Chapter 19 Lost

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We arrive at Bree's house. I set my hat on the table thats next to the door. Its a nice place, like I said a little to small. We'd have to move in the future if we have a family. For some reason today felt amazing. The whole day for me went great, and then the ride with Bree of course topped it all off. I think she really enjoyed it too. We both liked it. A lot.
I decide to get changed before I relax, "Bree?" I call her name. I shrug, "Probably in the bathroom" I say to myself.
I open the door to our bedroom. Before even realizing Bree is in there getting unchanged I get screamed at, "Rye!!"
I fling myself behind the door, "God Bree you scared the-"
"You scared me!" she interrupts.
"Can I come in?"
She doesn't answer so I walk in. Hoping not be murdered again. I sneak a look even though I'm not trying to. Nothing but her lingerie oh god! I bit my lip and take off my shirt. She turns around and covers herself up, "Rye!" she grabs a pillow and throws it at my chest, "What are you doing?!"
"Bree this is my room too" I laugh.
"It was mine before" she grins trying to hold back the smile. "You can uncover yourself now" I laugh. She slowly does, but hesitates. "Oh and heres your pillow" I throw it back to her, but a little to hard. It messes up her hair, "Rye stop!" she giggles. I shrug, "You threw first"
We stand there on the opposite side of the room, staring at each other. I've never felt so good before. I mean as in our relationship. She puts her shorts on and throws on a tank top. I put my sweats on still bare abs showing.
Bree walks up to me and kisses my neck, "Put your shirt on" she whispers, "I planned something really special for dinner"
I kiss her head, "Be right there beauty" I say. Thoughts raging through my mind of what the special things she could've made for me.
Once I have my shirt on I walk to the kitchen right next door. The first thing my eyes catch is the steak. Steak on the table. Bree walks out carrying a bottle of champagne.
"Whoa whats this all for?" I ask. She smiles, "I didn't give you a party for your graduation"
"You mean when I became a captain?"
She nods, "I just thought I should because thats a big deal"
"Big enough for steak?" I joke. Bree laughs, "Bigger"
We sit down at the table, "Bree this was really nice, thanks!"
"Sure" she replies smiling. I pour the champagne into the glasses. It tastes amazing! Same with the steak.
"This steak is better than the one at the steakhouse" I say.
"You really mean it?"
"Course its great!"
"Thanks!" she smiles. "Bree do you know how beautiful you are?" I get lost in those amber eyes. She just blushes. "Bree you really are beautiful!"
"Enough of me" she blushes, "Lets toast to your award"
"Agreed" I smile, "Cheers!" we clang our cups together. We keep cheering to that. The champagne bottle is completely empty by the end of dinner.
After that Bree puts the dishes away. I walk behind her and wrap my body around hers, "That was a great dinner"
She doesn't tense up or jerk away, instead she lets me hug her like that, "Thanks baby"
I slide my hands through her hair, "Your welcome"
"I have to get to bed early I have routine practice." I say.
"I have to go to bed early too" she gets awkward, "I'll go get changed"
Of course I go with her. The night light puts off a silhouette around everything else. I watch Bree change into her pajamas. I can't look away now, she's got my attention, and she loves the attention. I don't know if its the champagne but somethings different about her. I like it.
I change take my shirt off and keep my sweats on. Laying in bed still watching Bree. She slowly approaches me wearing only her t-shirt and lace underwear.
"Has the champagne gotten to you Bree?" I laugh. She falls on top of me, "Who knows" she smirks. Bree's finger finds her way to my sweatpants and pulls down the edge. Suddenly Bree came out of her shell. Shes not the quite, uptight one anymore. Or at least not this night. "Bree what are you doing?" I laugh.
She shrugs, "Don't know maybe I'm in love."
I sit up a little, "I am too" I say grinning. We stare into each others eyes. We just get lost. Its hard not to imagine things. Shes so beautiful. Even though we should've waited; once you start theres no sense in stopping. We just become to lost in each other..

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