Chapter 62 Tour

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Ryes POV
I thought today would be the best day to give the twins a tour of my work. They've always wanted to see it themselves and they've always been curious and full of questions whenever I tell them how my day went. Since I had a day off it would be great. It was also rare when I did have a break and when I did I always did something special, and of course giving them a tour is special.
I get up at the crack of dawn like I always do, along with the twins who get up even earlier. I kiss Bree and dress into my casual wear: a lightweight t-shirt, and sweatpants. I have jeans, but those are only for special occasions.. (I know, I'm very laid back.)
Once I'm done with getting ready, I walk to the twins room (adjacent to ours) and roughhouse with them as my usual routine. Then I persuade them to please get up, and with many attempts they finally roll out of bed. As basic five year olds they make a mess everywhere when they brush their teeth and cause a clutter in the bathroom. Theres no possible way that Bree can ever sleep in when she has to take care of them! Its literally impossible.
We all walk to the kitchen and Bree makes them their breakfast. I'm glad that Bree is up to make them breakfast cause I probably would be the reason for child hunger in our house.
Then lastly after we all eat Bree kisses me goodbye and we're off. Since I'm off duty and I can't been seen by the cameras so I go through the back way: the park (where I purposed), and then unlock the gate that leads straight to the runway and luckily today no one was even here. Everyone had a day off.
"Is this illegal?" Rey asks. I find the gate, "Not really." I try to remember the code. I snap my fingers together, "Uhh... 451!" I exclaim, suddenly remembering. The code works and the gate opens. The twins and I walk into the shack. Its called 'the shack' because it carries all of the military aircrafts and also tons of ammo.
Rey jumps up and down uncontrollably and points to one of the jets, "Please daddy can we ride this one?!"
I turn to face it, "The Phantom? No bud not today."
He frowns, "When then?"
"When you become a soldier" I reply. He pouts, "But why not now!"
"You have to be trained to ride in those. That goes for any jet." I reply sternly. He looks down and slowly nods. But I give him permission to sit inside the jet. He's amazed in the leather seats and the streaming blue lights above him.
Finally he comes back out from it and clings onto more. Hunter has to pull him out of each jet. Theres nothing rideable for them in there so we walk outside. Then Rey, and even Hunter become fascinated by one thing. They point to it with their stubby fingers.
"Helicopter?" I smirk. They nod excitedly. I grab the headphones (to drone out the sound) and adjust them to fit the twins head. I grab mine which doesn't need adjustment. The twins and I hop in and I buckle them in tightly. Rey can't believe it and Hunter is impatient to take off. The front seat is big enough for both of them.
"Rey wanna fly?" I ask smiling. His face lights up, "You mean fly?!" he gulps.
"I'll control it, all you do is push the throttle up. Okay?"
He nods and scoots closer to me. I give him the count down and he slides the throttle up--the helicopter hovers over the helipad and I do the rest. "Good job!" I tell Rey. He smiles, "Thank you!"
I flip some switches, "Hunter how it is?"
"Awesome!" he exclaims. "But after can we please see the guns?"
"Sure" I reply. Before they know it we're a couple hundred feet up. They play their own little game while I control.
"Best dad ever!" Hunter says, "I mean it, you are."
Rey agrees with him. I smile, "You're the best sons ever"
They giggle and look out the window. They point continuously and scream. I fly around the whole entire camp.
"What if they see us?" Hunter asks. I shake my head, "They won't.. We're the only ones here."
After the fly we land back on the helipad. Rey lowers the throttle again. We get out--Hunters a little dizzy.
I direct them to the shooting range (of course I'm not letting them shoot.. Not yet.)
I get out a pistol after taking out the bullets and hand it to Hunter who's thrilled to hold a gun. "Now you're still young, so don't ever use this, okay?"
He nods, "Okay"
Rey watches closely (he's more into planes then guns.) I get my own gun and show Hunter the best way to hold it, shoot it (without ammo), and ect.
"Look right into that" I instruct him, "Now wrap your finger around the trigger.. Don't fire, not yet."
I tiptoe behind the counter, "Pretend I'm your enemy"
He nods and once I pass him he shoots at me. I pretend to fall down, "You got me!" I laugh. Hunter and Rey run over to me and start laughing.
"Good job Hunter!" I smile, "That would've been worth a lot of points if this were a test"
He smiles, "Thank you"
He pokes around with more and even tries a bow, he still needs more strategy, but for a five year old he's better then expected. Once both of them got what they wanted to do, we head back for the walk.

(arrives at house)

Its only nine o' clock in the morning when we come back, so the twins get back in bed and I snuggle up with Bree; telling her everything we did today.

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