Chapter 10 Flying

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Ryes POV
Months have passed. It was now the beginning of October. Dads birthday was coming up and I had to be there. It would also be an opportunity to introduce Bree to my parents. We had a week off from the military, and that would be the time we would leave for dads birthday. His birthday was on the 11th of October. Oliver and Willow are coming too. Willow is surprising dad with a cake she made while she had extra time in the bakery. She had come up with different plans on how it'll look. Like: should the color of the icing be white or blue, or what about orange? No I'll do a ombre sunset, since dad loves the sunset.. Oh and what flavor? I want it to be maybe a vanilla, nah to original. And so on and so fourth.
I didn't really even care what flavor it is, as long as its not like something my mom would make, or even myself, since our cooking abilities are horrific.
Bree and I are doing great. We are now officially together, but nothing more. Everyone knows about it, so they'll tease and make jokes, but I put that to an end when I don't find them funny. She's opened up to me, and I have to her.
Its not so awkward anymore, now we have conversations all the time. And yes we've kissed. Mostly her kissing my cheek.
Today after our daily two miles and shooting practices the day was excused until five. It was three now. We only had a two hour break. The commander suggested that we all practice somethings that we find difficult. So I decided to fly. I had gotten my license, but landing was the scary part. I figured that Bree is probably not doing anything either. I walk to her office and open the door, "Hey Bree"
"Hi Rye" she doesn't look up. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"Sterilizing the needles" she replies, "Aren't you supposed to be in-"
"No we have a two hour break" I reply. She still continues working on her sterilizer stuff, "Uh Bree?"
She looks up, "Yeah Rye?"
"You forgot something.."
Bree lowers her eyebrows, "I-Oh" she walks to me and kisses me, "Anything else?"
I grin, "My dads birthday is around the corner, and I was thinking that you could come with me and introduce yourself to my family, and brother in law."
"The week we have off.. Bree it's the perfect timing, you have to agree with me"
Bree rolls her eyes, "Ok sweet talker" she walks closer to me, with those addicting eyes, "Sounds like a plan.."
"Sure Bree?"
She nods, "Like you said it'll be the perfect timing. And I've never met them. If we are together I'll have to meet them anyway.. I can't wait to meet them" she smiles. I lean to kiss her, "And theres one more thing I want from you" I say, "Can you come and watch me fly?"
"Why can't one of your buddies watch you?" she asks. I sigh, "Bree they have other things they are doing, and wouldn't you like to watch me anyway?"
"But I have to-"
I cut her off, "Bree what do you need to do? Sterilize your needles? That can wait, c'mon.. Please?"
Bree sighs, "Fine, I'll go"
Bree and I smile. I put my arm around her and we walk to the runway. Once we get there a jet is already on the runway ready to be used. "Hey Rye can I come with you?"
I laugh, "No, my body is trained to adjust to this, you can't just expect to hop on and adjust to it. I wish you could, but you'll be in extreme pain for weeks."
Bree sighs, "Fine I'll watch" she follows me to the jet. "Here you can talk to me on this headphone, come over here"
I grab the pair of headphones and hand them to her, "Turn it on and I'll turn mine on" she nods and I hop into it and start the engine. "Be careful Rye!" Bree yells over the loud jet. I nod, "I will Bree!" I yell over the noise. Closing the door making sure its tight and secure. I grab the headphone and turn it on.
Bree backs out of the way and watches from father away.
Putting on my oxygen mask and helmet. Hitting all the switches and pushing the throttle upward. The jet picks up speed increasingly. I salute my three fingers to Bree. Bree salutes back. The jet within seconds is soaring, "The mockingjay is airborne" I hear static and choppiness, then Bree's voice sounds, "Rye your doing awesome" Bree replies, "Don't crash"
"Now your psyching me out" I laugh, "Wanna see something awesome?"
"Rye don't hurt yourself!" the static cuts in and out. I hear Bree calling my name, "The mockingjay is going down! Do you copy?!"
I can hear Bree gasp, "What!" she panics. I crack up, "No I'm fine", I look down at Bree standing there as I circle around, "Its okay I was joking-"
"Rye you could've died!!" Bree yells. "I could've but I'm still here, its alright"
Bree curses under her breath. I laugh, "Okay Bree watch the professional"
"Rye seriously don't scare me again!"
"I promise no more" I reply. I know that I could've given Bree a heart attack, so I won't anymore. I pull the yoke (the steering wheel) to the side enabling the jet to turn sharply and make a flip. I look to the side and see smoke escaping from the wings. I've never done that before. It feels like something I've never felt before! I holler in excitement, "Bree did you see that?!"
"It was amazing!" she laughs. I laugh along with her and fly around the runway again, "Ok I'm gonna land it!"
I turn the jet around facing the front of the runway. Taking a deep breath I go for it. I lower the throttle, but the jet comes in to fast. "Damn I should've put the throttle down before!" I forget that Bree can hear everything I say.
"What?! Rye are you ok?" she panics.
"All good" I pull the yoke back and put the breaks on hard. The jet hits the runway harshly. I yank on the yoke harder. The jet loses control and slides. I can hear the tires screeching against the runway. Spinning out of control, almost tipping over.
Bree yells into the speaker but the static cuts her off. She runs to me. I take my mask off and open the door. I step out. Bree flings onto me, "Rye are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine" I laugh, "Geez I should've put the throttle down, then his wouldn't ever-"
"At least your safe" Bree smiles, "you're a very talented pilot"
"Thanks" I laugh, "We should get back, what if you have patients.."
"Hope not" Bree laughs, "If there is I might get fired"
Bree and I run back to her office. Thankfully she didn't have any patients.
I continue to practice other things than flying as of right now..

Sorry I know this was really late. I was busy with Father's Day events. Anyway happy Father's Day to everyones fathers! :)

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