Chapter 60 Welcome home

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After we left the soldiers camping grounds and when the power finally turned back on, Cade and everyone else went back to packing for the last days here. Before I knew it, it was finally time to leave for the train. That took four whole days, and then that familiar train screech sounded from the tracks. I looked out the window and there was the station chairs. The train had arrived here earlier then expected so Bree wasn't here yet, but everyone seemed to be: Cades wife and daughter, Rebels girlfriends, Dash's fiancée and family.
Once everyone pushes through the crowded train with their long suitcases, I find my way to a bench and sit down watching Cade and his wife, and Dash's family reunite. I smile to myself and think of Bree and the twins doing the same with me. Its not that I'm jealous, but I've never seen anyone so happy before. I sigh and look away from them hoping to see Bree any minute.
(Thirty minutes pass)
I sit there examining my hands. Everyone had already left. I keep staring at the floor, thats until I hear the stomping run of two little boys. "Daddy!" they call. I knew it, they're here! Bree follows behind them, running and tearing up. "Rye!!"
I cup my hands over my mouth quivering. I squat down to the ground and pick up the twins, trying my best not to cry. I squeeze them and kiss them and can't really control it. I can't believe how old they are and I give into crying.. "Daddy I miss you!" Rey cries. I hold them holder to my chest, "I missed you too! But I'm not leaving."
"Better not" Hunter adds sniffling. I laugh, "Don't worry" I set them back on the floor, "Let me say hi to mommy, okay?" I tell them.
Bree's already crying and without hesitation she throws her arms over my shoulders and hugs me for minutes. "We missed you!" she cries, "I was so lonely!"
"I know baby, I know, I was too!" I sob. I wipe the many tears from her eyes. "Was I late?" she asks. I kiss her lips, "Oh it doesn't matter."
"Why are you crying?" Hunter asks. We look down to the twins who are crying too. I pick them up and balance them on both of my arms. We have a group huddle together and Bree wipes away their tears. They seem to cry out of confusion but also since we are crying. "I never knew they talked" I sniffle.
"I taught them" she smiles.
"They're so handsome aren't they?" I ask Bree. The twins blush and look away. She nods, "Just like their daddy."
Bree's chin starts to quiver again.
"Bree if you cry I'll cry"
She lets out a little laugh but then it turns into a cry so I caress her head into my shoulder. "Its okay, its alright"
"Sorry, I'm just so happy Rye.. I was so lonely before." she sniffles. I lay my chin on her head, "Its alright baby I'm here."
She nods and kisses my lips, "I have a surprise!"
"What is it?" I smirk curiously.
"You've been saying that my house was to small.. So we updated it--We moved!"
My eyes widen, "Really?! Where?" I ask excitedly.
"Its even closer to your work too" she adds.
"The furniture is in to?"
"Yea! We moved it--"
The twins interrupt her, "We helped" Hunter says. She laughs, "Yeah Hunter helped too, and everything is arranged!" she squeals.
"You didn't even have to Bree" I kiss her head, "But that was a great surprise!"

We leave shortly after I grab my suitcases and get to the walk. Bree carries Rey who's tired of walking and Hunter who's catching a ride on the back of the suitcase.. I just can't believe I'm home--I can't believe that I'm here still, it's almost unbelievable in some ways.
The house is a lot closer! Its lined with a white picked fence, filled with green grass and a has cobblestone pathway.
It's amazing!
Bree leads me through the front doors. The floor is marble stone. Everything is untouched, or at least it looks like it.
The Capitol-white furniture, decor. The kitchen is spacious and white, our bedroom is the exact definition of huge! The twins room is half the size of our room which is very spacious for them.
The bathroom is great too, the bathtub could fit the whole family in it. The price keeps filling my mind but I try my hardest not to ask.. When we get the monthly bills, I'll find out...
"How long have you had this?"
"A month" she replies. Her eyes become nervous, "Rye do you like it?"
"Of course! It's beautiful, it's my dream house!" I reply smiling. We share another kiss once again. The twins take their daily naps while we relax in our new house.
Bree makes dinner and it's so much better then the disgusting oat dishes we had to eat in training. Right after that Bree brings out this chocolate cake that says Welcome home Daddy! Frosted sloppily on it. "The twins and I baked it" Bree says.
"Oh my god!" I smile, "Looks so good!"
"Daddy can we eat cake every night?" Rey asks. Bree and I laugh. "Daddy's home--cake every night" I joke.
We cut the cake into four slices. The twins don't even eat a morsel of there's, so we save it. I say thanks for the cake and get the twins ready for bed: I change them into their pajamas and comb out their hair. Hunters hair is wavy and Rey's has a slight curl like mine.
Rey sits on my lap and Hunter sits next to my side. They lay their heads against either my chest or side. I read them a little story before they go to sleep.
I close the book softly, "And that's the last chapter."
"Read more!" Hunter says. I shake my head, "Tomorrow night"
I get up from the bed kiss them goodnight. "Tickle!" Hunter says. I grin, "Tickle time?"
They nod their heads excitedly and of course I tickle them on their feet and stomach, or wherever they'll react to it. They squeal and squirm, giggling uncontrollably. I figure they need time to breathe so I lay off the tickling.
"Where you going?" Rey asks.
"The tickle monster has to sleep too."
They give me a little nod and yawn. I carry Hunter to his bed right next to Rey's.
"Goodnight, love you" and with that I shut off their light. I hear a little voice right before I step out the door.
"You'll be here in the morning?" Rey asks. I nod, "Of course Rey, for sure."
"Promise?" Hunter adds.
I nod my head, "Promise." They snuggle back into bed and I close the door behind me. Bree is standing by the door grinning. I give her a kiss and we get ready for bed together.
We get into bed after. I lay my hand on her waist, "You know, I missed sleeping with you."
She nods, "I did too"
"This is a great house"
"I thought you'd like it" she smiles. I can tell something is bugging her. "What's wrong?"
"I was thinking that.. Well, I should drop out of nursing.. I can't take the twins with me to work everyday, it's even worse when their sick, and it's all to much."
"They'll have preschool soon" I say. She shakes her head, "Our jobs are to busy and we always have the same shifts."
I agree, "But you're so good at it"
"I'll get back in, but when they're little it's just hard to have them adjust to everything."
"We'll see, goodnight" I turn the nightlight on (Bree has to sleep with a nightlight) and for the first time in two years, I enjoy my sleep.

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