Chapter 15 Labor

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Ryes POV
Bree and I had went back to district 12 because of Easter break. Willow was due any time now and I had promised to be there when she went into labor. I told my parents about the engagement. They were so happy to hear about it. They wouldn't leave Bree's ring alone.
Bree and I stayed in my old room. It was still painted blue, except all the posters were gone, the walls were bare. This room used to be so much bigger when I was a kid, now it's half the size. Briggs back so many memories though.
It's around ten o clock when my eyes get heavy. Dad made another great dinner and I'm absolutely tired.
Mom is already getting ready for bed. Dads sitting down on the couch staring lifelessly at the wall, shaking slightly.
"D-dad?" I say almost in whisper. He makes an effort to turn around, "Fine just-"
"Nightmare?" I interrupt. He nods, "I'm fine trust me, by now I'm used to it." he gives a little smile.
I smile, "Goodnight dad"
"Goodnight Rye" he replies.
"Oh and dad, good dreams" I smile. He nods, "I'll try."
I walk back into myself old room. I walk past moms room, "Night mom" I yawn. She smiles, "Night Rye"
I walk into the bathroom with Bree and we get ready for bed. Once I'm done I walk into my old room and fix the bed. Bree walks by, hesitant to walk in with me.
"Bree come in" I say. She walks into the room still hesitating a bit, "Rye I'm going to sleep in Willows room."
"What about here?" I question. "Well Rye.. I've never slept with you before, and-"
I laugh, "Bree it's fine" I pat the bed, "c'mon"
"What about your parents?" She asks.
I sigh, "Bree look at your ring"
She does. "Okay" I say, "That represents marriage right?"
She nods. "Then what does marriage represent?"
Bree walks to the bedside, "Fine" she laughs. I pull the covers away so she can slide in. "There" I say. She scoots closer to my side, "Goodnight" she smirks.
"Goodnight baby" I kiss her head and flip the night light off. The room filled with black darkness. I lay my hand on her arm. At first she tries to jerk away, but then she gives into it. We fall asleep together. Of course nothing happens, but it's so much more peaceful sleeping with her.

At about twelve o clock the phone rings. I get up groggily and answer it, "Hello" All I hear is heavy breathing, "Uh hello?"
"Rye! Is that you?" I recognize her voice. "Willow? Whats wrong?" I ask. She doesn't answer for a minute. I start to panic, "Willow?!"
"Rye m-my water it's broken!" She panics. I gasp, "Really? Is-"
"Oliver's not home! He's running the night shift!"
I take a deep breathe, "Ok hold on Willow. I'll wake up mom and dad they'll be there soon and I'll go to your house right now. Bree's a nurse she can help, okay?"
"Rye I live all the way in town square" she breathes heavy.
"Damn I forgot about that!" I pause thinking, "Don't worry it'll be okay I'm coming, can you wait?"
She gulps, "Yea, yea just hurry please.."
"Bye" I hang up the phone and change into my clothes I wore before bed.
"W-whats wrong?" Bree asks alarmed. "My sister is having her baby and we need to go now!"
She scrambles out of bed and grabs some clothes to throw on. I bang on my parents door and tell them the news. They panic to get dressed, then Bree and I leave for Willow. There's no street lights leading the way, nothing except pure darkness. Bree and I hold hands running through the streets. I only remember where the town square is because school is close by.
The only house thats lit up, it's Willows. Thankfully it's unlocked and we bust in. She's sitting on the couch breathing heavy. Bree and I support her with our shoulders, "Can you hang in there Willow?" I ask with a panicked tone. She gives a nod, "Wheres mom?!"
"Shes with dad" I lock the door, "They'll meet us at the hospital"
She nods and whimpers in pain. "Breathe in and out" Bree instructs. Willow does as Bree tells her. We walk to the train station. Hoping to at least catch the train right then, but instead we end up waiting ten more minutes. That just about makes matters worse--Willow goes into her contractions. Bree helps her with the breathing exercises and I pray for a damn train to come pronto.
Finally the train wheels screech onto the track. We support Willow with our arms and walk into the train car.
Within the ten minute ride we rush to the hospital. Thank god the line is short. I check Willow in, "Okay and your?" He asks.
"Her brother!" I reply flustered.
"I'm sorry but we need information sir" he replies. "Listen my sister is having contractions and I'm not a professional baby doctor so if something were to happen!-"
Bree rubs my neck trying to console me.
"S-sorry.." I sigh, "Just escort us please."
The guy upfront ordered us to the
maternity unit, after Willow changes into her gown. To get there we have to use the elevator. By now Willow is crying out in pain.
Turning every direction waiting for mom and dad as Willow gets dressed, "Where are they?!" I question myself.
"Maybe I should get Oliver." Bree suggests. "Yea, yea, go and ask for Oliver, I'll help Willow up to the room."
Bree nods and walks off. Willow opens the door, "Okay I'm ready to go" Willow clenches her teeth.
"Couldn't they get a smaller size" I laugh looking at her gown.
"Rye please!" Willow looks down at her stomach and holds it. I support her and we walk to the elevator shaft.
"Shouldn't you have a wheel chair?" I ask. Willow shakes her head, "I can't get one now, it'll be alright."
"It better" I mumble under my breath. Once we get into the elevator Willow gets contractions--painful ones. She grips onto the elevator handrail, trying to keep the scream of agony in.
Still all her weight on my shoulder I reach my arm for her to squeeze, "Here"
She almost breaks my arm but I don't complain. "Rye! Rye.." she clenches her teeth, "I need to get in that room!"
"I know, we're almost there" I start to ask myself the 'what if' questions.
She holds her stomach and cries out in pain--she can't wait any longer. I start getting antsy and impatient just waiting for this damn elevator door to open.
"I need to lay down! I can't stand up anymore!" she yells. "We're almost there-" the sound of the beeping sounds from the elevator. Finally we reached the floor!
Rushing to get Willow there before she gives birth right in the hallway, "What was it Rye?!"
"The room number?" Willow whimpers. I start cursing under my breathe. I forgot it.
"Wait! Its 509!" I exclaim. Leading Willow into the room as the nurses scramble to get her hooked up to the machine.
"Are you her husband?" one asks.
I roll my eyes, "I'm her brother, I don't know how many times I had to tell that to that one guy working the front desk"
The nurse nods, "Just making sure"
I want to say more, but I console myself from being rude. Contractions hit Willow. The room is filled with screaming and yelling. I stand at the bedside telling jokes to Willow so she can have something better to think of other than pain.
Mom and Bree run in, "Oliver and Peeta are coming" mom says.
I nod, "How long?"
"As soon as they can" Bree replies. Mom walks to Willow and holds her hand, "It'll be alright, just keep breathing"
Willow nods and starts screaming in pain again.
Mom checks the machine, "Couple more contractions Willow."
The door swings open again, its the doctor, "Okay lets get finished with the contractions" she says, "One more then we will start-"
Suddenly her voice becomes interrupted by the door opening. Who is it?

Next chapter coming tomorrow :P

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