Chapter 51 Love you three

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Two months had passed.. Today was the day I left my baby Bree, and my two sons. Next time I would see them is when they're two years and six months--almost three. Bree and I spent every possible second with each other before I had to leave. I did the same with the twins. Twenty-four months till I would see them again, but life goes on quickly and in no time I would see them again I would tell Bree.
This was all so hard on Bree. I don't blame her, it is for me too. I get dressed along with her once we wake up. I dress the twins and grab my suitcase. We head out the door holding hands together. I'm surprised she hasn't cried at all today. We walk to the train station. Without saying a thing; just thinking.
I see my group I need to meet with. Once Bree and I look into each others eyes thats when she flings herself onto me, sobbing.
"I've never lived without you Rye" she cries. I wrap my arms around her, not able to say a thing. I try not to let myself shed a tear in front of her. "You still have the twins.. Their a part of me."
I stroke her hair as she wets my shirt. I look off my shoulder, watching Iris and Cade cry together.
My eyes fill with tears and now I can't try to stop them. Bree sniffles and bends down to get the twins sitting in their carrier. She hands me both of them.
I don't know how much I can hold in the tears but I hold the twins up to my face and softly kiss them. Remembering the last time I'll see them till there so much older.. I hold Hunter in the air and tickle his stomach, then I hold Rey and tickle his feet. I'll never forget their giggly laughter.. As time passes it'll become less familiar, but I'll always look at pictures I brought of Bree and I's wedding and a picture of Rey and Hunter when they were first born.
Bree rests them back down in their carrier. I see the light of a train coming through the tunnel. I pull Bree into my chest and kiss her everywhere, "Its almost here."
She starts to sob again, "Rye! No!"
We hug each other for for at least two minutes. I even start to cry a little. "Rye please no!" she grabs on tighter to me. The screeching of the train gets closer and within seconds its doors are open ready to be filled.
I run my hands through her silky auburn hair and press my lips into hers. I slide my hands down to her waist to remember how she feels. She does the same to remember me..
"We gotta go Rye" Cade says.
"One second" I sniffle. Bree plants a kiss on my neck. I smile, "You'll see me again."
Bree nods slowly and I wipe her tears away. I grab my suitcase and wave goodbye, "Call me when you can, and if you get lonely stop by at my parents house, they'd love to have company." I say. She holds the babies and waves their arms up and down.
I smile widely as I step into the train and yell out, "Love you three!"
I push my way through the crowd to get a window seat. Bree runs up to the window I'm at and cups her mouth, "Bye!"
I know she can't hear me through the glass but I yell out, "I love you too!"
The train starts to pick up speed.. Before I disappear into the tunnel I wave one last goodbye to her and watch her walk back with the twins in each hand..

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