Chapter 16 Labor (pt 2)

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Oliver's POV
Peeta swings open the door. Still in shock that Willow is going to deliver Roselyn. I haven't even changed from my hospital uniform. I just got out of another surgery when I was notified that Willow was in labor. Peeta waited for me and we walked in together. Willow and I make eye contact, "Oliver!" she calls.
I run to the other side of the bed and throw my arms around here, "Willow its okay I'm here, I'm here!" I kiss her face all over. Almost frozen in fear. I'm not quite ready to have a child, all though I want one.
Its almost here. Today I will have a baby girl, and my life will be changed. I'll now be known as a dad.
The sound of Willows screams drown away my thoughts. I pul a chair and hold her hand. Tears fall from her cheeks, "Oliver this is to much!" she yells. I hush her, "Nothings to much for you, you're going to be just great"
She nods and kisses my neck. The doctor announces that she'll be going into the actual birth process.
"This is it" I squeeze her hand, "Make me proud Willow."
"I will Oliver" she pushes, "Imagine Roselyn, imagine her Oliver. She's going to have your eyes!"
I laugh, "And you beauty, she'll have your hair-"
"But she'll have your compassion" Willow smiles. I kiss her head, "She'll be beautiful"
Willow agrees and reaches for my arm. I let her grip onto it and squeeze it as hard as she needs.
Cursing and yelling keeps filling the room. I let her say what she needs, and encourage her by whispering things into her ear and massaging her neck.
Rye also makes her laugh in between pushes. Its good to have someone like him; always cracking jokes and cheering people up in the tough situations. The doctor keeps reminding Willow to push. Bree tells her to keep the breathing excises up. The pain increases as the baby gets closer.
Willow is almost sobbing in agony from all the pain. Katniss is there to talk to her too. At times Willow will give up and we all need to give her encouragement.
An hour has passed. The baby is almost here. I'm a nervous wreck. "Okay this is the last part, but its going to be painful, so hang in there and push" the doctor says.
Willow gulps and looks into my eyes, "Oliver" she takes a deep breath, "Hold my hand"
"I'm right here Willow, I'm not leaving."
She tries to smile but the pain stops her. Seeing Willow in all the pain is hard to handle. "Okay Willow here we go" the doctor announces. Willow nods and pushes with all her strength--crying out in a harsh yelp of pain.

Ryes POV
Willow curses and breathes heavily. God I hope Bree isn't in this much pain. She reaches for my hand, "Rye!"
I give her my whole arm, "Need the towel?"
She nods in pain. I put it on her sweaty forehead. Willow digs her nails into my arm without any hesitation. I tense up, it hurts so much, but nothing like what Willow is feeling. Bree walks up to me, "I can't wait to see the baby" she whispers.
I agree.
"Rye this would be a good time!"
I think of something funny, "Remember that one time when the bow flew straight through the window and I was-"
Willow squeezes my hand again. I stop talking for a second from the pain, "And then I-"
Willow cries out in pain again. This time it lasts even longer. I try to continue talking when I get interrupted again. Its the door--its Gale.
He's panicking, "Willow, Oliver!"
Willow mumbles a little "hi" but it gets interrupted by a moan of pain. Oliver and Gale pat each other on the back, "Sorry I'm late, I found out and the train took a long time to arrive at the station" Gale says.
"Its fine dad I'm glad you came" Oliver says, then he goes back to holding Willows hand. Willow yowls in pain and curses again.
"And remember when you and I went to get-" I'm suddenly interrupted by a screaming cry. It's not Willow, it's the baby! I gasp and shake Willow, "Willow!!"
She leans her head up against the backboard panting, she smiles out of breath. Oliver buries his face in her kissing her everywhere. The nurses take the baby away.
Tears escape Willows eyes, even Oliver cries a little too. Mom and dad congratulate her and give her a kiss.
Everyone gathers around when the nurse walks out holding her, the baby bundled in pink blankets.
She hands her to me even though I think I should give her to Oliver.
Shes so tiny, miniature, and soft. Such a fragile little human. I get a little teary looking at her, "Shes a beautiful little girl" I say. Bree walks to my see her, "Congratulations" she smiles.

Oliver's POV
Rye hands her to me. I fall to pieces looking at little Roselyn. I'm extremely happy. I start to feel guilty for what I said months ago. I walk to Willow and lay Roselyn in Willows arms. Willows chin quivers, "S-shes perfect!"
I agree, "Willow I'm so sorry for what I said!" my eyes water, "I regret nothing, I love Roselyn!"
Willow nods, "Oh Oliver, I know you didn't honey"
Willow rocks Roselyn in her arms. It becomes silent. Even the nurses watch. "Welcome Roselyn Joy Hawthorne"
Everyone gets chocked up at our precious little girl.
Willow hands her to my dad. I've never seen him cry, and this was the first time. Memories are probably flooding his mind right now.
"I remember when Oliver was this size" he sniffles, "Its your grandfather Roselyn" he touches her soft little cheek and hands her to Katniss.
"This brings me back so many years ago" she smiles, "Shes stunning!"
Peeta walks to say hi. He gets attached to her quickly. Before I know it he's rocking her in his arms singing a lullaby.
I clean up Willows sweaty forehead, "I can't describe how happy I am right now"
Willow kisses my lips, "Me either" she grins.

Everyone leaves shortly after that. I'm very happy that my dad came. I didn't expect that at all, but he did.
Willow and I have to stay a couple more days before we leave for home. Dad said that he'll take care of the house while we're gone.
Now I'm an actual dad, and Willows a mom. I have to let that sink in. I'm a dad!

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