Chapter 56 Twins Birthday

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Today was the twins birthday. I was still at their house and once the twins and I woke up Willow and Oliver had come to stay since Willows water would break and she wanted to be closer to the train station.
I didn't expect any company to come, but I was happy to see them. They stayed in her room of course and got situated while Peeta cooked some breakfast. "What would you like?"
I shrug, "Anything is great"
He nods and gets busy pouring batter and frying bacon.
Once we all gather round and finish the wonderful breakfast, Peeta sets freshly made cupcakes that look to good to be true.
The twins exclaim when they see them and reach to get one. I slow them down and take each one off the plate and hand them to Hunter and Rey. "This is all so much Peeta" I say, "but thank you! It wouldn't be the same without you two!"
They smile and thank me for coming. Katniss sticks in two little candles in each of the twins cupcakes.
"I hope this is enough for them" Peeta says.
"Oh it's great!" I reply. The candles are lit and we all sing along "Happy birthday to you!"
The twins blow of their candles and giggle.. Without any hesitation smother  their face in the cream cheese frosting that Peeta made..
He even gives the twins some wood carved toys.. Even though Ryes not here to celebrate, I couldn't be any happier..

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