Chapter 18 Sunset

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Ryes POV
Two months had passed since passed since Willow had Roselyn. I had also been awarded to be a captain. I've only been there a little over a year, and all the sudden I have this huge honor. I earned both wings, and I can officially fly by myself. Cade and I are pretty much on the same level. He's a little below me, but he's almost there. The commander is so proud to have someone as good as I am. He says that I am one of the best pilots he's ever had. I don't know how true that is, but I'm thankful to have a compliment from that grouch. Now I won't have to train anymore.
Better than that I don't have to live in my barracks, now I can live with Bree. For now we are living in her house. Its nice, but really small. Speaking of us, we're great. Bree and I aren't getting married yet. She says that she wants to wait at least another two years; I say one.
We'll have dates here and there, or whenever our shifts are both done for the day. Today I planned on having a special one. To watch the sunset, from above.
I'd take her in one of our biplanes. We only have a couple of those, so most of us don't really use em. I know Bree is scared of heights, but who would pass that up. Especially with one of the best pilots around here.
The sunset was beautiful here in the capital. Its usually hard to see from the ground since all the lights overpower the natural sky light.
Today theres not much to do. Some new recruits come from the newly built district 13. 13 has now became a town, other than just a underground shelter, after Commander Paylors son took after her death. He improved much. Everything is richer and better maintained then how it was even with Commander Paylor alive. We still get all our nuclear sources, as well as many more necessities needed for military from 13.
I guess the new recruits are going to be taught here. The capitol is the only one that fully trains anyway.
Byron was assigned a mechanic for planes, since he is better at that. We usually work a lot together. He fixes the planes, I take them for a fly and see how they work better.
Rebel is still in training, and Dash is actually in the army after he went through the basic training, he decided to change.
After I flew some planes around for fun after Byron fixed them Bree walks over unexpectedly.
"Hey Rye" she smiles. I jump a little, "Hey" I laugh, "You scared me a little."
She laughs, "I know"
I rest my hand on her waist, "Whats going on?"
"Nothing" she shrugs, "Just thought I'd see my pilot"
Cade clears his throat, "Rye its a good time to-"
Trying to ignore Cade I cut him off, "Bree lets go over here" we walk farther away so Cade won't get on my nerves.
"Have you ever seen the sunset?"
Bree smiles, "Yea of course"
"What about from above?" I grin. "Y-you mean?" she stutters.
"Its the best site Bree."
She nods, "Okay then"
We walk to the biplane and I get the goggles, "Here put them on" I say. Cade watches from afar. I get into the front seat, "Sit on my lap."
"Can you still drive the plane?" she asks nervously. "Course! C'mon" I smile. She climbs in and sits on my lap, "Sure you can see?"
"Crystal clear" I reply. Bree rests her head on my chest. I start up the engine. The plane shakes a little. I can feel Bree tense up, "Comfortable?"
"Uh sorta" she replies nervously. I back the plane back and fly onto the runway, "Ready?" I yell over the loud engine. Bree squeezes my arm, "I guess!"
"To late" I push the throttle all the way up and before you know it its already hovering a couple inches off the ground. Bree goes ballistic, "Oh my god!" she squeals. Before you know it the plane is up in the air gliding. "Bree look down" I say. She hesitates. I laugh, "You won't fall out just take a look"
She reluctantly looks down and snaps away quickly, "We're so high up!"
I continue to control the biplane. "Hey Rye whats the thing called were you spin?"
"Barrel roll" I reply, "Why?"
"Don't do that please"
Of course if someone tells me not to do something I do the opposite, "Bree your strapped in right?"
"Yea why..?" she asks suspiciously. We're high enough so I roll, I do a barrel roll. "No Rye!" Bree screams. To late.
We flip back around. Bree's laughing along with myself, "Rye don't do that again!"
I laugh, "No I'm done"
"Thank god" Bree laughs. The sun is halfway down. The clouds we hover over are pink and orange. You can see the city lights pretty well. Its so romantic.
"Bree look--the sunset!"
"I-its beautiful Rye!" she exclaims. I agree, "Can't you get lost in it" I say relaxedly. Bree kisses my cheek, "I can get lost in you" she smirks.
I look into her eyes and kiss her cheek. She reaches to kiss me again, "Bree we haven't even landed" I laugh. We fly past the beautiful scenic sunset once more before the sun completely goes down.
I land the plane which Bree also freaks out about. Even more then when we took off. She steps out first, then I.
"You know I could get in so much trouble if the commander saw me" I say. "Thankfully we didn't" she smiles.
It starts to get dark. Bree's shift is over, and so is mine, so we leave for home.

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