Chapter 48 Our conversation

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I walk back home regretting it all. I've never let myself be this negative before. Still so sore. Pain throbs at my back and legs. Still dehydrated and feel almost like gagging from my dry mouth. I unlock our door. I can't "wait" to tell Bree. She's gonna flip.
"Rye?!" She exclaims, "Rye what happened to you!" she runs to me examining me.
I roll my eyes. I'm not in the mood for a lecture. "Rye" she shakes me, "What happened? Why are you home this early?"
"I was kicked out for a while."
I walk to the kitchen to grab some water to stop the gagging, "I haven't been telling you about this but I've been fed up with the commander being hard on me, and we got in a fight."
"That's it? But why are you so.. So out of it?"
I sit down on the couch, "Ten miles and some knuckle push ups."
She gasps, "But why?"
"He's done this ever since I passed that test, and I got tired being his pet" I try to console myself, "Don't lecture me about this."
"I'm not Rye... How long will you?"
I shrug, "Whenever I got a call from them."
I shake my head, "I regret ever going to the stupid marines.." I mumble. Bree turns around, "What?"
"I don't want to go back, it was all a mistake.. If I stayed, if I wasn't so stupid and blind maybe I would've been fine and happy, but no-"
Bree stops me from saying anything I'll regret, "But why Rye? Obviously you were meant to switch over."
"No I wasn't Bree.. I'm so ignorant!"
"Yes you were meant to!"
"Bree do you realize he'll just keep pushing me! He'll never stop using me."
"Aren't you happy he's challenging you?" Bree asks.
"No Bree. My body literally couldn't take it I felt like I was dying! I threw up at least four times just from being pushed to my limits.."
"But Rye I thought-"
"I know Bree, you thought I was tougher and stronger, but I'm not. For once in my life I'm weak! For once in my life I can't complete something without giving up! You happy?"
"Rye? What's wrong-"
"I hate my commander! I hate even walking to that place.. And I've realized that I guess I'm not cut out for it"
"But Rye you are!" She says. "Yea well then why can't I do it!?"
Bree stands there unable to speak. "I guess I could be, but that asshole is stopping me! And I've tried everything he's useless! He'll always push me to the impossible."
"What did you even do?" she asks. I try to avoid telling her, but she keeps asking. I roll my eyes, "I got in his face.. But he got in mine."
"What else?" she taps her foot in the ground. "I pushed him down, but he slapped m-"
"Rye why?! You can't do that to a commander, you have no right."
I was afraid this would happen, "But if you saw what he did, what he said!"
"Still you should pick your battles better" she rolls her eyes, "Rye theres a limit to bravery."
I loose my patience completely, "Least I was brave enough to actually do something!" Immediately I regret what I said, but I can't take it back. My words hit Bree, "Wow Rye.. Now your getting personal and I now I can see why your commander did what he did, and guess what Rye? I don't blame him!" she says harshly.
"Bree don't say that to me!"
"Don't say that to me Rye!" her voice quivers, "You have no idea what I have sacrificed to be a mom and even a wife!
You know nothing about hard it is to support this family! At least you weren't in pain for months.." she glares and walks into her bedroom.
"Where are you going?!"
"Rye, for the sake of this family I'm ending this conversation. Why don't you call one of your little buddies from the marines and tell them about your little pity party."
I shake my head, "But you can't walk away from , we haven't finished-"
"Rye for once in your life will you realize that life isn't a competition!" she slams drawers while she arranges things.
"I'm not calling this a competition! But you can't just walk away!"
"Rye I don't care anymore! I obviously am no help for you."
I roll my eyes, "So your walking out on me?!"
"Yes Rye just like how you walked out on your dreams.." she says walking into the bathroom. I stop her from closing it, "Bree c'mon don't say that.."
"Truth hurts Rye." she says quietly. "Why don't I just call you my mom!" I yell.
"Sorry Rye! Sorry for caring!" she slams the door in my face. I roll my eyes. Why is it always my fault?! Now I'm locked out of my own room, so I walk into the living room and collapse onto the couch. I'm such an idiot. I pissed off my own wife. She had every right to say what she said. Now I really regret joining the marines.

Two hours pass without any noise in the house except the babies crying, but there in Bree's room. Its so silent and boring. I got tired of watching tv and the hologram was starting to wear out anyway. I turned that off an hour ago, besides all I could think about is how many times I have to apologize. I wonder who would be the first one to apologize. I know it only had to be me. When Bree argues she'll keep a grudge until you apologize.
I get up off the couch and walk to our bedroom door thats locked of course. "Bree?" I knock. No answer. I roll my eyes, "Bree I know I was a jerk.. you should already know I am but--Crap! No, sorry I meant... Just open up."
Still no answer. "Bree please.."
Reluctantly she opens it half way, "What do you want?"
"Listen I know that I was a jerk and I shouldn't have said what I said.. You're right about me."
"Still Rye you didn't even-"
"Listen, I know I'm full of crap; everyone is, but my point being: I should've kept my voice down and agreed with you.. I was a sore loser."
"It sure seemed like you meant everything you yelled at me" she replies.
"You know I didn't and I wouldn't ever.. I was just really tired, and I was in a bad mood from going to work today."
"Thats no excuse" she mumbles. I nod, "Its not, I know.. Bree baby, will you forgive me for being a jackass?"
"We'll see" she grins.
"Its a yes?" I smile. She shrugs, "Can you forgive me for-"
"No Bree, you shouldn't be the one saying that.. It was my fault, all mine." I say. She shakes her head, "But there were some things I said that-"
"Like you said Bree, 'the truth hurts'. Theres no reason for apologizing for honesty."
"If you insist" she looks down. I lay my hand around her as she tries to flick it off, but she gives into it.
She won't let me kiss her... Well not yet.

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