Chapter 4 Her day (Pt 2)

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I pull out the pearl that I made into a necklace. Peeta's pearl. The one he gave to me eons ago. Willow gasps. I hold it in my hands, "Since I'm not going to have this forever, I'll give it to you. So that your marriage will be like Peeta and mines. It started with a pearl. I remember when he gave it to me, it was so thoughtful. Little did I know that it would still be here. I thought I would've lost this. It was the only thing that that kept me hoping. When I was upset I would run this through my fingers and it would help me. It wasn't the pearl itself, it was thought and love put into it. I want you to have the same thing with Oliver and you, so that you'll be just as happy as we are. And when you have children pass it to them, and tell them as I have." I put the necklace on Willow. Willow takes it in her fingers.
Willows chin quivers, "M-mom i-its beautiful!"
"I hope you like it" I smile. Willow leans to hug me, "M-mom I love it!"
My eyes get teary. I try my best not to let them fall out. Willow and I release, "Now go out there and kiss Oliver"
Willow nods, "I love you mom"
"Love you too Willow"
Peeta and Willow lock arms. The music gets more intense. I sneak out of the tent to sit down and watch the ceremony. The last couple walks down the isle, now its Willows turn.

Willows POV
️I clutch onto my dads arm. It becomes my lifeline. I tense up once we walk out. Mrs. Abernathy cues us and we smile at the audience. I make sure not to trip on my dress. I look into dads blue eyes. He studies mine, and I study his. We look away from each other, and continue to make eye contact with the audience.
Oliver is there. He's standing with Mr. Abernathy under the gazebo. Suddenly I start uncontrollably smiling. No more faking it, now its all real. Oliver's chin quivers. I give him that eye I always do, sexy. Oliver's eyes start to fill with water. Mine give into it and before I leave my dads arm, my eyes are about ready to flood out onto my face.
I give one last glance at my dad. He pulls away from my arm, "Bye" he whispers.
Loads of butterflies fill my stomach. A tear rolls down my cheek. Oliver's eyes are red, but I know he's overflowing with happiness.
"I'm so nervous!" he says wiping a tear from my cheek. I nod, "Me too!"
Mr. Abernathy clears his throat and begins reading the vows to us. Of course before he does that he cracks some jokes to make our tears fade away. Then it gets serious. I stare into Oliver's beautiful green eyes, then I look to my parents. My moms smile is glowing, my dad watching with big eyes. I give them that smile I always make when I see them.
I look back at Oliver and he studies my eyes. Mr. Abernathy clears his throat,
"Oliver" Mr. Abernathy says, "Do you promise to love Willow without condition, to honor her each and everyday, to laugh with her and support her, to challenge her to be a better person, and allow her to do the same for you, to be
her biggest fan, and her ever present audience?"
Oliver's chin quivers, "I do"
Mr. Abernathy turns to me and asks me the same thing he asked Oliver, of course I say "I do"
The audience stays silent and waits for Mr. Abernathy to say, "You may now kiss the bride"
Oliver gives me a, Are you ready? look. I give a little shake. He wraps his hands around my back and draws me closer to his lips. He presses his lips against mine. I get lost in his kiss. We both get lost. Again, theres that feeling: where your in a wonderland.
Everyone shoots off their chairs and claps. I can here dad whistling. Oliver and I end the kiss so we can breathe. We turn our heads to the audience. Moms eyes are watering, Mrs. Abernathy is crying, along with others, and all of Oliver's huge family are there clapping. Mr. Abernathy walks up to us, "That was a great kiss!" he laughs. Oliver and I laugh along with him.
Oliver and I walk down to the guests. Everyone crowds us, telling us how beautiful that was, and saying congratulations. Mom and dad come up to us. Dad throws his arms around me, "That was great!"
Mom walks up next, "You're married now!"
"I know!" I squeal. Even though it literally just happened, its hard to imagine that now I'm a wife. Mr. Hawthorne walks up to Oliver and pats his back, "Congratulations you two!" he says reaching to hug me.
"Thank you!" I say. Oliver and I look into each others eyes again. Getting lost so easily. Mr. Hawthorne's deep voice gets are attention.
"Katniss, Peeta, have you guys met my family yet?" he asks. My parents shake their heads, "No"
Mr. Hawthorne calls them over to meet the family. Finally no more crowds, just me and him. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and we kiss each other again.

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