Chapter 7 our date

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The next day passes. My bandage is still on. I've been feeling really drowsy from the loss of blood. Sitting here is sure boring.. Nothing to do. I sleep most of the time anyway. I'm just blah. I miss practicing especially since we have bow and arrow training! I know I'd ace that. But there is a good thing coming from this "retirement" and that's Bree. I can't wait to see her, and her smile. I know its not even official, or even close to calling it official, but it'll still be fun.
After another long sleep, I wake up to find its 6:30, "Oh god! I can't be late, dammit how did time fly by this fast?" I say to myself. Opening my drawer all I find are my white tanks, khaki pants, uniforms, and underwear, "Great, just great!"
I look at the next one. I don't have many clothes other than the ones we soldiers use. I do find a tux, some sweats, and a couple t-shirts. Nothing in the middle of casual and dressy. I shrug and take out my tux. Change into that, and gel my hair quickly. I look in the mirror quickly before I leave. Making sure I look okay, "Suave Rye" I laugh to myself.
"Its Bree" I hear someone say outside of the door. I walk to open it, "Hey Bree" I can't keep my eyes off her dress. Her hair is down and flowing, her eyes are bright and lively.
"Rye you look good!" she says. I stare at her dress, "Y-your dress is great"
"Aw thanks"
"You didn't buy it just for me right?" I ask
Bree grins, "Haha you wish"
It gets a little awkward between us. I hardly no a thing about her, except that she's beautiful. We walk by the training rooms. I told my friends about it already, and since I'm not doing anything, then its a perfect timing to go somewhere with her. She talks about her shift and how she gets off at five. Other than that we don't talk much, its pretty awkward. But thankfully the steakhouse is pretty close to us. She reaches for the door, "I'll do it" I say opening he door for her.
"Thanks Rye"
"No problem" I smile. Its the busiest restaurant I've ever seen, its the only real restaurant I've ever seen. If only my family could see this. That smell of steak on the grill. I've never smelt anything this good!
We both wait to be seated. The hostess seats us in the back, in a booth. I sit on the opposite side of Bree.
We stare at each other, "So Bree what brought you to the military?"
"Well I'm really good at nursing, so I decided to come here after come high school, when I was eighteen, and I trained to get in. It took a year, now I'm nineteen, and so I'm new to this job here, and I really enjoy it.. What about you Rye?"
"I always wanted to join the military after high school, so I left right after graduation. I think its because if my parents.. When I was in school I watched videos of them fighting and surviving in the hunger games, and my mom showed me how to use a bow and arrow, so I just went on from there, I caught on fast"
Bree nods, "Yeah I've always dreamed of being a nurse."
We just look at each other not knowing what to say.. "Can you cook?" I ask her. She laughs, "Thats a little off topic, but yea I can.. I'm actually really good at it"
"Oh sure, but no one is better than my dad. He's the best chef"
"Can you cook?" Bree asks. I shake my head, "No I'm just like my mom.. She burns waffles" I laugh, "Onetime she was making this soup because my dad was sick, and I swear it was-"
Bree's amber eyes staring into mine distract me, "What's wrong?"
Bree smirks, "Nothing"
I start grinning, "You do have a crush on me"
"A crush?! What is this second grade?" she laughs.
"I guess we're past all that, I mean this is a date after all.. But you do have feelings right?"
Bree gets uncomfortable, "I don't know" she pauses, "Yea, okay maybe"
My smile starts to grow, "I understand you Bree.. I do too."
"Of course you do Rye" she laughs.
"Your dress is stunning.. its beautiful!" I say. Bree smiles, "You already told me that"
"I did?!"
Bree nods, "But thanks again"
The waiter suddenly interrupts us, "Would you like your steak rare, medium rare, or medium?" he asks me. I stare at him blankly. Bree starts cracking up.
"Uh.. Whats your rarest type?"
The waiter squints at me, "Rare" the waiter gets annoyed.
"I'll have medium rare then.."
The waiter writes my order down, "For you miss?"
"Medium please"
The waiter walks back to the kitchen.
"How long do you plan on staying in the military Rye?"
"Until I retire, what about you nurse?"
"Till I get bored of it" she laughs.
"Oh and thanks for the wrist incident yesterday" I say.
"Oh sure, it was nothing" she says, "You're gonna have to come back in a couple days so I can restitch it, and bandage it again."
"How long will I have it?"
She thinks for a second or two, "Three weeks"
"But I can still practice after tomorrow, right?"
Bree nods, "Yes, but you can't damage it in anyway, or it won't heal properly and turn to an infection"
"Thanks mom, I'll be safe" I smirk.
"I'm caring for you" she says. My eyes widen, I stare at her expecting another sentence. "I mean" she begins, "Caring for your wound"
I laugh, "Oh sure"
"I am!"
"Okay.." I smirk. It gets silent and awkward again. "Bree, do you have kids?- I mean siblings!"
Bree squints at me, "No, you?"
I clear my throat, "One older sister"
I look away from Bree embarrassedly, I can't believe I asked if she had kids! I guess I was thinking of kids and it came out. Whatever.. I roll my eyes.
"Rye why would you ask about kids?"
"Rye, are you okay?"
"Oh fine, just fine." My palms sweat. Bree lowers her eyebrows, "Sure?"
I nod, "I'm great.. Why?"
"Well kids, Rye that was just kinda out there."
"It shouldn't bother you" I gulp, "Its not like-"
The waiter interrupts us. Thank the lord! I was starting to get uncomfortable. He hands us our steaks. Again that wonderful smell of fresh grilled steaks.
"Just forget about all that" Bree says. I agree. I grab the knife not sure how to properly cut a steak. Bree starts to chuckle.
"Ok tell my if I do this wrong" I grab the fork and knife, "Don't worry I got this" I laugh.
Bree laughs along with me. "See like this right?"
Bree nods, "Rye its not rocket science" she laughs. I hold up a piece, "There got it" I say in a victorious voice. Bree starts to crack up, "Your so cute Rye"
I start to blush. She waits for my expression when I eat the steak. "Oh my god! This is amazing!" I say between chews, "I need more"
Bree nods, "I know"
"If only I was always rich, I would have this everyday!"
Bree keeps laughing, "What do you usually have?"
"Chicken, salad, sometimes pork chops, or this signature soup my dad makes."
"Sounds good" Bree swallows. I shake my head, "Not as good as this"
Bree and I stay silent as we eat. I savor that amazing flavor. I devour the whole thing. Bree still works on hers. I wait for her to finish. The waiter brings us our bill. I pick up the piece of paper and gasp, "$70.50"
"I'll pay for it Rye" Bree offers.
"No Bree you shouldn't, whats the point of a date."
"But Rye-"
"No its fine.. I brought the money from my last couple pay checks"
"Rye please you get payed every month, don't use your money-"
"Bree please I'll feel bad if I don't" I get out seventy dollars and add a ten dollar tip. Bree and I slide out of the booth and walk outside, "Thanks Rye, that was really generous"
"Well, I'm a really generous guy" I joke. Bree looks at me expecting something more. "Your welcome Bree, thanks for inviting me."
Bree shrugs, "Yeah, its nothing"
We walk into a neighborhood, "I have to go now, goodbye Rye"
"Y-you live in a house?"
"Yeah, I don't sleep overnight in my office" she laughs, "Bye" she kisses my cheek. My eyes widen. I didn't expect that, that soon. Wow! I watch her walk into the house and walk the rest of the way back. Once I get there I open the room to my barracks . Everyone stares, "How was that date Rye?" Rebel asks.
"Good" I reply. I don't want to give them to many details. "Who did you go out with again?" Byron asks.
I look at him,"Bree"
Everyone gasps, "You mean the nurse?"
"Yeah what about her?"
"She's to uptight to date anyone" Cade laughs.
"Shes not uptight with me, shes softens up to me man, she kissed me."
"Thats because she hasn't shown her true colors yet" Dash laughs. I throw my pillow at him, "Oh shut up!"
"Did anything else happen" Rebel smirks.
"Shut up it was just a dinner" I grin.

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