Chapter 36 Hope for a miracle

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I land the jet, scurrying to make it to Bree. The helicopter Bree is in already flew off. The hospital is only ten minutes away if you walk, so I do. I run to shorten time. Reese and Iris pass me. They're about to say something but I have no time to stop and chat about what could happen to Bree.. I'll find out for myself.

I reach the hospital in seven minutes. Panting, I run to the front desk. Flustered by the ignorant lady who runs the desk. She doesn't even give any interest in me. Shes to busy talking to this other guy she works with.
"Excuse me?" I clear my throat. She actually looked at me this time, "Hold on sir"
"No, I'm not" I roll my eyes, "My wife was just rushed here.. Her name is Bree Mellark, now please finish this conversation with that person!"
She huffs and types Bree's name into the computer, "Mell what?"
"Oh my god" I mumble, "Mel-lark, sound it out" I roll my eyes. She nods, "The doctors are taking her to the fertilely unit"
"Why?" I question lowering my eyebrow, "Why would she need to go there?"
"The doctors think its a miscarriage.." she replies. I sigh sadly, "Really?" I can't believe it. Trying to pretend she just didn't say that. "W-what room?"
"451" she replies. I nod and rush to the elevator shaft. Pushing the button continuously till the door opens.
The elevator shudders, and I do too. Thoughts flooding my mind.. All the excitement I found in being a dad, the wish for a son.
The elevator finally arrives at level 4. I run to find room number 51. Opening it up, hoping that what the doctors said will be mistaken. Bree laying down in bed, the doctors taking her pulse, her blood, stabbing needles into her skin. Its like a operation. As I approach Bree I can see the tears soaked into the pillow, as well as tears rolling down her face. She catches a glimpse of me, "Rye" she cries.
I kneel onto my knees right next to the bedside, "W-whats going on? What happened?" I stutter, trying to focus on Bree's wet face. "I couldn't move, it was awful" she sniffles, "Rye, I don't know whats happening! Rye, the baby" she sobs, "I-I can't loose it!"
My eyes water as waves of pain hit me, "You won't"
"How do you know? Rye they are sure its a miscarriage." she snivels, "Rye I can't loose the baby, I-I just can't! Rye!"
I nod, feeling her pain, "How could this happen" I mumble. Frustrated and furious at life, why!?!
Bree holds my face. Crying in anguish. From both the physical pain, and emotional pain. The doctors keep inspecting her, sticking her with needles, taking more blood tests..

An hour passes. Without no answers to all the business going around this bed. I sniffle as the tears dry up.. The head doctor pokes my shoulder, "Sir?"
I perk up, "Yeah?"
His hand gestures towards the door. I look into Bree's teary eyes, "Hold on"
She gives a nod to let me go. The doctor and I walk out the room. Anxious to hear the good/bad news.
"Its not a miscarriage. We don't know for sure, but we suspect that the baby won't make it-- the baby is very sick.. Although its hard to find out exactly. There are complications with the pregnancy, and a stillbirth may occur.. But we gave Bree some medicine to help her with mostly the pain.. We don't have any medication to help the baby.. Hopefully a miracle will happen."
My eyes fill with water, "Theres no good news?"
"I wish I could say yes, I'm afraid the good news might come, but not as of the moment" he replies.
"How long will we be able to find out?"
"If Bree has any more severe pain, for instance today, then that'll probably mean the baby died.. But if she has no side effects, there may be hope."
I nod, "Is that it?"
The doctor shakes his head, "Bree cannot attend work, at least for two months or if we find out any news till then.."
I wipe a tear from my eye, "Lets hope for a miracle"
The doctor smiles, "Yes" he walks away and lets me have some time with Bree. Fighting the tears I kiss Bree's cheek, "Pain?" I ask.
A tear escapes her eye, "A little.. Rye what happened? What did he say?"
"We'll wait and see, meanwhile you have to drop off work."
"What do you mean wait and see?"
"Hope for a miracle" I reply.

Next chapter coming tomorrow! :)

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