Chapter 9 Accepting

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Oliver and I wait for her to continue. She starts squeal inside, as if she was happy for not just me, but us.
"Its a baby!" she smiles, "Congratulations!"
Before I can even register what she just said, I look to Oliver who is about to faint of astonishment. He's more like appalled. I look back at the doctor, "A-a b-baby?"
"Yes ma'am a baby" she smiles. I feel even more nauseous. I'm really happy, but at the same time I don't really accept it that soon. I'm not ready to be a mom. Alright maybe I am, but Oliver has never wanted kids, so I guess thats what makes me unhappy. The doctor hands me medication and diagnoses. I clutch Oliver's arm. He's staring lifelessly at the wall, "Oliver?" he doesn't respond, "Oliver?!"
He looks at me and then looks away, "I have to go now" he suddenly leaves without saying a thing more and leaves. The doctors happy face dulls away. She stares at me without knowing anything to say. I try to say something, but I can't get it out. I'm still in shock.
She looks away and excuses herself, then she leaves me in the room. I read over the paper, the baby is one month old. My eyes tear up thinking of Oliver. I shoot off the chair filled with anger, and confusion. Looking for Oliver all over the halls I decide to give up and catch a train home. How could Oliver do this to me?! Is he really this weak of an individual?!

Its now 7:30. I'm still alone and shocked. I can't keep my mind off Oliver and why he left. I remember him saying that his shift ended at 8:30 and by the time he came back it would be 9:00. Sighing and tearing up, I watch tv.
Again hours pass. I start to make dinner for Oliver and I. I rather just get under the covers of my bed and grieve, but I do whats best. I fix up a salad and some tea. I'll be patient towards Oliver even though I can't believe what happened.
I hear the door swing open. I roll my eyes and face the door. He doesn't look up at me instead he walks straight to his room. I grab the two plates and set them on the table, "O-Oliver... I made some dinner.."
He doesn't respond. I take a deep breathe patience, patience. Oliver walks into the room and sits down. We silently eat dinner.
"Do you just ignore me now?"
Oliver finally looks up, "Lets not talk about this right now.."
"Oliver, this is happening right now.. Don't just-"
"What do you want to bring up?" Oliver runs his hands through his hair in distress.
"Oliver do you know how hard I have tried to control myself!" I start to loose it and yell. Oliver slams the fork onto the plate, "Please Willow I'm tired and-"
"Tired? I'm tired of thinking about why you left me in that hospital room!"
"Oliver" I demand, "Why did you leave me?"
"Don't raise your voice"
"Don't give me that crap Oliver!" I yell, "Tell me right now!"
"You tell me Willow.. I never wanted them!" he yells. My eyes start to tear up, "Remember when you said that you loved going through hard times with me, because it only us stronger?!"
Oliver takes a deep breathe, "Bullshit"
At that moment I loose it all, "This child is yours too you know!! But being the exact copy of your mom, you'll reject it!"
"Did you compare me to my mom?!" Oliver starts to flip out, "You really wanna go there?"
I start to cry, "Oliver I'm sorry that something that should be the best day of our life is ruined because of the life you once had.. I'm sorry for even-" I start to choke up, "Agreeing that one night. I made a mistake!"
Oliver looks down. He reaches his hand for me. I reject it and run into our bedroom. Slide the chest that Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy gave to us, along with the teddy bear. I walk to Oliver and hurl it to the ground, "Something to remember my son or daughter by." I slam the door and lock it. Burring myself in the bed covers--sobbing. Shaking from all the regret from that one night, a couple months ago, when me and Oliver did it.
I want to talk to someone and pour all my emotions out. I can't call my parents right now.
I grab the phone thinking of who to talk to. The good thing about having a sibling is that they're always there for you. I try to remember his number.

Oliver's POV
I collapse onto the couch rethinking everything I did to hurt Willow today. Feeling like such a jerk and a bully. I know I am. I rejected my own child. I will accept this baby even though I don't want a baby or to have a family. But I can't be an asshole and yell at my wife for her pregnancy. A headache throbs at me. I can only imagine what Willow is going through. I can only imagine all the heartbreak I gave her. Hearing her sobbing and myself sobbing just rethinking everything. Rubbing my wet eyes thinking about how she'll ever forgive me. I hear her talk to someone on the phone. I can't hear who it is, its a faint muffled sound.

Willows POV
I dial Ryes number. He picks up. I can hear people talking in the background, "Hello?" he asks.
"Hey Rye" I pause to keep my sobbing inside, "Its Willow"
"Oh hey Willow"
"Is this a bad time?" I ask. "Course not, I always have time to talk to the best sis in the world" Rye says.
"How is the military Rye?" I sniffle.
"Its great. Oh and I had this accident with a knife and I stabbed my artery, but I met this hot nurse her name is Bree and we went out, and she kissed me" Rye talks all about his experience in the military. I don't pay attention to anything he says, all I focus on is Oliver. I can't help but grieve. Rye notices my sniveling.
"Whats wrong sis?!" he asked alarmed.
I take some time to calm down, "Oliver and I got into a fight.." I reply.
"Should I talk to him?" Rye asks.
"No Rye, he's not talking to anyone right now.."
"Is it that bad?"
I don't answer that question, instead I continue to cry, "Rye" I hiccup, "I need to tell you something."
I tell Rye all about my pregnancy, and about the whole fight. He helps me by making me laugh, like he always does.
"Rye.. I'm so confused.. I don't even know what I said to him. We just yelled at each other, not really caring about what we said"
"Did he hurt you? Cause I got a gun" Rye laughs. I wish Rye could be serious, but I can't help but laugh, "No Rye it'll be alright"
"Okay, just in case"
I hear someone shouting in the background, "Thats the commander, goodnight sis"
"Goodnight Rye, thanks for that talk"
"No problem sis, bye" Rye hangs up the phone. I sigh and turn to look at the clock. Its 10:05. I continue to lay down in tear soaked sheets again. I wish I could open up that door and see what Oliver is doing. But I just can't.
I can't stop thinking of what he said to me. It makes me wail just to think of it.

Oliver's POV
I can't take it any longer. Willow is right I did ruin the best thing that could've happened to us. I sigh and walk closer to Willows room. I hear her sniffling and sighing in distress. I approach her door, opening it slowly. Her face looks straight at mine. Her puffy, red face. Her eyes are dark and saddened. Tormented by my words. She hesitates to get up and walks to me. She looks at me as if she never knew me before. Lowering her eyebrows and her eyes filling with anger, yet sorrow.
"W-Willow.." My eyes water. I'm sure I look even worse. I never cry. It must be a surprising sight. Willow slowly slides off the bed. I reach my hands out toward her, "Willow I-I'm a jerk.. I'm so sorry for ruining everything.. I should've been stronger for you" she stands there with tears in her eyes, "But I'm not, and I a-apologize for leaving you in the hospital like that.. Willow you're more then what I made you feel like today.." My eyes start to blur out from all the tears, "I-I just want to take back everything I said. You're right.. Its because of me this isn't a special thing, and it should be! And I am happy. I truly am grateful.. And whatever happened to myself is not going to interfere with us.. The past is in the past and if you could forgive me" my voice quivers, "I don't expect you to, but if you do than thank you.. I've always been there for you and I will never leave you again.." A tear rolls down my cheek, "I feel awful for the grief I've put you through.
W-Willow this baby will change our lives in a miraculous way.. I love you bug"
Willows cheeks are wet and sticky with tears. She nods, "I love you.. a-and I f-forgive you.." her chin quivers, "forgive me for what I've said too.."
Willow walks closer to hug me, "No Willow you meant every single word you said.. this isn't your fault."
Willow starts to sob. I console her and rest my head on hers. I can't help but breakdown and I do. Just remembering what I said.
My body starts to shake and I sob. Willow and I hug for what seems hours. Her fragile self letting it all out on me. I kiss her head, "What about a girl?"
Willow looks up at my face, "Oh Oliver thank you!" her voice quivers.
"For what?"
"Accepting the baby. I thought you wouldn't want to."
"Of course I would.. He or she will have the life I never had, and I promise I will make the best dad" I smile.

Ok haha yes this was a dramatic chapter, but it will get better.. Stay tuned for a chapter tomorrow! :)

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