Chapter 3 Her day (Pt. 1)

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Today was Willows day. Her wedding day is here. Effie and Haymitch had said that they could come. Effie's personalty was the same, but her looks were shocking. Her hair was no longer colored, instead a metallic grey. Her smile was the only thing recognized about her. She had told me about her and Haymitch's marriage. She said it was going great, and that Haymitch had stopped drinking, and he had no more liver failures. He was in his middle eighties, and Effie was shortly following. It was hard to believe they were that old.It shocked me when I found out. I guess I just realized that I haven't kept count of time.
Rye was here. He had taken a train here all the way from the capital. He had changed a lot since Peeta and I last saw him. He was more masculine and his hair was no longer fluffy and curly. It had been cut. Only a little, but it wasn't as long. Peeta and him would talk for hours about the military once Rye came back. He had been staying at our house for only a couple days.
Willow had started working at the bakery. She took over Peeta's shift here and there. Once Peeta would retire she would be the new manager, and she would open up other bakeries and restaurants around this town. Oliver on the other hand was working at the hospital in 11. He would learn how to operate on his many patients.

Today Rye woke us up at six o' clock. He opened the curtains, "Wake up!"
I got up rubbing my eyes, "Rye why are you up so early?"
"Its not early" he replies.
"But Rye your the last one to wake up"
"Oh I guess because I'm used to it. In the military we can't sleep in"
Rye leaves to get his things ready. Peeta and I get up and walk to the bathroom to get our things ready. We will all meet in the tents at the hill. Peeta, Oliver, and Gale set them up yesterday. There will be two tents: one for girls and one for the guys to get ready in. Then in the center will be the gazebo Willow and Oliver will get married in. That'll be Haymitch's job. And after that we will have the party in our house. Peeta is in charge for the food. He has lots of sweets, and the cake.
Gales huge family is coming: his three siblings, their kids, then their kids. I will meet Willow and all the other girls in our tent, and Peeta will meet Rye and all the other guys. The wedding starts at eight. By the time I get into my tight dress Effie dressed up, its already 6:30. Its a beautiful cream color that Effie dressed up. She copied the looks for the bridesmaids, but she added different designs to it. I look across the room. Peeta is in his suit. I walk to him, "Peeta its lovely"
"Can you tie the tie?"
"Sure Peeta" I say. I bring the tie through the loop and create a knot, then I bring through the other piece and tug on it to secure it, "There, all done"
"Thanks Katniss" Peeta turns back to the mirror. He looks at my dress through the mirror, "Katniss it looks fantastic"
"Oh it wasn't hard, all you have to do is-"
Peeta laughs, "No I mean the dress"
I laugh, "Oh this" I look down at the creamy color, "Its from Cinna's collection. Its so old, but thanks to Effie she dressed it up"
"Well it looks great Katniss."
I blush, "Thanks Peeta, your suit looks great too"
Peeta smiles and then looks back at the mirror, fixing his collar. Rye walks into the bedroom with us, "How do I look?"
I gasp, "Rye! You look outstanding"
Rye smiles, "Thanks mom, how do I look dad?"
Peeta looks away from the mirror. He nods assuringly. Rye takes that as a yes and walks back to his room. I walk to the bathroom and get the hairbrush. I tie my hair into a low ponytail and flatten some hairs with water, twist my hair into a bun and intwine a cream colored ribbon into it. I grab a gemstone clip and stick it into the top of the bun. I take a look in the mirror. I give a shrug, and walk out. Peeta gets up off the bed and walks toward me, "You look beautiful!"
"Oh please I don't even have makeup on"
"You don't need makeup" Peeta leans to kiss my lips. I stare into his crystal blue eyes, and smile. Rye walks in awkwardly, "Uh are you--Is this a bad time?"
I look away from Peeta, "No Rye its fine" I laugh. Rye shrugs and walks in. He rummages through the bathroom drawers, "Dad wheres the gel?"
"Bottom drawer" Peeta replies. Rye takes it out. He rubs it through his dark blonde hair, then he walks to Peeta, "Dad are you ready?"
"Yeah" Peeta turns to me, "Are you ready Katniss?"
I nod, "Yeah, lets go."
I grab the only pair of heels I have, and slip them on. We walk out to the hill in the meadow. I can already see people there. Gales family is bussing around, Haymitch is practicing his lines, and Posy is sitting outside of the girls tent. Posy is Gales youngest sibling. Thats his sister. I walk up to the tent. Peeta and Rye walk to theirs. I walk in front of Posy, "You okay?"
She nods. Seems like she doesn't like to talk. "Did Effie do your makeup?"
"Effie?" she asks quietly.
"Uh the-"
"Oh you mean the loud one?"
"Yeah.. did she?"
"I'm waiting" she replies silently. Her hair is a light brown, like her mother Hazel, and her eyes are green like Gales. I walk into the tent trying to avoid Posy. She doesn't seem like the friendly type. Effie is in there doing Willows makeup. She drops the brushes, "Katniss!"
Willow gets up, "Mom!"
Effie runs up to hug me, "I haven't seen you in forever!" she squeaks. "Effie we just talked on the phone a couple days ago."
Effie rolls her eyes and laughs, "Sorry I'm old, remember"
I walk to Willow. Her eyeshadow is partially done on one eye. Effie steps out of the way so we can hug, "Oh Willow" I hug her tighter, "Your gorgeous!"
"Really? Thanks, I'm so nervous!" she squeals, "Mom what if something bad goes wrong?"
She studies my eyes searching for an answer. I stroke her hair, "Everything will be fine Willow, just smile and look at the audience."
"Like that speech on graduation?"
"Exactly" I smile. Willow and I hug one more time, "Do you have the dress?" I ask. Willow nods, "The box is over there"
I let Willow get the rest of her makeup done. Effie is still an amazing makeup artist like she always was. I walk to Effie and watch her blend the eyeshadow into Willows lid.
"Effie, what happened to Octavia and Flavius?"
Effie looks at me sorrowfully. I only know what that means, "How?" I ask quietly. Effie shrugs. Her eyes water.
"Effie I'm sorry.."
Effie turns to me, "Its fine Katniss, you didn't know."
It gets silent and sorrowful just thinking of that. I push it aside and wait for Willows makeup to finish. Effie pulls out brush, after brush, and color after color. "Just a little lighter" Willow tells Effie.
"But darling this is your wedding" Effie replies. Willow sits there thinking, "Mom what do you think?"
I walk to the chair. I study it, "Its fine, but Effie don't add anymore."
Effie sighs, "Sure Katniss"
"Okay!" Effie throws her hands in the air, "Its all done!"
I walk to see. I gasp, "Oh my gosh Effie its beautiful!"
Effie smiles, "Your turn Katniss!" she pats the seat.
"I think Posy should go before me. She's been waiting."
Effie's smile fades to a frown, "She doesn't like me"
"She doesn't like anyone. But c'mon Effie, its fine I can wait"
Effie shrugs, "Can you get her?"
I nod and walk outside. She's still sitting there slouched over, staring at the ground, "Uh Posy?"
She turns to face me and raises her eyebrows. "Effie is ready to do your makeup."
She gets up without saying a thing and walks to Effie. Effie doesn't say a word to her. I walk to the dressing room, "Willow? You in here?"
"Yeah mom, hold on" she replies. I stand there waiting for her. She walks out in my dress. I cup my mouth with my hands, "W-Willow" I study the dress, "Its breathtaking!"
Willow walks to the mirror, "Oliver's going to love it!" she squeals. I walk up behind her, "Willow" my eyes water, "Your beautiful, just beautiful!"
Willow studies my eyes, "Mom, are you crying?"
I shake my head, but she knows I am. Willow wraps her arms around me, "Thanks mom, I really appreciate it!"
I stay silent from the knot in my throat. Willows eyes water a little too, "Can you do my hair like yours?"
I nod, "Of course Willow"
I make a low ponytail and take pieces from her hair. I braid them, then intwine them into the loose beautiful bun, "Done"
Willow turns to the mirror. She gasps, "M-mom its amazing!"
I laugh, "Thanks"
"Katniss!" Effie calls. I lay my hand on Willows shoulder, "I have to go now Willow"
I walk to Effie. Effie knows that I like it light and natural, so she gets to work. Blending brown into white, brushing blush on, gliding the eyeliner on my lid, coating my eyelashes with mascara, spreading lipstick on my lips. Finally its done. I hold the mirror to my face, "Its great Effie!"
Peeta and Rye walk in. Willow runs to Rye, "Rye!" she throws her arms around him, "You've grown up so much!"
"Sis I'm only eighteen"
Willow rolls her eyes, "I know but your still my little brother"
"You look great sis!"
"You do too Rye!"
"Rye, you should probably line up with the groomsmen" Peeta says. Rye says his goodbyes to Willow, "Good luck Will"
"Thanks Rye!" Willow waves goodbye. Rye leaves the tent, and Willow walks up to Peeta and I.
"Its 8 o' clock" Peeta says.
"Yeah, the bridesmaids and groomsmen are getting ready to walk down the isle." Peeta replies. Willow nods and takes a deep breath.
"Bye everyone!" Effie says, "Willow you make a beautiful bride!", Effie walks to out to monitor the wedding.
Willow smiles and waves goodbye to Effie. Willow, Peeta, and I are the only ones in the tent. I can hear all the guests talking in the background. Effie cues everyone to get ready.
I grab Willows hand, "I have to go, but before I do. I have something"
I pull out a box from my purse and walk to Willow. She waits for me to open it, and when I do she gasps.

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