Chapter 55 Happy Birthday Bree

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Bree's POV
I left our house three days ago since I was bored and lonely. Rye had told me to visit his parents, and thats what I did. Since my friends were all working I decided to spend my birthday with Peeta and Katniss. Willow had also been expecting her baby within this month and I wanted to stick around for that too.
I arrived in 12 around the middle of the day. Immediately after I knocked on their door they opened it. "Bree, the twins!" they reached to hug me. I bite my tongue to prevent a tear come from my eye. Of course Peeta goes to the kitchen and makes something immediately. Katniss and I talk about the twins.
Peeta makes some food for the twins. All four of us sit down and eat together. I enjoy the sandwich and the twins enjoyed the fruit sauce, as Peeta calls it.
After that amazing lunch Katniss goes outside to hunt and Peeta cleans up the kitchen.
I walk into Ryes old room we always stay at when we visit. Theres pictures of Rye and his family when Rye was just a boy. I smile to myself as I inspect each one. Theres still so much that has been just left there in old boxes and even under his bed. I look in his drawers. Theres an application for the Air Force. Its sloppily filled in (Ryes left handed.) He writes just like he talks:
My full name is Rye Mellark, my weight is 164, my height is 5.8" I am eighteen. The reason I am
applying is simply, I find this job interesting. I love to serve, especially for the Air Force.
I've always found talent in these sorts of things. Course as you know I am related to Katniss
Everdeen and Peeta Mellark of district 12 (which is also were I was born and raised) and
I would like to be treated as a normal soldier.. Theres nothing worse then favoritism.
If you are willing to except me, I would absolutely be proud. Couldn't be any prouder.
I find myself laughing, but also becoming sad. Its a mix of emotions. Then I peek at some trash in another drawer. Ones a not from a girl named Olympia Paz. Whoever she is.
"Hi Rye! After the school meeting lets have one of our own. Meet me at the willow tree next to the front gate."
I laugh to myself, "And he said he never had any girlfriends."
I throw it in the trash and continue searching threw the pile. Theres his report cards. The only good grades he got were in math and science. Theres mostly homework assignments and daily reminders. I sigh remembering him and badly wanting him more then ever. I fall asleep on his bed until I hear some voices coming from the door. It's probably about five o' clock.
"Let her sleep a little more" Peeta says. "What about the party?" Katniss asks. I cup my mouth, a party?! for me?
I can't really get up after I heard about the surprise. I stay put until they leave my door and then I get up after that. I pretend to be oblivious to what I just heard. "You didn't hear-" Peeta says until Katniss silences him.
They shake their heads and tell me it was nothing. I shrug and sit on the couch watching tv. Suddenly from the corner of my eye I see fire coming towards me. I snap around and gasp--its a candle. And the candle sits on top of a frosted cake. With frosted rose designs. Its a tiny cake, but the thought melts my heart. "It wouldn't be a birthday without cake" Peeta lays the cake down on the coffee table in front of me. I cup my mouth.
"Happy birthday Bree, happy birthday to you!" they both sing. "Thank you!" I exclaim. My eyes are bigger then my stomach. The cake just looks so good. The thought of Rye not being here makes me want to cry. My eyes are already filling with tears as I blow out the candles.
Peeta grabs glasses of punch and lays passes them out. We hold up are glasses. "To Rye who would do anything to be here, happy birthday Bree!" Peeta says. We clang our glasses together. A tear rolls down my cheek as Peeta cuts the cake.
I just can't believe it. It's way to much for me right now. Katniss holds Hunter and I hold Rey. Peeta hands out the thick slices to each of us.
"Hope you like my world famous cake." He smiles. I wipe the tear away before anyone can notice. "And that is?" I raise my eyebrow smirking.
He chuckles, "Just the secret recipe I add to my homemade cake mix, then vanilla mousse in between the layers and on the outside of the cake sweet cream cheese frosting." He replies.
I smile, "It's the best cake!"
He says thanks. I began to feel guilty for no reason and then it hits me--I've never felt so loved before. Other than Rye, but I mean as in parents. That's what makes me become teary again: the thought that I miss my parents so badly, but it was just like I had them right here.
After we finish the cake and after I thank them continuously they both walk to get something in their room. I wait eagerly, hoping it's not presents. I would feel to guilty if they bought me presents.. But what do you know? They do!
Two little boxes. One is thin and a little bit wider. I cup my mouth and bite my tongue until it's num.
He sets them on my hands, "Wouldn't be a birthday without presents."
Tears escape my eyes now. "Are you crying?" Katniss asks. I nod, "It's just you guys are like my parents... And you've been so good to me! I mean I never would have thought."
They both smile, "It was nothing" Katniss says. Peeta agrees, "Yea besides what bad parent in-laws we would be if we didn't get you anything."
I agree, that is a good point. I hug both of them before I continue opening.
They each hold the twins so my hands are free to unwrap the presents. I start with the tinnier one first.
It's a little box that reads,
"Mellark Bakery"
I flip the little top up and gasp, "Cooking appliances!"
"I thought you might like them since Rye told me you were fascinated in cooking."
I nod, "Thank you Peeta!"
He smiles and gestures for me to open the last one. "It's from both of us." Katniss says.
I cup my mouth and shake slightly. It's a picture that had been painted of Rye and I at our wedding. The paint was so dainty and looks as if it was glided on with perfection.
"I-it's perfect!" My eyes fill with water, "Did you do this Peeta?"
He nods, "I can't take all the credit.. Katniss picked out the frame."
"Oh like that took talent" she laughs sarcastically.
"No, no it's gorgeous really! Thank you so much!" My chin quivers, "You've made me feel so much better... I mean without Rye here and all. You've made me happy and not lonely. I love you two!" Another tear rolls down my cheek but I wipe it away instantly.
Peeta wraps his hand around me, "Thank you for visiting and we're happy to help."
"Have you talked to Rye today?" Katniss asks. I shake my head, "I tried calling him but he was busy I guess."
They both nod and collect the plates. They say one last happy birthday to me as they pass by the couch.
I rest the twins in their crib since they've been throwing a tired fit. I sit on the edge of the bed admiring the picture Peeta painted. It's so lovely! It takes me back to that one day. My favorite day of all--our wedding. And as I get lost in it I get lost in Rye and how much I miss him. Again I start to tear up. A tear turns to a cry and a cry turns into a sob.
I grab the phone and dial his number, "Please pick up!" I cry. Before it goes to voicemail I here men talking in the background. And then I hear his voice, that voice of Peeta's almost. "BREE" he exclaims, "Happy birthday beautiful!!"
"Thanks! I almost thought you forgot" I sniffle trying to hold the sobbing back.
"Aw cmon I wouldn't do a thing like that! I noticed the area code, are you at mom and dads?"
"Yea, they threw me a party with cake and presents... One was a painted picture of us at our wedding and some cooking appliances."
"Oh wow! That's awesome.. Bree if I was only there I'd buy you... I'd buy-" he suddenly stops talking as if he wanted to cry. "Gosh I miss you" he says once he regains his voice, "I think of you every day, more like every second"
"Yea, you never leave my mind"
"Me too Rye... Rye. I miss you!" I cry. He sighs, "I miss you too, but we will see each other soon."
"Rye I miss you so much! I can't stop crying.."
"Aw please Bree.. Cmon don't do this.. I can't take it either."
"And the twins they miss you and my everyday life misses you!" I sob. He sniffles, "I know, but just think of when we will see each other."
I smile to myself, "Can't wait for that day, but it's so far away." Suddenly I can't hear anything at all, as if he hung up.
"Sorry" he says, "There's some jets flying by. I'm afraid I have to go soon."
"Okay Rye.. I love you more then the world"
"Happy birthday my baby, I love you just as much.. And I'm sorry I couldn't be here, and even though I'm not close to here, I'll always be there with you."
I sniffle, "Thank you, and yes I'll remember." With that I hang up the phone and get ready for bed.

That night I have a dream of Rye coming home, and I know just what to make it even more special..

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