Chapter 23 Strong

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Katniss POV
Three days had passed since I heard about Rye. Peeta, Willow, Oliver, and even Roselyn were here at the hospital.
When I was notified by the commander I had also been in the hospital.. Not because of my health, but Haymitches. He had passed away of old age. Traveling by train, hospital to hospital is saddening. Hospitals aren't meant for anything happy. I don't want Rye to be in the same spot as Haymitch. But Rye is strong like me. I know he'll make it. He has to.
The nurse directs us all to the room Rye is in. We slowly approach it, even though I'm fed up of hospital rooms. Bree rises off her chair as the nurse opens the door. Bree walks up to me, "I'm so sorry" she whispers, "It happened so fast" her voice quivering.
I wrap my arms around her even though I hate hugging, "Its alright, its not your fault Bree.."
She gives a little nod like as if she feels guilty for something. Even though she shouldn't be guilty for anything. Nothing that went down in that jet is her fault. I shrug it off and walk to the bedside as the others hug Bree.
Looking down at Ryes colorless face, "Oh my god Rye" I whisper. It hurts to see him like this. I take his hand and feel his pulse--its a little slow.
Everyone joins me to look at Rye. Willow starts to cry, "For everything you've done for me.." she mumbles.
Peeta stands beside me rubbing Bree's back, "This is why I didn't want him in the military" he whispers into my ear.
"Don't say that Peeta!" I whisper harshly back into his ear. I can't let Peeta say that, not at a serious time like this.
Bree breaks the sorrowful silence, "H-he has to go back into surgery soon, so you'll have to leave till then."
"Maybe I can help" Oliver says, "I'm a surgeon."
"If they let you" Willow adds sniveling. Oliver goes to ask the other doctors while we sit listening to the beeping machine, "Do you stay here all the time?" I ask Bree.
"Only after work.." she replies, "Theres only two other nurses, so I have to work. I have no choice."
"I-is he doing better?" Willow asks hesitantly. Bree nods, "They said his heartbeat is faster, which is a good thing."
We all show a smile, "Thats good Bree" Peeta smiles.
"T-thanks for coming" Bree sniffles, "Its very nice of you to travel all the way here from the capitol"
"It was nothing" Peeta says. Bree smiles slightly until the nurse comes in, "Visiting hours are over.. You can come see Rye after his surgery."
All of us leave the room so they can escort Rye to the operating room. Oliver is helping operate since they are short on surgeons. We sit in the waiting room--thinking. Thinking of what will happen next with Rye. Knowing that Oliver and the other doctors will come back with good news. Everyone falls asleep for the remaining hours.
Six hours later Oliver announces that we can see Rye, and that he did great in the surgery, but he's still in a coma, and that he is heavily sedated.

Bree's POV
We still sit at the waiting room for now. I'm so thankful that Oliver helped, that was very generous. But I still feel awful. Its so confusing and frustrating, but I need to tell someone. I pull Katniss aside so I can tell her.
"Katniss I can't loose him.. I can't, I mean I'm so stupid.. I should've told him."
She studies my eyes, "What?"
"That.. t-that I'm pregnant" I bite my lip tighter and tighter. Katniss stares at me. Her face saddened by what I just said.
"Rye is strong.. He'll be okay, I promise. He's not going to give up."
I start crying again, "Please get my through this Katniss! I can't talk to anyone now.. Rye was always the one that understood me for everything I am.. I can't talk to anyone about this except you" I snivel.
Katniss looks down tying to talk. She manages to look back up, "Talk to him, he can hear you.. As long as you don't give up he won't give up."
I nod and walk into the room where Rye is.Trying to control my crying. I look down at Rye and kneel right next to him, "R-rye.. I know you're asleep, but I want to tell you something" I wipe my tears, "You're going to be a dad! Your going to have a kid, maybe even two.. And when--if you wake up, you can name them.. And I know we said at least a year or two till the wedding, but we can have it sooner.. We can have it as soon as your able to walk" I bite my tongue, "Our wedding will be beautiful Rye.. All your buddies will come and your dad will make the desserts, we can have steak" I laugh, "And m-my dress" I cry, "I can't wait Rye... Now I should get going. Your parents are leaving, they say hi" I get up and kiss his face, "Bye for now"

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