Chapter 26 I'm glad you're here

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Ryes POV
A week had passed since I woke up. Everyday I seemed to get drowsier. I was constantly on pain killers because of my neck. The doctors told me that it would be taken off in month. It seemed to long for a stupid neck brace, but I guess I screwed it up that bad. The commander came to visit yesterday and brought me the bad news: I couldn't fly until I was fully "recovered" which is probably a month. But I'm good enough to fly! He also said that I have to loose my wings, meaning that I'm not a captain and I have to go into practice again. Basically start over. I didn't go very well with that.. Lets say that I lost some of the commanders respect.
Bree would stop by the hospital a little here and there. I told her she didn't have to come, but she would stop by only to talk with me for the visiting hours. She would talk about the wedding that we're planning. We already planned were it'll be: the mansion. Of course thats incredibly expensive, but its worth it.
About the pregnancy, Bree is excited, but I know shes mostly scared. I mean it was totally unexpected. I'm really happy, but like I said, its all really fast. But sometimes when you really feel right for each other, its meant to be--Bree and I are meant to be. We planned on having the wedding in three months.. Which is insane because we are both working. Bree is stressed out about who to bring and mostly about what dress she'll wear. Either way she'll look beautiful.
Today I was released from the hospital. Bree came to pick me up, then we walked home. The doctor prescribed me pain killers and shots to help my drowsiness. They said it was unbelievable that I even lived from the loss of blood, and the brain trauma. I guess I'm extremely grateful.
I take in the fresh air as we walk out of the hospital, "It feels so good to walk!" I sigh. Bree rubs my back, "I'm sure it is."
"You must've been so lonely without me"
Bree nods, "I was!" she looks into my eyes, "Hows the drowsiness?"
"I'm okay, but I should probably have one of those drowsy shots." I reply.
"Rye, I really missed you" Bree's eyes watery. "Bree don't cry, its okay, I'm here. That whole thing was just temporary." I smile. Bree nods, "Don't ever go to the hospital again"
"I won't baby, I'm here for good" I kiss her cheek. I can't keep my mind off the fact that I can't fly anymore, "I wish I could fly again"
"Y-you really want to go back?!" she asks. I nod, "Yea that was probably the-"
"Rye you almost died!" she flips out. "Yea and? I can't stop something once I start Bree."
"Rye I almost lost you and I'm not letting you go like that again!"
"Screw what happened before, it was a glitch. I-" My voice raising. Bree shakes her head, "I can't afford-"
"Whatever, I'm going to straighten out things with that commander, he has to let me fly again. I'm not going back to practice!"
Bree rubs my neck, "Lets stop talking about flying."
I agree with her and we step into the house. Its so new. Maybe its because I haven't seen it in three weeks. I walk straight to the bedroom and fall into the bed, "Nurse, nurse!" I joke.
Bree peeks into the room, "Yes?" she grins.
"I need a shot" I mock groaning in pain. Bree laughs and comes back with a shot. She gets on top of the bed with me, "Hold still whiner" she laughs.
"Whiner? Do you know what I've been through?" I raise my eyebrow.
She laughs, "Arm please."
"Which one?" I laugh. She slaps my arm playfully, "Just give me one of them."
I give her my right one. She holds it still and injects the needle into my skin, "Need a bandaid?" she jokes.
"I'll take a kiss instead" I bring her lips into mine. She smiles, "I'm glad you're here."

Yay rye is okay! Who else is happy about that?
QOTD: Which couple: Oliver and Willow? Or Rye and Bree?
AOTD: Probably Rye and Bree just because.. But its a close call.
Lol, next chapter coming soon ;)

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