do arrive.
Roselyn immediately points, "Uncle Rye!"
I'm amazed at how old she is. She's seven already! It's so weird seeing her so grown up.
Lily's never seen me before so she stays with my parents. Will and Oliver come up to hug us and of course say happy birthday (February 18th is my birthday.)
Mom and dad get up to hug us after Will and Oliver do. And they say happy birthday too. I could guarantee they would.
We all sit together while Will and dad hand out the sandwiches and drinks.
"It feels like I haven't seen you two such a long time." Mom says.
"We're staying at your house if you don't mind it." Bree says, "Just for a night"
"We don't mind at all! You could always stay longer." dad suggests.
"We can't, we have work" Bree answers.
Once everyone has their own lunch we all eat. I have a blt with extra tomato and some punch Will made. After we eat, everyone sings happy birthday to me and dad gives out pieces of cake. Lets just say I was so excited to taste it, and it was so good. Of course presents follow after that, and everyones are great! I love them all.
After that, we all get caught up on each others lives.
Willow talks all about Lily, which for the first time I've seen. Rose talks about her school and interacts with the twins. They talk about their school and how much they like district 12 over the capitol. "Its so green and open" says Rey.
"I could hunt here forever" says Hunter. All Hunter talks about is how the capitol has no places to hunt.
Oliver talks about his job and how its getting a lot more business with all the people moving here (I've personally noticed more houses in the town square.)
Mom and dad talk about how great life is here compared to how it was. They continue staying here forever, since thats what they always wanted. Mom still tries to hunt when she can, dad still cooks every morning, afternoon, and night.
They've stayed the same, as in health and just being themselves.
Bree and I talk about my new positions in work and about the twins and how Bree is taking off her nursing until the twins are old enough to care for themselves.
Like all reunions, everyone is brought back with memories from years agao. Will starts laughing, "Remember that one time we had that snowball fight!"
"Yes, that was epic"
Dad nods his head, "And we all got sick after that" he adds.
"Member when you took me hunting mom, and I killed a stag. That was the biggest moment for me back then."
She thinks a while until it comes to her mind, "Only with my help" she smirks.
"I could've done it without your help"
She laughs, "Than how come you asked for my help?"
Everyone laughs as mom proved her point.
"Hey Rye, the sweater" Oliver nudges me, "You never returned it"
I suddenly recall that one time, "You mean the date?" I laugh. I turn to Willow who's eyes are big.
"I never got to ask you about that 'school dance'" I tease. Oliver and I laugh, but Willow tenses up. Mom and dad are utterly confused. "What?" mom asks.
"Oh nothing" Willow says before Oliver and I can answer, "It was a long time ago anyway."
"What was a long time ago?" dad questions.
"The dance" I laugh. Willow elbows my side.
"Where is that sweater anyway?" Oliver asks. I shrug, "In my old room under my bed probably."
Everyone is silent, except Oliver and I joke about it. Eventually Will tells them about the secret date all the way back in high school. [ (mentioned in book 2) The time she lied about going to a school dance, when she really went on a date with Oliver and he offered his sweater to her, which then she forgot she had on and when mom and dad asked I claimed it "mine" just to save Willow from getting caught... I eventually forgot to return it]

Hunter and Rey hang out with Rose and Lily. All of us continue bringing up old times. Some are sad and some are funny, but its great talking with everyone. Each reunion brings us closer together.
I bring up a story from work, "And I was almost there, but I had a couple more steps" everyone listens closely, "And then as I try to grab it, suddenly the commander turns around and he starts yelling at me like: MELLARK, and I just dart off."
Everyone cracks up, including myself. "What happens after that?" Willow asks.
"I got in the jet and took off so he wouldn't find me."

The sun starts to go down. After all those stories, everyone becomes tired. The kids always beg for us to walk them to the bathroom. We do, but thats a long fifteen minute walk.
"This was a good time" mom sighs. I smile and thank them for inviting us. Willow and I look at each other, we can each understand each others eyes. We both have the same thought: will this be the last reunion?
Will looks away quickly. The thought makes her uncomfortable.
Dad makes a bonfire and we roast some fresh meat that mom hunted today before we came over. Hunter and Rey are frightened by the dark and stay as close to us as possible.
Once the fire burns out dad announces that its nine o' clock. Its also freezing out here so everyone walks to the house. Oliver and Willow grab their things and thank mom and dad.
"Bye Rye" Willow hugs me.
"Bye Will" I smile. Oliver says goodbye too. Rey and Hunter get sleepy so we put them to sleep. Since they can't fit in the crib anymore they sleep in Willows room.
Bree and I thank mom and dad. I thank them for the cake, and the presents, then get to bed.

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