Chapter 22 Hospital room

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Bree's POV
Screaming Ryes name at the top of my lungs as I thrust myself forward ready to sprint when Cade holds me back, "Let go of me!!" I bawl.
"No Bree trust me its best if you don't" his grip on my arms is to strong. I reluctantly give up and watch for any news as the commander and the other nurses run to the burning jet. Flames cover the runway, its a burning mess. I can't stop sobbing. I sob so much I tremble. Thinking that we might even have a baby, that makes everything worse!
No one runs back to tell us the news. I cry in Cades arms, unable to speak. I force myself not to look at the fire.
After about fifteen minutes the commander comes back. His face is lifeless, and pale.
Cade asks the commander what happened. I want to hear the news, but at the same time its to much for me.
"I-it might be fatal" the commander says sorrowfully.
"I can't loose Rye" I sob, "He's too important!"
The commander nods, "I know Bree.. He'll be transported to the hospital immediately. Cade we need you to fly the helicopter.. Bree you can go with Cade if you wish"
I still can't register everything that just happened. Its all a dream that I can't wake out of. The commander notifies Ryes family right away.
Cade hugs me, "Do you want to come?"
I nod sniveling. Cade and I run to the helicopter pad where Rye is already in. I don't look back at Rye. Its to shocking for me right now, besides Reese and Iris are already taking care of Rye in the back.
The helicopter lifts off the ground and within seconds we're airborne. "How is he?" Cade asks.
"He broke his neck and he is having severe-" Reese says. I cut her off, "Please don't!" I have a panic attack and cover my hands in my face weeping.
Cade touches my shoulder, "I shouldn't have asked, sorry."
I shake my head, "I told Rye not to go" I weep, "But he said it would be okay"
"Ryes the strongest person I've known, he'll be just great, I promise" Cade says. I try to agree with him.
When we get to the hospital I catch a glimpse of Rye. He's covered in blood, I can't even see his chest moving. I can't control my emotion when I see him like this.
Cade takes me in his arm and pulls me away from Rye, "Don't look Bree"
I nod, "Its too hard for me."
Cade stays with me while the nurses and doctors rush Rye into the ER. We follow shortly once Rye is already in. I look through the tiny window showing inside of the hospital room. His eyes struggle to keep open and he drifts off. I don't know if thats the last time he'll ever open his eyes.
Cade pulls on my arm, "Lets go"
"No" I snivel, "I need to watch"
"I'm going to find Iris. Only if your okay by yourself."
"I'm fine" I reply. He nods and walks away. I'm asked to wait since Rye will need to move to the surgical unit. His neck is critically broken, and his pulse is slowing down.
Sitting beside the room where Rye is in. I find myself crying more then I did when I saw him crash. I was updated on Ryes family: they are coming within 3-4 days. I'll stay overnight with Rye here in this hospital. I'm never leaving this place. I can't sleep now anyway, not with all this news.

But after five hours I find myself asleep. My headache thrashing inside my body. The nurse shakes me slightly, "Mrs. Mellark?"
Even though I'm not a Mellark yet I don't correct the nurse, "Yes?" I sniffle.
"Your husband is in critical conditions.. But there is hope.. He is very strong, he should make it out alive."
"Should or will?" I cry.
"Should" the nurse replies, "I understand this is extremely hard on you, but Rye is taking the surgery very well.. He's in a coma right now, and he just got done with surgery.. He might need another to remove some of the unnecessary plates in his neck" she says, "You can go see him if you'd like."
"Which room?"
She points to the stark white room across the hall and walks away. I get up slowly and walk into the hospital room. Tears escape without hesitation.
Thoughts flood my mind as I approach him. He's so pale. He's lost all his color, he has lots of stitches, neck in a cast. Theres complete silence, except the beeping machine.
"Oh Rye" I sniffle, "What happened to you?" I kiss his head softly, "Your parents are coming Rye.. I'm not leaving you, I promise.."
I walk to the tiny counter where the paperwork is. I pick it up and read the following sentences:
Broken neck, minimum head trauma, loss of blood. Doing moderate, should be expected to leave in three to three and a half weeks.
I cup my mouth crying slightly. I pull up the chair next to Rye and fall asleep with him. I'll never leave his side. I'll wait till he wakes up..

I will update it tomorrow everyone.. Sorry if this is to much for some of you to handle. I wish I could tell you what happens but that would be a spoiler :) Stay tuned for more tomorrow.

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