Chapter 29 Shower

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Bree had been making plans every night she came back from work. All night, stressed out, that was her. I told her not to stress out since it's not good for the baby, but she didn't listen. The wedding doesn't have to be that complex, it can be simple. But she insists it must be. She has made all the plans for having a day in the Capitol mansion for our ceremony and party.
She invited her family too. She only has her grandparents after her mom and dad passed away. She won't tell me why. I think it's to much of a touchy subject for her to talk about. She has some cousins, nephews, uncles and aunts. I'm inviting my family too. Mom, dad, Oliver, Willow, and Roselyn. Bree is inviting her friends, along with lots of my friends. The food will come from Willows delicatessens (I'm sure they cater) and of course dads pastries and world famous cake. The cost of everything is extremely expensive, and in such little time!
Bree and I helped come up with the theme we want it, the flowers, the music, ect. Everything is coming together, and I never thought in 3 months it could. All we need is the wedding dress for her, and the tux for me. Bree says that she'll go with her friends and pick a dress out.
I'll do the same with my friends. Our wedding will be amazing!
Tonight Bree as usual stays up stressing out. Its already ten, "Bree we have to get up early tomorrow."
She shakes her head, "No Rye I have to finish!" she scrambles sentences down frantically, "Rye what if we have he the bridesmaids dresses match the tuxedos.. Oh wait! Then the tuxedos have to be cream.. Rye do you want-"
I sigh, "Bree c'mon we can figure that out tomorrow."
"But Rye, I'll forget!"
I place my hands on her shoulders, "C'mon, lets go."
"Rye I just told you I can't" she huffs.
"You need to loosen up Bree" I chuckle. She shakes her head, still being stubborn. I roll my eyes, "I have to take a quick shower, if your not out by then-"
"I'll go with you" she mumbles. I turn around, "Hurry, the waters getting cold" I smirk. She grins and cleans up the papers on the table.
I turn the shower heads on. Two shoot water out from the left and right, and then the one on top. I undress, and step into the steamy shower. I hear the door creak open--its Bree. I open the shower door slightly to watch her. Her eye catches mine, she smiles. Shes beautiful.
Bree walks into the shower with me. We both smirk at each others bodies. I grab Bree's waist and pull her closer, "Hows your stomach?"
She runs her hands through my hair, "Good" she smirks. "Thats good" I kiss her neck, "You're breathtaking Bree."
She blushes and looks down bashfully. I scan over her body, enjoying every inch of skin on her body. I'm sure she does the same to me.
I run my hands down her bare back, "I'm so glad we're getting married" I smile. She nods, "It'll be amazing Rye."
"I know we got a little carried away before we imagined getting married, but it was meant to happen."
She smiles, "Then we wouldn't have the little bump"
I agree, "I hope its a boy"
She nods, "Me too Rye" running her hands all over my abs, "We're gonna grow old together"
"What names do you like?" she asks. "Its a little far away" I plant a kiss on her forehead, "I honestly don't have any off my mind"
"Maybe Bradley" she replies. I squint my eyes, "Maybe"
I grab the shampoo. Bree snatches it from my hand and rubs it into my hair. "You wanna do that for the body soap?" I laugh. Expecting her to say no, she says the opposite. Gosh am I shocked.
I rub the sudsy shampoo into her hair. She complains I put to much. We just laugh together. I grab the body soap, "Wanna go first?" I smirk. Bree nods, so I rub the soap into her skin until shes completely covered. Then she does me. She starts my neck, and then goes down.
We share the shower head together, giggling. I wash the shampoo from her hair, pulling each other close, until our skin is touching. The water droplets recaching off our skin, the steam filling our lungs. We kiss what feels like forever until we gasp for air. She turns the shower heads off, "We should get to bed now"
I'm not tired, now I'm energetic, but I agree that we do have to get up at four in the morning. Its already 11. That quick shower I wanted didn't turn out quick, but long.
I wrap the towel around my waist and get my pajamas out. Bree and I get changed into our pajamas together.
Her and I get into the bed. I can't stop staring at her sleeping. I stroke her hair until sleep finds its way..

Sorry this was sorta late. How did you like It? I have a update coming up so stay tuned for that :D I hope you like Bree and Rye. What do you think they're child's name should be?

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