Chapter 33 Its perfect

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Bree can't stop dazzling at her ring. Twenty carat diamond ring. Defiantly replaced the ten carat one. It glided on her silky finger with ease. Yes, that ring was hard to find, and expensive to say the least. I wore my new silver ring from Bree. It felt so good to wear on my finger.
Bree and I shortly left the crowd after we were congratulated the friends and Bree's family. My family were the smart ones; they waited for the crowd to die down. Willow throws her arms around me, "Congratulations!" She squeals, "I can't believe my little brother is all grown up!"
I hug her back, "I had to grow up some time" I smile. She laughs, "I wish you guys luck with your marriage."
I glimpse into Bree's eyes and look back into Willows sparkling blues, "Thanks Will" I smile. Again I hug her one last time. Oliver walks with baby Roselyn in his hands. I love that little girl. I take her in my arms after Oliver offers his congratulations.
She's almost old enough to sit up on her own. We don't see each other a lot, but when we do I'll usually stay hours with her--more if I can.
Mom and dad walk up to us and hug us of course. Mom brags about Bree's beauty.
"You're so gorgeous!" She exclaims. "You're a perfect couple" dad adds. Bree stands there blushing, "Thanks Katniss, thanks Peeta."
Of course they keep on talking. Willow and Bree are good friends. They talk too. Mom talks with Bree's family. I talk with dad, just about some marriage tips. When it comes to dad he knows how to deal with women better than I do. I'll get there..
The party is held outside too. Just beyond where the ceremony was, across the courtyard are tables upon tables of food. Following are many places to sit down and enjoy the view of the capitol.
The party starts right after everyone gets comfortable with each other. I talk to Bree's grandparents too. They're always happy to talk with me. It's pretty much a do-whatever-you-want party. Stacks of presents sit in a pile. Mom and dad walk through the mansion and courtyard remembering their times here together.
Dad also brought his pastries and cake, Willow brought that sandwiches and delicacies.
I have no idea what the cake looks like. Only Willow and dad know. I'm pretty excited to see it myself.
While Bree and I are talking with guests mom and dad poke us, "Come here, we have a guest" dad says. Bree and I turn around. Both of our eyes become wide. I can't believe it! It's the president of Panem!
I immediately straighten up, "President Peyton"
"Call Sir" he smiles. He's around his late thirties, thin, very tall, looks just like his mom: Commander Paylor, or at least from the pictures I've seen of her in school.
"W-why are-"
"You're the son of the most important people of Panem" he says, "You deserve a congratulation."
"Thank you Sir, it's truly an honor!"
He nods, "Thank you" he walks away with a simplistic wave to us all. My face is probably pale from meeting him. It was such a surprise, "Oh and great place! Thanks for having us!"
He turns around to catch a glimpse of me, "Thank you for coming." His regal voice vanishes far into his secret room inside the mansion. I can't believe this all for Bree and I! This marks one of the best days of my life.
Bree and I collect ourselves and walk back with the guests. We keep on talking with them. The music plays in the background. Its a song for waltzing. I announce that we will have a waltz in the gardens where the roses grow.
It becomes crowded again. Bree and I waltz in the middle. Staring into each others eyes, getting lost into a world of her. I see our future in her amber eyes. I see our child, and myself as the best dad he/she could ever wish for. Bree as the best mom he/she could ever have. Yes, within seven months. Just seven months.
Its quite and peaceful. Iris and Cade are waltzing, Byron and his girlfriend, Rebel and this girl he just met, mom and dad. They're both pretty good at waltzing. I'm not really a dancer, but I guess I'm doing alright. I don't hear any laughing from Bree, so I must be improving.
The waltzing lasts twenty-thirty minutes, until everyone stops. Willow and dad bring all the guests to one solitary table. Bree and I stand in front of it--waiting for something. Willow and dad come back with the cake. They set it in front of us. Its the best looking cake I've ever seen! Four layers, A little soldier, and a nurse holding a bouquet of flowers, with a little veil going down her back, the cake says Congratulations on Rye and Bree on your marriage!
Bree cups her mouth, "Oh my gosh!" I see tears fill her eyes. The cake has a jet frosted onto it.
Inside is vanilla with cream cheese frosting in between the layers. I rub Bree's shoulder, "Its great isn't it?"
She nods trying not to talk from the knot in her throat. I laugh to try to cheer her up. "Dad, I don't know who could and would ever put this much time into this cake. Its amazing!"
Dad smiles, "Thanks Rye, I thought you and Bree would love it"
Bree sniffles, "We do!"
Mom smiles, "I would've tried but I couldn't have done this good of a job"
"Its good you didn't" I laugh, she laughs along with me since she knows its true. Dad takes over the knife and cuts it evenly. He gives Bree and I the biggest pieces, then everyone else gets their share.
We all spread ourselves around the tables set up. Rebel gets up to make a speech while everyone is eating. "I just wanted to congratulate my friends Rye, and Bree. I know you'll have a great marriage.. A better marriage then just great, a lifelong marriage filled with many surprises and passionate love for each other.. To my best friends, wishing a wonderful marriage!"
Bree and I look into each others eyes smiling. The audience applauds Rebel. His speech was great! Iris, Bree's good friend says a meaningful speech too. Cade follows too, his speech was defiantly a touchy one. Bree cried through it. I decide to go up and say a speech about Bree and our marriage.
Looking at the audience brings on some nervousness, but I'm good at talking so I take a deep breath, and start.
"Bree.. I-I have a lot of compliments to give you.. I know I've been complimenting you all day about the dress and you're beauty, but I came up here to pour my feelings to you.. Bree I love you, every inch of you, every flaw of yours, even the things about you that drive me crazy. I love you because we love each other.. and with that love sparks love for our little bump. Our little girl or boy, and with that spark of love comes memories that we'll take with us forever.. Bree I'll love you for eternity, I'll take care of you when you're sick, or hurt. You'll always be the first priority on my list.. I'll always come to you, no matter if we've been arguing, or really mad with each other, I'll never leave you alone Bree. What I'm saying is that my love for you will only grow stronger."
Everyone applauds me. I make eye contact with Bree's teary ones. My chin quivers slightly, looking into her beautiful face, with tears of love and joy. I step off the stage and walk to Bree. She stands up to hug me, "Thank you Rye! I-it was beautiful!" she cries into my shoulder. Everyone awes as I stroke her hair.
"Don't let your makeup wash off with all those tears" I whisper. She laughs and kisses my neck, "Is it alright?"
I kiss her nose, "Its perfect"


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