Chapter 8 News?

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Willows POV
A day had passed. Oliver and I were doing great. I had been working at the bakery today. Dad opened it at five a.m. just to clean something's from the following days, and to get organized and ready for business. He told me that I will become the new manager if I keep up the good work.
I clean out the bowls and go into the kitchen to clean up some leftover dough, and crumbs. I check the small clock in the corner next to the cooking appliances, "Its 5:30, the bakery opens at six."
"Willow!" Dad calls from the office. "Coming!" I reply. Walking up to the office, I see dad holding a plaque.
"What is it?" I ask suspiciously. Dad smiles, "Nothing.. I just have something"
My lips are about to form a word, until dad hands me the plaque. Its a headshot of my own self. At first I look at it blankly. Thats until I read the bottom. My name in a gold plate, Willow Hawthorne, our new manager
I gasp, "Dad I-I'm the new manager?!"
"Not now exactly--I'll move out some of my things, and by next week you can move in." he replies.
"B-but you will still work here right?" I ask. Dad laughs, "Of course, I'm not that old"
I set the plaque down on his desk and hug him, "Thank you dad!"
"Its nothing" he smiles, "I know that you will be devoted to this place. There shouldn't be anything stopping you from that"
"But what about if I open restaurants around 12? Can I still-"
"Of course Willow" dad interrupts, "This is yours. I've had my time here, you've earned it."
My smile widens, "Thanks dad!"
He gives a little smile, "We should probably get ready to open"
I nod and we walk out along with some of the other bakers: Dane, and at least five others, I don't quite know their names yet. Everyone already knows what to do. They go to their own station back in the kitchen, Dane runs the cash register, dad stays in his office and will bring out sacks of flower when we need them, or more sugar.
The lines start to fill up. Not as busy as some days.
"Bear claws!" Dane calls. Everyone grabs dough and starts to cut it in pieces. Sprinkling some flour around the table and stretching out the dough until its stretched out enough. Then I grab the almond sauce and brush that on the surface of the dough. Folding sides of the dough and filling the top with almonds, butter, and honey. Then I keep doing that until I have exactly ten bar claws, I slide that into the oven and continue making more pastries.
Spontanesouly I start to feel the room spinning. I try to ignore it, but I can't get rid of it. Its uncontrollable and random. Halfway through making scones I leave and walk to my dads office. I bet everyone is wondering why I look so drowsy and exhausted. I walk into his office, "Dad"
He turns around and squints, "Willow? You look so pale.."
I gasp, "I do"
Dad gets up and puts his hand on my shoulder, "You should go to the doctor"
I nod, "I know thats what I was going to tell you"
"Its fine Willow, I'll take your shift for the rest of the day."
"Sure dad?" I ask. He nods, "Just get to the doctors, you look sick"
I nod, grabbing my coat and heading out for the train station. Once I get there I can't even feel myself walking. The dizziness gets worse and worse. On top of that its hot since its August. Thankfully I get there right when the train arrives.
It drops me off at the hospital. I walk in expecting, or at least hoping to see Oliver here. I'm sure I will, he'll probably find out anyway. Still dizzy and drowsy I walk into the line. It dwindles as patients are being assisted. The lady at the front desk notices me, "Willow"
"Can I be checked out.. I feel extremely dizzy."
The lady types in my name, "Of course Willow, would you like me to get Oliver?"
"I-if he's not busy"
"No he just got out of a surgery, he'll be right with you.. I will get a doctor to assist you"
I nod and watch for any doctors. "How does she even know me?" I ask myself. Blinking my eyes shut so that the dizziness will dim, but it doesn't, instead it just gets worse. I open them immediately expecting a change in the nausea. A female doctor walks me into her office. She smiles, "Hello Mrs. Hawthorne, I'm Doctor Violetta.. So whats been bothering you?"
I take a seat on the chair, "Just really dizzy"
"How dizzy?"
I put my hand on my forehead, "Very"
She writes it down, "Did you consume any alcohol or dr-"
"No I was just working and then I suddenly started feeling like this."
"Okay and have you had anything that-"
I cut her off again, "No I just told you!"
She backs up, "I didn't-"
"No, sorry that was my fault" I sigh, "I'm not normally never like this, sorry.."
The doctor collects herself, "Its okay, now-", Again she gets interrupted. Oliver walks in. He looks concerned, "Willow" he leans to kiss my cheek, "Whats wrong? Are you okay?" he's still wearing his blue scrubs with his gloves on.
"I'm a little dizzy, but I'll be fine." I reply, "Did you just come back from surgery Oliver?"
He takes his gloves off, "Yeah, it was a cardiovascular operation" Oliver sits in the chair next to me. "Oliver you can leave if you want"
He shakes his head, "Its fine" he whispers. The doctor tries to keep her patience, "Are we all done?"
"Yes Doctor Violetta" I reply. The dizziness fades away, almost over, but then it comes back strong. The doctor begins asking me more questions, "Since you haven't consumed alcohol, or any foreign matter, then it must be something more.." she pauses to think, "So you have nausea?"
I nod. She clears her throat to reference to me, "And mood swings, I'm assuming.."
I nod, "I guess."
Again she records what I say onto her sheet of paper. Oliver stares at me as I wait for any diagnoses, or treatment for this dizziness. The doctor finally looks up off her paper, "Willow we are gonna run a test on you"
"Uh okay" I look at Oliver, "Be right back". He nods and I follow the doctor out to be tested.
Once I come back I sit back down on the chair with Oliver. He smiles, "How was it love bug?"
"It was fine" I smile. He puts his arm around me.
"Oliver" I say, "Thanks for staying, you didn't have to."
"Its fine honey, besides I have a forty minute break." he replies. I rest my head on his chest and wait for the news. I'm still spinning inside, but it did subside.
The doctor comes back within ten minutes, "Sorry for the wait Willow and Oliver, but there is good news.."

What do you think will happen? What does good news mean? Find out in the next chapter.. ;)

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