Chapter 21 Who says I'm leaving?

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Bree's POV
Two weeks had passed now. Rye was still going through routine practices and training recruits. Rye and I hadn't done anything more then what we did that one night. I didn't feel all that sure about it in the first place, but I have to admit I couldn't really stop it from happening.
I'd just been feeling drowsy. A lot of the nurses, even Rye had a little case of the flu. I felt under the weather today. I almost didn't even get up but Rye cheered me up into going. The flue had wiped out almost ten nurses and there was only three: Iris, Reese, and I.
Luckily we are all some of the best nurses here.
The air force needed us today. Rye told me that it was for a test fly. Us three nurses would watch incase of any accident.
I accidentally dosed off before we leave to see the training. Reese pokes my shoulder, "You okay honey?"
I wake up groggily, "Yea"
"You better not fall asleep while they're flying" she says. I ignore what she said and gain my consciousness. All three of us walk out to the runway. I'm still extremely tired, but I manage to walk. "I hope Cades a good teacher" Iris says, "He's going to marry me in a week!"
"You never told my this" I yawn.
"Yea I did" she lowers her eyebrows, "Today I showed you the ring.. Don't you remember?"
I shake my head, "I have the flu sorry"
"Something more then the flu" Reese laughs. I roll my eyes and yawn more. I see Rye in his uniform once we reach the runway. I wave to him. He kisses my lips, "Hey baby"
I smile, "How is it training the recruits?"
"Boring" he laughs, "Some are so difficult! But its okay."
I struggle to keep my eye lids open. "You look really tired. Are you okay?"
"I think so" I reply.
Rye smiles, "I'm going after Cade"
I nod, "Be careful out there Rye"
"Don't worry baby, I'll do great!" he smiles.
"I have bad feeling about this.. Remember when the jet had a lot of glitches and the plane almost went down."
"That was before Byron fixed them Bree" he pulls my closer, "He worked all night fixing the jets. He added a lot of new features that we've never had"
I frown, "Exactly, new features."
"They're safe ones Bree" he kisses my cheek, "Don't worry Cade is doing great."
I shrug. "Remember I earned my two wings" he says.
My eyes close and I snap back to reality. Rye squints at me, "You need some sleep"
I agree, "Hows your flu?"
"Good, better than last time.. I'm not contagious-"
The commander shouts Ryes name, "Mellark your turn!"
He hugs me and kisses my head, "I'll be fine"
I wave as he walks off, "Bye Rye!"
"Goodbye" he smiles.
Still having a weird feeling about something I watch him lock himself in the jet hoping that everything goes fine with the jet. It should. Again the sleep takes over me. I find myself in almost a deep sleep until Reese shakes me, "Bree?"
"Sorry I-"
"Sure your not pregnant? When I was pregnant I had the same symptom as you did" she says. Suddenly it all makes sense. "No! I can't be!"
We haven't even gotten married yet, but being a nurse all the symptoms make sense. Now that doesn't leave my mind. Its the only thing that makes me actually keep my eyes open. I start hyperventilating. I just pretend its not real as of now. I can't think of two things that will make worry.
The loud sound of the jet engine sounds from the runway. I watch closely as Rye takes off into the air.

Ryes POV
I speak into the intercom, "Commander I'm airborne."
"Good Mellark now make a loop around us"
"Full speed?"
"Yes full speed" the commander says. The speed increases so much that steam escapes from the wings. "Barrel roll" the commander orders. I pick up speed and flip around, "No glitches so far."
"Keep trying things. We need to have it in the air long enough to see how the engine works" he replies.
"Can you put Bree on sir?" I ask. I can just see the commander rolling his eyes, "Hold on"
The static cuts through the speaker. I hear her voice. It makes me smile, "Rye" she sniffles. It sounds like shes crying.
"Whats wrong?"
"I-I'm sick thats all"
"You sound like your breathing heavy"
"N-no I'm n-not" she takes heavier breathes.
"Okay then.. Can you see me?"
"Yea your pretty high!"
"See I told you I'd be alright" I say.
She sighs, "I have to go the commander wants his headphone back"
I roll my eyes, "That grouch.. Well I love you baby, I'll be down in a couple minutes."
"Bye Rye" she hangs up. The commanders loud voice comes into my earpiece, "Rye I want you to try going straight up"
"Copy that" I pull the yoke straight down and it soars higher and higher. I'm completely vertical until I even myself out. I cant even see ground now.
Spontaneously the 'emergency' button starts blinking. I ignore it until I hear the engine start to give out, "Shit" I flip all the switches trying to solve the problem.
"Commander something is going wrong" my voice panicking, "Yea, somethings wrong!"
"Can you tell me whats wrong?"
"Uh" I look out the window noticing that the plane is dropping increasingly. Then suddenly the engine pops, "Commander the engine died!" I pause, "I-I'm going down!"
Forgetting that everyone standing on the runway can hear what I say. I can just imagine Bree's face. She's probably in tears by now.
"Mockingjay down! I repeat mockingjay down!" I yell. Bree joins in, "Rye are you joking?!" her voice full of fear.
I start to loose oxygen and grab the mask. Breathing in and out. The adrenaline pumping through my body.
"N-no Im not!"
The plane swinging left and right--completely out of control. That alarming beeping sound ringing in my ears. Smoke enters the jet--its on fire.
"Mockingjay is on fire!" I look out the window. I have a perfect view of the runway. The nose of the jet is going straight for it. Wanting to pass out from the horrible falling feeling in my stomach. All I'm thinking of is Bree.
"You can't go now Rye!" she yells.
"Who says I'm going" I grip onto something I can hang to, "Bree I love you! I will make it, I'm not leaving. We promised remember?" I take my last glimpse of Bree before the jet crushes into the runway, "I'll always love you baby! Goodbye" I click the earpiece off and wait until I'm no longer in the sky. Until the jet is surrounded by flames..

What happens to Rye?? Updating tonight..

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