Chapter 25 You're here

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I can't catch my breathe anymore. I'm just ballistic.. I can't try to believe anything the doctors said. I won't let myself.
Looking down at Rye weeping. I get down on my knee beside the bed and rest my head on his arm. "What about the baby?!" I ask myself. I decide to talk with Rye. If this is my last goodbye I want to make it count.
"R-rye I-I love you.. I know you said you were never leaving.. but I don't know how true that is anymore.. I'll always love you Rye.. Even though you might leave me, you'll still be with me forever.. And your kid will take over your flying talents. Oh Rye.." I can't stop my sobbing, "Goodby-"
Suddenly his hand starts to twitch. I feel it. His eyes flicker open, his eyes get big when they see me. I hear his voice faintly, but its muffled by the mask. I take it off and wait for his response.
"R-rye?!" I shed tears of joy. He reaches to touch my face, "Baby why are you crying?" he asks faintly. His voice is weak but it has that same loving tone. I try to stop the uncontrollable crying.
"Wait didn't I fall from the jet?" he asks perplexedly. I nod, "You're alive! Y-you told me that you wouldn't leave!" I cry.
"Well I was right" he smiles. I lean into his face and kiss him everywhere, "Y-you're okay! You're here!"
"How long was I out?" he coughs.
"Two weeks" I reply sniveling, "How do you feel?"
"Dizzy, and everything's pretty blurry.. But its better then sleeping constantly" he laughs faintly.
"As long as your the same Rye I know"
He sighs, "God I feel so weird!" he coughs, "It feels like it was yesterday when I crashed"
"You remember it?" I sniffle. He nods, "Its kinda hard to forget when you almost died"
I laugh a little, "I guess it is."
He touches the cast around his neck. I push his hand down a little, "Its still sore Rye don't touch it"
"I really must have jacked myself up" he laughs, trying to hold back the cough, "Glad I'm alive still see that face" he strokes my hair.
"I'm glad too" I add sniffling, "Did you hear me talk to you?"
"No, I don't remember a thing.. I just remember my life flashing before my eyes as the jet dived into the ground"
"I spent every night with you. I never left this room. Only for the bathroom and extra clothes I'd get at the house" I say.
"You mean packed a suitcase?" he asks.
"Yea" I reply.
"Thanks for staying" he smiles. "No problem baby" suddenly the pregnant thing comes into my mind, "Rye"
"You know that one night?" he nods, "Well I found out that I-I'm pregnant!"
Rye covers his mouth and for the first time in my life Ryes eyes fill with tears, "R-really?"
I nod and kiss his lips. He laughs with joy as a tear rolls down his face, "Oh my god Bree! Bree this is mind blowing! I'm a dad!!" he tries to yell but his faint voice limits him from that. I cry too.
"Bree what about the wedding?" he asks, "I know you wanted to wait, but-"
"We don't need to.. We can have it soon before he or she is born" I sniffle. He nods, "Then after we leave this hospital we can start planning"
I agree smiling with joy. "Bree I wish I could walk and hug you right now! I wish I could just pick you up and spin you around" his eyes watering.
"Don't worry Rye, its okay. We can do that another time" I smile.
"At least come here and kiss me." he grins. I hesitate, "What If I hurt you?"
Rye stares at me until I give into it. I lean in to kiss his lips. Even though he's weaker than normal, he's still himself. That Rye I adore. That Rye who will soon by a husband and a dad.
I notify the doctors that Rye is alright. They say it was a miracle and Rye is very lucky to be alive. They also say that he has to stay here for one more week.
So now I will stop by after work to say hi and then leave for our home to sleep. Rye insists that I get lots of sleep for the baby..

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