Chapter 11 Happy Birthday Peeta

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Katniss POV
Today was Peeta's 57th birthday. I invited Oliver and Willow, along with Rye, he told me that he would make it. Peeta was going to love Willows cake. In fact he didn't even know a thing about it. I had made Peeta something that took me a century to complete, but it looked fantastic, and on Peeta, it would look so much better. It was around lunch time. Peeta was grilling some chicken, even though I told him not to make anything since its his birthday. Willow was bringing over some sandwiches, and the cake of course. It was a beautiful sunset ombre. It went from a light yellow, to a dark, smoky, orange. It was in dedication to Peeta's favorite color of course. Inside was a chocolate flavored cake, and then in between was a white cream.
Peeta was still working on the chicken when a knock sounded from the door. I walked to open it--its Oliver and Willow. Oliver carries the huge cake for Willow. Peeta doesn't even know about the cake.
"Willow, Oliver, great to see you guys" I smile. Peeta continues cooking. He turns around right as Oliver sits the cake on the kitchen counter, "God, is that mine?" Peeta gasps. Willow laughs, "Happy birthday!"
"You made this Willow?" Peeta asks. Willow nods. Peeta and Willow hug. Oliver takes off his coat and hangs it on the hook.
"Wheres Gale?" I ask Oliver.
"He's under the weather but" Oliver takes out a box from Willows bag, "He gave Peeta something"
That was nice of Gale, "Tell Gale thanks" I set the box on table next to the other presents. Oliver and I stand there awkwardly waiting for Willow and Peeta to join us. I'm also secretly waiting for Rye to come.
"Wheres Rye?" Oliver whispers. I shrug, "Prob-"
Rye suddenly opens the door. But not just himself, another guest--a girl. Her hair is long and auburn. Her eyes almost draw you into them. That golden color. Her clothes look like they're from a designer, not just handmade like some of ours here. Everyone stares at her, even Peeta turns around from Willows conversation. Rye clears his throat, "Everyone meet Bree, shes m-my girlfriend"
I look from the side of my eye. No one seems to move to greet her, so I do. I shake her hand, "Hello Bree, I'm-"
"I know who you are Katniss, Rye tells me so much about you" she smiles. I show a smile, "Well welcome"
I step back and everyone crowds her asking questions. She's shorter than Rye, at least 5.4. Shes really shy, but kind. Peeta is the last one to walk and greet her, "Bree right?"
Bree nods, "Rye brags a lot about you" she reaches to shake Peeta's hand, "Oh and happy birthday!"
"Thanks Bree" Peeta smiles. Everyone actually gives her room to breathe. Rye walks to the kitchen I'm guessing to talk to Peeta.
Willow and Bree talk to each other. Rye and Oliver talk to each other. Peeta and talk with Bree. Her and Rye tell stories about how they met and how Rye is improving in the military.
It becomes interesting, and quite fascinating.
Soon after that Peeta takes out the sandwiches that Willow made, he also takes out the chicken that he prepared. I'm sure that if Bree is from the capital she hasn't had this "amazing" chicken. If this were compared to the capitals food, this would've passed for third class. But I enjoy whatever we have since I never had this when I was younger.
Since the six of us can't fit at the table, we sit on the couch chatting and enjoying our lunch. Willow did a great job on the sandwich. Its just like as if Peeta made it.
"So how long have you two been dating?" Peeta asks. Rye and Bree look at each other. Bree nods her head slightly.
"Four months." Rye replies.
Peeta nods, "Are you two expecting to-"
Ryes eyes get big, "Dad please!"
"No I mean will you get married?" Peeta asks. Rye shrugs, still embarrassed, "We were thinking if it continues to keep going we will" Bree replies, "But as of right now, no."
"She means its to soon" Rye interrupts. Bree rolls her eyes, "They know what I meant Rye-"
"Bree its fine" Rye clears his throat to end anything they would've started. It starts to get awkward, "I'll collect the plates" I say. Peeta stops my hand, "I'll do it Katniss"
"Peeta its your birthday, you should-"
"Nah its fine" he takes the plates and puts them in the sink, then he sits back on the couch. I give Willow the wink. She nods and we both walk to the kitchen to grab the cake. I take one side and she takes the other.
"Wow look at that cake!" Bree exclaims. Willow and I set it on the table. Everyone gathers around the table. We put fifty-seven candles on top. Peeta stands behind the cake, "Willow this is beautiful!"
"Thanks dad!" Willow smiles, "I thought I'd do your favorite colors"
Peeta nods, "Sunset"
Everyone sings happy birthday to Peeta, then we all watch closely for Peeta to blow the candles out. Peeta blows out three. "C'mon dad only fifty-four more!" Rye laughs.
Peeta blows as hard as he can to get them completely blown out. Everyone claps, then Peeta cuts the cake into even pieces, even though I told him I would cut it.
We sit on the couch again and chat. The cake is so moist and soft. It reminds me of how Peeta's cakes are. We all enjoy and savor it. After that we thank Willow and Peeta for the food. Bree absolutely loved it.
Everyone gets the presents they brought and hand them to Peeta. I save mine for last. Peeta opens Ryes first. Its shoes. Leather shoes. They're pure black.
"This leather is so soft" Peeta exclaims.
"Its the capitals best leather" Rye says, "I hope you wear size eight.."
"I do actually" Peeta says, "Thank you Rye. These are just what I needed!"
Rye smiles and hugs Peeta. Bree got Peeta a new rolling pin. It was just what he needed, and with that some new measurements. Next is Oliver's. Its of course its a canvas and more colored pencils for Peeta.
"Oliver I needed some more of these, thanks!" Peeta says. Oliver smiles, "Here is Gales."
Peeta takes Gales and opens it. Its a black fedora hat. Peeta holds it out for everyone to see, "This is great" Peeta says, "Tell Gale I really appreciate this!"
Oliver smiles, "I will. He spent forever trying to pick that out"
"Willow, are you going next?" I ask. She shakes her head, "You can go mom"
"But, you-"
"I know, just go, its fine" Willow says. I shrug and hand mine to Peeta. I made it from grizzly fur. For the bitter winter coming up. I figured that he needs a new coat anyway. Peeta gasps, "Katniss! Did you make this?"
"Of course Peeta" I reply smiling at his amazed face. He holds it up and runs his hands over it, "Katniss this must have taken forever to make!"
"It was nothing honey" I say. In reality that coat took at least a month to sow. I had to redo it every stitch anyway. But now that I look at it, I can imagine Peeta in it. "Wow, thank you honey!" Peeta says. I didn't expect him to be this happy Peeta kisses me, "That was beautiful! Thank you."
I nod, "Your welcome"
We wait for Willow to hand hers to Peeta. She doesn't.
"Willow, do you have one?" I ask. Willow looks into Oliver's eyes. He nods. She looks at everyone, "I didn't get you any presents.. But I have something better.. I'm pregnant!"
I can't even register what she just said. I have to blink multiple times to let what she just said process. "No way!!" Peeta exclaims. Willow laughs, "No I'm serious!"
Im still in shock, "Willow really?!"
She nods and squeezes my hand, "Are you guys happy?" Willow squeals.
"Of course Willow!" Peeta and I say, "Congratulations Oliver and Willow" Peeta says. Oliver smiles, "Thanks Peeta"
"What gender?" Bree asks.
"We don't know yet, but we will within the next months, I'm only two months now." Willow replies. Suddenly I feel so old. I'll be a grandmother. Wow. We continue to congratulate Willow and Oliver. Willows face is priceless. I've never seen her this happy.
The party gets close to the end. We say goodbye to Willow and Oliver. Then to Bree and Rye who have to catch a train to the capital in only an hour. Peeta and I keep the leftovers of cake and sandwiches.
This was a party Peeta and I will never forget.

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