Chapter 54 Choosing

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Willows POV
Today Oliver and I were choosing names for our little baby girl. Both of us already had names for her, but none of them we really liked enough though.
Oliver and I had a day off work today. We used that time wisely since we are always occupied.
I sat on his lap as he sloppily crossed out names on his paper pad. He mumbles to himself more names and writes them down, but in the end he always crosses them out.
"Need any help?" I ask. He sighs out of frustration, "Nah I'm fine."
"What names do we have so far?"
"Zero" he replies.
"Zero?! But we had at least seven!"
"Not anymore" he sighs, "I just didn't like them.. It didn't feel good enough of a name."
I nod, "What about... No."
"How was Roselyn's name so easy?" He questions. I shrug, "You and I always liked Roselyn."
He agrees, "Olivia?"
"Middle" Roselyn waddles out walking to Oliver. "Olivia is a middle name?" I ask.
She simply nods. Oliver and I look at each other. He nods, "I like it"
"Then what for the first name?" I ask him. We think in high concentration. Oliver invites Roselyn on the couch with us.
"What do you think Roselyn?" Oliver asks. She strokes her chin, thinking.
"A flower" she says.
"A flower?" Oliver whispers, "Like what?" He asks Roselyn. She shrugs, "Lilly"
Oliver and I look into each other's eyes searching for an answer. We both find ourselves nodding in enjoyment. His smile becomes brighter, "I love it!"
"Me too!" I say. We kiss little Roselyn, "Thank you Rosie!" We say.
She smiles and kisses us back. Oliver writes it down on his pad of paper. Its perfect, Lily Olivia Hawthorne.
Roselyn presses her ear against my eight month bump.
"She's happy!" Roselyn exclaims. Oliver and I kiss each other. "I can't wait" Oliver smiles.

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