Chapter 44 Hunter and Rey

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A month passed since the babies were born. I love them unconditionally! Hunter has dirty blonde hair with light brown eyes, while Rey has ash brown hair with the most amazing eyes: hazel with amber flecks.
Still I didn't know what their personalities would lead to, but I figured Rey would be shy, quiet, but charming and mysterious. Hunter like me: bold personality, charm, talkative.
I told my family while at the hospital. Mom and dad were so happy! They are excited to see both of them. Willow and Oliver were also so happy. I'd never seen anyone so excited and thrilled.
Bree and I were planning to move to another house as soon as we found one. Shes still home with the twins. She would have to stay for a long time before returning to her job. Meanwhile, I am still in the air force. I talked it over with Bree, about the marines. She agreed with me, but warned me that it would be a lot harder. Harder as in busier, and spending time with the twins would be limited.
I told her I'm up to anything--I love the twins but I have to provide for our family. I have no choice but to leave to go to the marines. I can still fly. I'll have to go through practice for shooting, but I'll ace that.
The only thing I dislike: I'll have to leave Cade. I might see him but he's to busy with his wife and soon daughter. I already told him, and he said it'll be alright. I'll at least know one person in the marines--Dash.
I hope my sons take after me; I hope they become captains of their own jets, and the archers of their own bow.

It was late at night when I unlock the door to our house with the key in my uniform pocket. Probably nine or past. Poor Bree had to be alone with two babies for a whole ten hours.
Once I open the door Bree is spread out onto the couch with Rey in one hand and Hunter in the other. "Rye!" she exclaims getting up with both in each hand, "I'm so glad your home!" she hands me Rey.
"Its been hectic" she laughs. I kiss her forehead, same with Rey's. Bree must be starving. I walk into the kitchen, smelling soup. I turn to Bree, "You made dinner?"
She nods, "I was hungry, and whats better then having soup on a cold march day"
"Before I eat I have to get dressed" I leave the kitchen and walk next door to our room with Rey. I sit him up against a pillow and dress into my regular clothes, talking to him.
I pour myself a bowl of tofu soup, still holding Rey in one hand. Bree takes some of the pressure off by taking Rey in her arms. Bree and I sit down at the table with the twins.
"This is surprisingly good" I slurp, "I don't normally like tofu, but this time it fits nicely."
She smiles, "Thanks"
I finish, full somewhat. The twins start to cry, a lot. "Its getting late they should probably get to sleep." Bree says. I nod, "Here I'll take Hunter" I say. We walk into our room, where their cribs are both in. Side by side. Bree lays Rey in, and I lay Hunter in. We give them a little kiss goodnight. I put my arm around Bree as we watch them drift off. Reminiscing about when they were born. When we both found out about having twins. That was the most exciting news I've ever heard.
Bree kisses my neck, "We should probably leave them alone now"
I nod, "They're so big already"
She agrees, "C'mon"
We walk back to the living room and collapse onto the couch. Bree's exhausted from taking care of the munchkins and I'm tired from work as always.
I grab the bottle of wine sitting on the kitchen counter and pour it into glass cups. Shortly after we drank all the wine in our cups we too get ready for bed--Bree gets in bed first while I still get ready. When I walk out she's still waiting for me, grinning.
Facing Bree I sit on her lap, kissing her while she giggles, and thanking her for our two precious sons.

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