Chapter 49 Another?

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Willows POV
I lay in bed with Oliver after both of our long days of work. He's exhausted from all his patients he operated on. I'm just as exhausted from working at the bakery from six o'clock a.m. all the way till eleven p.m.
When I came home we both had to go bed since both of us are getting up early tomorrow. We barely had time to eat dinner.
Even though Oliver and I only have one daughter Roselyn, we've.. Or I've been thinking of having one more..
It's just a thought, and as I was forcing my eyes shut I remembered. Now I had to tell Oliver or I wouldn't be able
to go to sleep at all.
I roll over to the nightstand right next to my side of the bed and turn it on. Oliver turns around sleeplessly, "Willow why?-"
"I have to tell you something."
"Alright.. Its kinda late to be-"
I interrupt him again, "I know, but I've been needing to ask you something and.. well it just randomly came up."
He nods, "I think I know what it is"
"You do?" I ask somewhat surprised, but then again I'm an open book. "Its Roselyn isn't it?" he asks. I nod slightly, "Not about her but its sorta related-"
"You wanna move to have a bigger place for her?" he asks again. I shake my head, "No"
He looks up at the ceiling trying to find and answer, "Um you want... Another... outfit for her?"
My excitement in thinking he knew sinks. I shake my head, "You were right about the 'another' part.."
He laughs, "Am I gonna guess all night?"
"No, its best I tell you.. But don't get mad"
"What you went shopping?"
"You want to go shopping..?"
"No Oliver.. I was thinking of another baby.."
His eyes get big, "A baby?"
I nod slowly, hoping that he won't go ballistic on me. Surprisingly he stays calm, "I only wanted one." he says quietly. I do have to agree one is enough I guess. "Your right, but-"
"Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but we'd have to move, get different shifts.. All that." he says. I nod, "I know.. I just thought two would be nice. Maybe someone for Roselyn."
He sighs, "Well, we take it a step at a time.. But we are there for Roselyn."
"I know, but I always dreamed of that perfect family.. The family of four. Either two daughters or two sons or both"
He studies my eyes, "Did you get that idea from Rye?"
"Maybe a little.. Just because he already has a family of four, but I always dreamed of that anyways." I reply.
He nods, "I guess, but it would be hectic"
"I don't care, its just one more." I say. "The future will tell us.. As Rosie gets older, maybe we'll come to that decision.. But I like it as one."
I nod, I like it like this too. He plants a kiss on my cheek and with that goes back to sleep. I turn the nightlight off and rest my head on the pillow, still thinking of how much I might want another, but at the same time I'm content with Roselyn.. Then theres that nagging feeling for another little girl. Still its a mixed feeling of wants. One side wants two and the other wants only one daughter. I know Oliver isn't as interested, although I can tell that he can relate to that specific want.
In the end it'll all be worth it...

What do you think? Another playmate for Roselyn? Tell me what you think in the comments..
Omg I realized that the book is sadly coming to an end.. Thats pretty sad :( but it has to sometime.
(again this is the last book in my series) and then I'm thinking of making a Joshifer short story
after this one. But I plan to end this book in August, so in a little bit.
And thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more chaps, probably tomorrow ;)

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