Chapter 28 Its talent

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Ryes POV
A month passed and I could finally go back to work. I wasn't going to training. Not with any new recruits, never! I wasn't going to let some accident stop me from doing what I love to do. I walk past Bree's office and stop in to say hi. The other nurses stare at me. I smile at them and some smile back. Bree walks to me, "Do you need more pain killers?" she asks.
"No, just wish me luck."
"You mean your going to try to talk to the commander?"
"Yea why not?"
"Rye, thats going to be-"
I interrupt her, "At least I'm trying." I grin. I kiss her forehead, "Bye"
"Rye be careful" she warns. "Yes Mrs. Hamington" I smile and leave for the runway. I know the commander will be there. He always is. Its the first time I've been here since the crash. Half of the runway strip is blackened, "I did all this" I laugh. The commander heres my voice and turns around, "Oh good afternoon Mellark"
"About the captain thing-"
He cuts me off, "Rye we already talked about this, its done and over with" he says sternly. I roll my eyes, "Sir please! I need my two wings back. I deserve them anyway."
He shakes his head, "Good luck Rye."
"Commander I worked my ass of getting that award! I deserve something"
"You deserve nothing." he replies.
"What happened to the, 'you're the best pilot we have'?!"
"You were then, but its not my fault you crashed-"
I cut him off, "What?! That plane crash was because of a glitch in the engine! If you want to blame someone than blame Byron, it was his fault!"
"Stop yelling Rye, now go practice with the others-"
I cut him off again, "No, I'm not going anywhere! My neck is healed, I got the cast off, I got off most of the medications, I came back here to continue what I started, not restart what I've already accomplished!"
The commander struggles to keep his patience inside, "Go before I-"
I take a deep breathe, "Listen I'm not going back to restart everything.. I've personally trained all those the beginners! I've taught all of them. Every single one."
That stubborn, ignorant, commander still says no, "Sorry Rye" he walks off, still an eye on me. But I can show him who's boss. I'm the captain here. I walk to the runway and hop into one of the jets sitting there. I know he's watching me even though he's pretending not to. I know I'm just as stubborn as he is, but I have to make my point.
Once I'm buckled in and everything is closed I turn the engine on. Nervous, but ambitious. Strongly ambitious. Its not like I'll get in trouble for flying--I'm a captain.
I push the throttle all the way up and soar off the runway. Once I get high enough I do several barrel rolls. I speak into the intercom. I know the commander can't hear me, but I say it anyway, "Do you see this? No other captain can fly like I do, I'm your best captain anyway!" I say in a victorious voice. Laughing at the thought of the commanders face. I know I'm crazy, but I'm passionate for something I love. The commander will never know how much I enjoy it.
I land the jet smoothly on the runway, revving the engine to humiliate him more. I get out and walk to the commander, "And thats how you prove someone wrong" I smirk.
"Thats how you look like a idiot" he rolls his eyes.
"Sir you're never getting someone as good as me, you said it yourself.. Out there, in the sky, thats all talent!"
He huffs, "Fine Rye, welcome back. You're a captain now, happy? But if you ever hurt yourself like you did recently, you will no longer be in the air force."
I nod, "Thank you sir!" I would hug him, but he's already mad that I proved him wrong. I can't wait to tell Bree about this. She'll probably kill me for flying again, but no one can stop me.. Its talent.

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